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Showing 20 pages using this property.
* Actually install printer in space.   +
* Mechanical mounts for beaglebone to front panel * 1-2" vent ducting to main vent * Edit firmware to make prints take less time * Laser calibration to try fixing edge non-linearity * Replace hood * DC power switch   +
* Printer fell and has trouble calibrating, diagnosis unknown. * Replace hotend ([[User:Aurekana|Paul Frick]]) * Fix extruder thermal decoupling error * Spool holder?   +
* replace broken/damaged frame pieces (New parts are on the shelf next to the printerbot) * put all the parts back together and make sure it still works ==Fantasy WishList== * install Repetier Firmware * add a display and rotary encoder for standalone operation * build a Power Tower to hold PSU and spool   +
* Light bar: ** Needs to be connected to relay, then powered from the 24VDC machine power supply. ** Relay needs to be connected to Raspberry Pi I/O for the OctoPrint Environment plugin to control * Credentials for OctoPrint and Pi need to be put onto machine physically,. and/or shared with [[User:Agmlego|Amelia Meyer]] * MMU2S filament spools need a better holder. Maybe something like a retracting winder?   +
*Automated display of per-print cost. *Cooling fan design/build.   +
*Troubleshoot calibration issue, G29 command causes hang and code crash   +
*Bring in rack mount computer to run the machine. *Find a source for consumables. *Determine what the materials costs are. *Write up maintenance procedures. *Write up procedures for use.   +
None.  +
*Put a sign on the trailer that indicates usage rules. *Mount the spare tire to the tongue.   +
Why does plugging a serial to usb thing into the serial port cause it to turn off. That is sub optimal.  +
Center Tailstock  +
Need to have controller built  +
Controller needs fixing/replacement. Foof/Brian need a couple round tuits.  +
Essential stuff * Order pendant * Define authorization process and log-in procedures * Determine usage costs * Complete wiki page * Complete "Operation Checklist" Non-essential stuff * i3 Sign board on gantry  +
Replace machine.  +
Jan to develop training program Make training kit Make machine dust cover Signage for cover Develop user fee structure  +
I need to take more photos and post them along with a link or two to some sort of airbrush how-to. I've never used one myself, so until I've accessed that content and played around with the airbrush, this page will remain a stub.  +
Add a spring loaded hold down to the left (anvil) side  +