Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20240402
![]() | This is an agenda, the meeting minutes have not been put online yet. |
- 1 Agenda for 2024-04-02
- 1.1 Meeting Location
- 1.2 Introductions
- 1.3 Show and Tell
- 1.4 Old Business
- 1.5 New Business
- 1.6 Zone updates
- 1.6.1 Automotive Zone
- 1.6.2 Bicycle Shop
- 1.6.3 Ceramics Zone
- 1.6.4 Classroom
- 1.6.5 CNC Zone
- 1.6.6 Commons Area
- 1.6.7 Craft Room
- 1.6.8 Electronics Lab
- 1.6.9 Fab Lab
- 1.6.10 Glass Zone
- 1.6.11 Infrastructure
- 1.6.12 Injection Molding
- 1.6.13 Jewelry Zone
- 1.6.14 Kitchen Zone
- 1.6.15 Laser Zone
- 1.6.16 Leather Loft
- 1.6.17 Machine Shop
- 1.6.18 Media Lab
- 1.6.19 Sewing Zone
- 1.6.20 Tool Crib
- 1.6.21 Vinyl Zone
- 1.6.22 Welding Zone
- 1.6.23 Wiki
- 1.6.24 Wood Shop
- 1.7 Space Project Updates
- 1.8 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 2024-04-02
Meeting Location
Meeting was Called to Order At: XXXXXXXXX
https://i3detroit.org/hangout and at i3Detroit
Hybrid Meeting Etiquette
- Be excellent.
- Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
- Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
- If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
- If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
- Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.
- If you're in the space remember that having a single person speaking at a time is helpful for those attending online.
Experienced Members
- n/a
New Members & Guests
- n/a
Show and Tell
- n/a
Old Business
Past praise:
Osama's Cutting Board Class was awesome - Eventbrite works! Every class we've had on there has sold out!
Cleaning day was a HUGE success!
Outstanding Action Items
New Business
Upcoming Events
- Volunteers to host upcoming Friday tours?
- Up coming Events Calendar
Tuesday, April 2
In Person / Virtual Member Meeting
Friday, April 5 6:30pm
In-Person Friday Night Tours! 7:00pm
Tabletop Gaming Night
Saturday, April 6 6:30pm
E-Lab Construction Planning (Commons)
Tuesday, April 9 7:06pm
Memberification & Treasurer Paperwork Party
Thursday, April 11 7:00pm
i3 Coding Dojo
Friday, April 12 6:30pm
In-Person Friday Night Tours!
Saturday, April 13 1:00pm
EMPUG Python Meetup (Classroom) 2:00pm
i3's Evolution- Past, Present and Future (Commons)
Tuesday, April 16 7:30pm
[Virtual] Board Meeting
Thursday, April 18 7:00pm
Halloween Decorations Workshop (Classroom)
Friday, April 19 6:30pm
In-Person Friday Night Tours! 8:30pm
Behind the Scenes Tech Tour@ B. Nektar!
Monday, April 22 6:00pm
Earth Day - Parks Board Game + Expansion (Commons)
Tuesday, April 23 6:30pm
Fourth Tuesday! i3 Social Hour! Come hang out! Friday, April 26
Penguicon 2024 6:30pm
In-Person Friday Night Tours! 6:30pm
Still Life Art 2024
Saturday, April 27
Penguicon 2024
Sunday, April 28
Penguicon 2024
Tuesday, April 30 6:30pm
Happy Fifth Tuesday! Bring a fifth (of booze) and come hang out at i3!
Would appreciate more people filling the calendar with classes if you have something to teach!
Thoughts on First Fridays being show and tell day? Or like ted talk style talks combined?
Wants and needs for classes!
Board announcement
- Board is seeking volunteers for Vice President:
Coordinate Friday Night Tours Perform site survey & act as internal ambassador Fill in gaps with other officers Coordinate with President Update space project status at first Tuesday meeting
and safety committee. typically sets up fire extinguisher visit with Cintas. This committee/role could also be expanded to support more help on things. See wiki page for ideas https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/Safety
Zone updates
Automotive Zone
- n/a
Bicycle Shop
- n/a
Ceramics Zone
slowly updating wiki, cleaned zone, built wedging and hand building table, and hoping this is where I should put updates for meeting minutes. -Nick
- n/a
CNC Zone
- n/a
Commons Area
- Treehouse has a set of papasan chairs, however keep in mind the cushions as they are, can't be washed, and they're a natural cotton. (Washable) covers need to be made to keep the cushions welcoming and not gross.
Craft Room
- Kevin has moved the rest of the craft room stuff out of the old craft room, and it's now temporarily set up in the new area. However keep in mind it's still in active expansion mode, with painting and wiring and tool/desk setup still to come. Last Saturday, we got the cinderblock wall washed to prep for paint. It's going to get a fresh coat, floor to ceiling!
Electronics Lab
- New components: AMS1117 regulators in 5 common voltages are in the regulators section of the parts wall
- Spent some time cleaning during Potlock, curtains are laundered, shelves slightly improved
- Big thanks to David Henry for vacuuming and David Smith for doing the chairs and benches
- Also thanks to EVERYONE who uses the lab and tidies it up as they leave
- We're building a new e-lab! Planning meeting this coming Saturday (April 6), on the calendar.
- Meeting will be in-person and online, same format as member meetings, same link.
Fab Lab
- n/a
Glass Zone
Won a bid for ceramic tile need to redo the floor in Glass Zone! Do you have or know where we could get thinset donated?
Do you have any interest in helping paint a mural on the walls of glass zone? Do you want to design it? Looking for some help :)
- n/a
Injection Molding
- Machines were delivered but as Thad noted in the zone's channel on slack, he needs the area for the zone to be cleared of non-zone property.
Jewelry Zone
- n/a
Kitchen Zone
- n/a
Laser Zone
- n/a
Leather Loft
- n/a
Machine Shop
- n/a
Media Lab
- n/a
Sewing Zone
- There is still much to do to get the zone ready for use. Finish wiring, get/install ceiling tiles, install heat pump, finish drywall (after wiring) and prime. Painting the walls, installing lighting, floor, floor molding, wall fixtures. We have an embroidery station desk, not the L shape I planned but it's double sided! And it has a power lift!! Cutting tables need to be built, ironing station needs to be built. Lots of classes and workshops planned for the future but first we build!
Tool Crib
- The Proxxon dremel has walked away from its home... if you know where it may have wandered to, please help it get home!
Vinyl Zone
- kevin is going to order new vinyl stock. What do you use? What do you want to see? See Kevin Flory or put your wishlist in the Vinyl channel on slack.
Welding Zone
- n/a
- n/a
Wood Shop
- n/a
Space Project Updates
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
Combat Robotics
- We're building an arena! See Dave if you're interested in helping out or if you're interested in seeing cad
- n/a
For those running classes, consider filming parts or allowing some coverage of your class if you're comfortable. Help can be offered, plus editing can be done to make sure anyone NOT comfortable with it, is not on the final cut. Filming and photographs can also be taken with that in mind, attempt to avoid getting someone in the shot who doesn't want to be. I'd like to help capture some of our content and get it out where people can learn and see what we have here. Maybe we could grow our channel enough to get some small funds from it.
Broom Party!
Action Item Summary
No action items.
Proposal Summary
No proposals.
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed:
- Attendees:
- Chair
- Secretary
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