Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20240507

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Agenda for 2024-05-07

Meeting Location

Meeting was Called to Order At: XXXXXXXXX

https://i3detroit.org/hangout and at i3Detroit

Hybrid Meeting Etiquette

  • Be excellent.
  • Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
  • Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
  • If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
  • If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
  • Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.
  • If you're in the space remember that having a single person speaking at a time is helpful for those attending online.


Experienced Members

  • n/a

New Members & Guests

  • n/a

Show and Tell

  • n/a

Old Business

  • n/a

Outstanding Action Items

New Business

Upcoming Events

  • DS: Meeting Minutes are now being transcribed. The transcripts will be published along-side meeting minutes.
  • LY: Two weekends ago we had a guest who expressed that it was promoted to him that it is "Open Shop Night' on Friday night during tours. Multiple members had to get involved to help this guest, and the guest even made members uncomfortable. Are members advertising to the public that i3 has 'open shop night'? Is anyone aware of this and responsible for hosting it? I think this needs to be a larger group decision. Is it the general consensus that we are willing to welcome the public to use the equipment? If so, who is the host?
  • Friendly reminder that if you host a guest; you need to make sure the guest leaves with you or is signed in by another member before you leave.

Upcoming Events


For more detailed information, please see our Google Calendar.



Tuesday, May 7
In Person / Virtual Member Meeting

Thursday, May 9
i3 Coding Dojo

Friday, May 10
Leather Lounge Fridays

In-Person Friday Night Tours!

Saturday, May 11
EMPUG Python Meetup (Classroom)

Sunday, May 12
Reminder to: Wish Yo Momma A Happy Mothers Day!

Semco - Board Meeting and General Meeting (Classroom)

Tuesday, May 14
Memberification & Treasurer Paperwork Party

Wednesday, May 15
Wiki Wine Wednesdays

Thursday, May 16
Beat and Greet - 1st Meeting of the i3 BDSM Club - (Classroom)

Halloween Decorations Workshop (Commons)

Friday, May 17
In-Person Friday Night Tours!

Saturday, May 18
i3 POTLOCK! (Q2)

Tuesday, May 21
[Virtual] Board Meeting

Thursday, May 23
Adobe Illustrator for Tool Paths - Commons

Friday, May 24
🔍i3 National Scavenger Hunt Day 🔎

In-Person Friday Night Tours!

Still Life Art 2024

Tuesday, May 28
Fourth Tuesday! i3 Social Hour! Come hang out!

Wednesday, May 29
Screw You

Thursday, May 30
Show and Tell - Bring what you've been working on at i3! (Commons)

Friday, May 31
In-Person Friday Night Tours!

Saturday, June 1
Parking ticket day!

Cutting Board 101 Class - Woodshop https://www.eventbrite.com/e/i3-detroit-cutting-board-101-tickets-899454742347?aff=oddtdtcreator

Sunday, June 2
 Cutting Board 101 Class - Woodshop

Tuesday, June 4
In Person / Virtual Member Meeting

Thursday, June 6
ART NIGHT @ i3 Detroit! (Commons)

Do you want to host a class or social event? VPAC would LOVE to help you!

Potlock on May 18th! What do you want to help get done?

Storage shit

Permits/ticket forms were updated to reflect the standing rules more clearly and with some process stuff we talked about on the list and a prior meeting

key changes:

  • Any member can relocate an item with an expired parking ticket to the graveyard but the parking ticket must remain attached to the item
  • only board or officer can throw out stuff when tickets have been there a week
  • when ticketing something, email the announce list *and* the member if you can figure it out
  • you cannot cosign your own permit
  • permits *must* have an expiration date

Zone updates

Automotive Zone

  • n/a

Bicycle Shop

  • n/a

Ceramics Zone

  • n/a


Hans C., Classroom Zone Coordinator Report
  • Classroom Wiki has been updated with the following:
  • Possible future improvements such as painting, acoustic tile, etc. Additional Planning work will be needed, and plan being developed. Please reach out to Hans for additional requests. This also includes Expansion impact with equipment leaving the classroom.
  • Clarified rule that Member & Board meetings have priority over other activities.
  • Reference: https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/Category:Classroom

CNC Zone

  • n/a

Commons Area

  • n/a

Craft Room

  • n/a

Electronics Lab

  • n/a

Fab Lab

  • n/a

Glass Zone

Glass zone is still dependent upon sewing zone moving out. Should be another month?

Tile Acquired- Decent amount of it is cracked/broken so we need to get a few more boxes- but it was free and we still will cover like 75% of the floor. We need a bit more 12 x 12 sheets of (CERAMIC) white tile and thinset for 175sqft!

Do you want to help with a mural? Plz.


  • n/a

Injection Molding

  • n/a

Jewelry Zone

  • We need to mount a vent for kiln.

Casting coming soon

Kitchen Zone

  • n/a

Laser Zone

  • n/a

Leather Loft

  • n/a

Machine Shop

  • n/a

Media Lab

  • n/a

Sewing Zone

  • n/a

Tool Crib

  • n/a

Vinyl Zone

  • n/a

Welding Zone

  • n/a


  • n/a

Wood Shop

  • n/a

Space Project Updates

Expansion report from Nick, Akeim or Lauren.

Discuss Craft, Sewing and E-lab.

E-lab walls being built at potlock on the 18th.

What color should we paint the commons wall? It's primed.

Electrical people! We NEED help! And HVAC/Gas line people. We also NEED help!!!

Paint zone has agreed to house the dishwasher (that may or may not work). That will move as soon as we make room for it.



  • n/a


  • n/a


  • n/a


  • n/a

Combat Robotics

  • We are looking for space to store the arena when not in use. It will collapse down into panels for easier storage


  • n/a



Broom Party!

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

No proposals.

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed:
  • Attendees:


  1. Chair
  2. Secretary

Previous Meeting Next Meeting
Meeting Minutes 20240402 Meeting Minutes 20240604