Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20240604

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Minutes for 06-04-2024

Meeting Location

Meeting was Called to Order At: 19:30 ish by Matt

https://i3detroit.org/meeting and at i3Detroit

Hybrid Meeting Etiquette

  • Be excellent.
  • Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
  • Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
  • If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
  • If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
  • Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.
  • If you're in the space remember that having a single person speaking at a time is helpful for those attending online.


Experienced Members

  • n/a

New Members & Guests

  • n/a

Show and Tell

  • n/a
  • meet Patrick Henry, a female Quaker parrot. She is 24 and celebrating her 24th "birdday".

Old Business

  • n/a

Outstanding Action Items

New Business

  • Just calling attention to an updated form for bringing property to i3 to donate. It's a process documented on the wiki, and expected of members and guests.
  • every member or guest who wants to donate items to i3 should be aware of the process outlined on the wiki. i3Detroit reserves the right to decline donations. Getting property accepted and documented protects i3 and the members donating equipment.
  • This is the process from the Standing Rules:
    • Definition: The property is brought to i3Detroit by a member or guest who wants i3Detroit to become the new owner of the property.
    • Process: Give the Board or the appropriate zone's coordinator a filled-out Donation Release and wait for approval. Media:EquipmentEntryForm.pdf
  • Referencing these pages: Donations, Standing_rules#Bringing_Property_to_i3Detroit

LY: Is anyone aware of who printed our last i3 T-shirts? We are in need of several new sizes. Would switching to an online storefront and have some offerings in stock in person for sale be ideal? Who's budget does this come from? Is approval needed? Please edumacate me!

What needs to happen for us to execute getting a new front door on A side? It sounds expensive because its a weird size commercial door. Do we want to do a fundraiser for it? Is anyone willing to take that task on?


Upcoming Events

For more detailed information, please see our Google Calendar.


Please note the following major change: Watercolor Art Night has changed dates from the 6th to June 7th at 6:30pm!

Tuesday, June 4 7:30pm

In Person / Virtual Member Meeting

Friday, June 7 6:30pm

ART NIGHT @ i3 Detroit! Watercolor! (Commons)


In-Person Friday Night Tours!


Tabletop Gaming Night

Saturday, June 8 9:00am

Breakfast club- Bring something to share


ELab Major Build Out Day!


EMPUG Python Meetup (Classroom)

Sunday, June 9 12:00pm

Semco - Board Meeting and General Meeting (Classroom)

Tuesday, June 11 7:06pm

Memberification & Treasurer Paperwork Party

Thursday, June 13th 6:38pm

National Sewing Machine "fix" it Day- Lets prep ours for move in! 

Friday, June 14 6:00pm

Leather Lounge Fridays


In-Person Friday Night Tours!

Sunday, June 16 All day

Wish yo Papa a Happy Fathers Day! 

Tuesday, June 18 7:30pm

Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 19 7:00pm

Wiki Wine Wednesdays

Thursday, June 20 7:00pm

Halloween Decorations Workshop (Classroom)

Friday, June 21 6:30pm

In-Person Friday Night Tours!

Saturday, June 23rd 6:30

BYOPizza Day for National Detroit (deep dish) Style Pizza Day

Tuesday, June 25 7:30pm

Fourth Tuesday! i3 Social Hour! Come hang out!

Wednesday, June 26th 7:00

How to turn on a TV

Friday, June 28 6:30pm

In-Person Friday Night Tours!


Still Life Art 2024

Saturday, June 29 2:00pm - 5:00pm

How to Crochet with Paul Lee (1 of 2 days)

Sunday, June 30 2:00pm -5:00pm

How to Crochet with Paul Lee (2 of 2 days)

Camera Updates

  • A number of zones have either moved, are in the process of moving, or are new. We should update the cameras to account for this.
  • Sewing Zone is new and didn't have physical space.
  • New Craft, eLab, Glass, Kitchen, Leather and Media locations

Tabled until next month as a note didn't go out to the mailing list.

Zone updates

Automotive Zone

  • n/a

Bicycle Shop

  • n/a

Ceramics Zone

  • n/a


  • Report by Hans C.
  • Classroom Remodel: Paint & Remodel - This was an amazing success! The classroom was painted & remodeled during PotLock and several days afterward. The new paint has created a much better learning and collaboration environment for i3's community. Thank you very much to everyone that contributed their time, energy, and effort, it's been greatly appreciated. Since the repaint, the first official class "Adobe Illustrator for Tool Paths" was held on Thursday, May 23 by Matt Arnold and the improvement was noticeable!
  • Classroom Remodel: Next Steps - The next item to be worked on is repainting the classroom's east door. Further improvements are possible and will be announced when ready.
  • Outstanding Issue 1: Air Conditioning - Since it's summertime, the classroom is much warmer. We hope that the Air Conditioning can be fixed for the convenience of all the Classroom users.
  • Outstanding Issue 2: Large Format Printer - It's currently being stored in the hallway until the new media lab is completed.
  • Questions / Concerns / Improvements: Please feel welcome to reach out to me directly or the #classroom channel on Slack.

CNC Zone

  • n/a

Commons Area

  • n/a

Craft Room

  • Electrical Wire has been purchased and is in the building!

Electronics Lab

  • n/a

Fab Lab

  • n/a

Glass Zone

  • Going to start cleaning the area and help preparing for sewing's 'Fix It Machine Day' on the 13th. Hoping to lay tile on the first week of July.


  • n/a

Injection Molding

  • n/a

Jewelry Zone

  • n/a

Kitchen Zone

  • Cleaning cabinets were reorganized and moved in order to give enclosed space to kitchen items until the kitchen zone is actually "built". We have a number of newish tools in the "tool drawer" outside of media zone, and knives were moved inside the cabinet in a knife block.

Laser Zone

  • n/a

Leather Loft

  • Will change the name from Leather Loft to Leather Zone, as it's no longer in the loft.
  • Working to add slat wall to the South by infrastructure and on the West wall. Wall mounted shelving is also going up on the West wall above a portion of the slat wall mostly above the workbench.

Machine Shop

  • n/a

Media Lab

  • n/a

Sewing Zone

  • Construction update: first coat of blue is on the wall, both coats of the accent wall are on. Fitting room is mudded. Slatwall is getting paint coats and will need a protective top coat (as it will be high traffic) before installation. After painting is done and while it's curing, we'll start work on hanging the lights. The ceiling tiles and framing should be ok to install after that.
  • In the meantime, the cutting table is available in the classroom, just check the calendar before bringing it down and settling in to work.
  • National Sewing Machine day is coming up and we can use that opportunity as a good reason to gather and get the zone's machines up and ready for use. Some of them are recent donations and need wiki pages, and manuals printed. And see if we can source the maintenance manuals.

Tool Crib

  • n/a

Vinyl Zone

  • n/a

Welding Zone

  • n/a


  • n/a

Wood Shop

  • n/a

Space Project Updates

  • Cleaning cabinets have been reorganized. A Side cleaning and paper goods cabinet is in the large bathroom, and B Side cleaning is spread over two shelving units in the spot between woodshop and kiln.
  • Kitchen/food paper goods like napkins are on the top shelf of the black cabinet in side A near the area that will be kitchen zone eventually.
  • Both sides have distribution of trash bags and paper towels, hand soap. But all TP and bathroom cleaner is in A, to be near the bathrooms.

Expansion Updates

  • E lab's next major construction day is this Saturday!

Before Saturday:

  • Electrical - Install conduit on ceiling for electrical run from ghostbusters
  • Infrastructure - Flip out the vents over new e-lab in the directions of the furnaces. They don't need to be hooked up to furnaces; but out of the room is ideal.

On Saturday: We welcome any hands available to learn how to and help with:

  1. Electrical - Romex
  2. Ceiling Joists
  3. Vapor Barrier
  4. Drywall - Exterior
  5. Insulation (Please bring a long sleeve shirt if you can help with this!)
  6. Drywall - Interior
  7. Mudding and Taping

Other tasks for after Saturday:

  1. Prime
  2. Paint
  3. Install unistrut and benches
  4. Drop ceiling
  5. Floor
  6. Trim
  7. Move in!



  • n/a


  • n/a


  • n/a


  • n/a

Combat Robotics

  • We're starting to build the arena! Plan is to get started this Saturday (June 8th), feel free to reach out if you are interested in helping
  • First event is tentatively scheduled for mid-September


  • n/a



Broom Party!

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

No proposals.

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 20:45 or something.
  • Attendees: 15


  1. Matt A
  2. David S
  3. Jan H
  4. David H
  5. Paul L
  6. Isiah B
  7. Nate B
  8. Dave H
  9. Richard W
  10. James O
  11. Hans C
  12. Janelle
  13. Lauren Y
  14. Frank A
  15. Lauren T

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Meeting Minutes 20240507 Meeting Minutes 20240702