Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20231003

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Minutes for 10-03-2023

Meeting Location

Meeting was Called to Order At: 19:30P by MattA

https://i3detroit.org/hangout and at i3Detroit

Hybrid Meeting Etiquette

  • Be excellent.
  • Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
  • Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
  • If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
  • If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
  • Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.
  • If you're in the space remember that having a single person speaking at a time is helpful for those attending online.

Taking Attendance

Slack Attendance Thread

David Smith
Dan Williams
Matt Arnold
Eileen Martz
Paul L
Greg G
Nick McSherry
Bruce Webber
Richard Weeden
Jan Henry
David Henry
Nate B
Mara Furland
Brian (non-voting) [submitted phase 2 today after the meeting]
Lauren Yellen (non-voting) [submitted phase 2 today after the meeting]
Drew (non-voting)


Experienced Members


  • has been here 7 years. It seems like just yesterday
  • has been working on 3d printing and electronics lately


  • says he's qualifying for Medicare soon
  • has worked in just about every zone, especially laser and ceramics
  • joined i3 December 2010, going on 13 years
  • works on the laser a lot
  • mostly other people's projects
  • does laser training authorization
  • is pretty good with electronics and programming

New Members & Guests

Nick McSherry

  • has been in the space about a month
  • has been making rings out of wood and metal
  • thoroughly enjoying the experience

Daniel Williams

  • is new to the space
  • is still in phase 2
  • has not too many projects currently because he's in the apartment
  • is a Dev Engineer for McLaren on 8 mile

Eileen Martz

  • is visiting MattA
  • is interested in using the laser and making a leather sheath

Lauren Yellen

  • has a degree from UofM in blacksmithing and jewelry
  • lives locally

Florian Dutke

  • just completed phase 2
  • helped with sewing expansion and that was fun
  • enjoys small electronics projects
  • wants to learn machining and welding
  • was last here some years ago and it has gotten bigger and better since then
  • says everybody has been very nice and enjoyable
  • and wants to be the same for other people

Show and Tell


  • Doesn't have much of a woodshop
  • made a wine-holder
  • shows off the details of the wood piece and laser etching
  • he's been using the local maker space for his work


  • shows off his rings that he made out of aluminum on the lathe in machining zone
  • is planning on making them out of titanium and tungston
  • shows off the 'dungeons and dice bags' leather bag that he got from Karianne and Pirate
  • says it was $55 for the dice bag; it's very high quality


  • Shows off 3d printed items from the fab lab
  • Fruit fly trap
  • Solder wire holder
  • Glow in the dark 3d printed items
  • Ghost dog
  • Hook


  • shows off first Vinyl Prints
  • says no authorization is required for the vinyl printer
  • offers help for anyone interested

Old Business

Outstanding Action Items

New Business

Upcoming Events

MattA on Friday Tours

  • Friday Tour volunteers requested. DavidS volunteers.
  • Bring things to grill on Friday
  • Come ready to play games
  • We may set up movies soon

MattA on October 28th Halloween Party

  • it's is a lot of work and it's coming up
  • If we can spread that effort around it'd be awesome
  • It's always been a big event and getting it going strong again would be a great place to be


  • Is there a list of roles/needs?


  • see the event-planning channel on Slack
  • Alcohol, drinks, potluck, decorating

minutes didn't see who said this Birthday party on Sat, October 14

  • at lunch time through the evening


Sewing 101 class on Friday of this week @ 6:30

Sewing zone build 6P Wednsdays recurring

Sewing zone build potlock 1P-8P Saturdays recurring

Still life art session Friday @ 6:30 during tours on October 27

  • the day before halloween party

Rename suspension to probation

MattA brings the tabled proposal to the floor

Change the standing rules to replace "suspension" with "probation"

1. Replace every instance of "suspension" with "probation"

  • Section 2: For "A person whose membership is in suspension" replace it with "A person who is under probation"
  • Section 5: "When suspending a membership" with "When placing a member under probation"
  • Directly replace all other instances with attention to grammer.

We talked about this on the mailing list and there was a bunch of support, then last meeting there was some disagreement.

The term "suspension" leads many people to assume that it's a temporary ban(like how a suspended drivers license works), instead of a period of time where you must get someone (who knows why you lost your member rights temporarily) to watch you when you're in the space.
Moved by RogerS, Seconded by DavidS
Author: Mark & Mel
8 Ayes / 1 Nays
Result: passes

MattA offers the floor for discussion.

At least MattA, Mark, Mel, NickM, DavidS speak.

MarkF talks about the proposal before the members.

  • (per MarkF): There was the claim that "probation" implies no consequence, but if you look at all the definitions it's a period of testing or higher scrutiny, and we implement that by requiring you to have another member who knows what you did sponsor you. So either the consequence is you don't go in the space, or the consequence is you have to explain what you did to someone and convince them to watch you.
  • Probation is a better word than suspension.


  • speaks on the explicitness of the process.


  • asks maybe more options would be a good idea.


  • says this proposal is a syntactic change more than anything.

It is mentioned that this has been discussed at a previous Members and also Board meeting.


  • proposes somebody might make a motion to vote.

Motion to 'vote on the proposal' by RogerS Motion seconded by DavidS

8 in favor 1 against 2 abstain

Motion passes

(Secretary's note: The original motion to adopt this proposal was made by Mark and seconded by Mel on 2023-09-05 at the Members Meeting. The assigned mover RogerS and seconder DavidS in this context should be interpreted as a 'motion to call the question'.)

Zone updates

Automotive Zone

  • n/a

Bicycle Shop

  • n/a

Ceramics Zone

  • n/a


  • n/a

CNC Zone

  • n/a

Commons Area

  • n/a

Craft Room

  • n/a

Electronics Lab

  • n/a

Fab Lab

  • n/a

Glass Zone

  • n/a


Some talk about SSO which is cool. If we're really lucky we can containerize the CRM Soon™.

MarkF speaks on digital infrastructure updates that are ongoing

Injection Molding

  • n/a

Jewelry Zone

  • n/a

Kitchen Zone

  • n/a

Laser Zone

  • n/a

Leather Loft

  • n/a

Machine Shop

  • n/a

Media Lab

  • n/a

Sewing Zone

Jan on sewing fabric zone update

  • moving on to electrical
  • discusses with MarkF about the installation of the heatpumps for sewing and elab. Relatively similar build progress between the zones is not explicitly required, but we need to be able to be able to consider the designed installation of the heatpumps
  • sewing has walls up.
  • Craft can be started with fence walls.
  • Once craft is up, vinyl can move in, leather can move, that can be huge. Getting craft going will open up major moves.

Mel suggests a barn raising

PaulL suggests weekend before the Halloween party.

A suggestion of more potlocks has wide support in the members.

Richard asks about potlock. It is explained by members.

Tool Crib

  • n/a

Vinyl Zone

  • n/a

Welding Zone

  • n/a


  • n/a

Wood Shop

  • n/a

Space Project Updates

  • n/a



  • n/a


  • n/a


  • n/a


  • n/a

Combat Robotics

  • n/a


  • n/a


  • n/a

Open Floor


  • says attendance for this meeting was great!


  • recommends a nice setup in commons for meetings


  • has a question about i3 tech infrastructure and that it has been challenging to navigate the opportunity to help with digital i3 infrastructure (CRM dev)


  • mentions getting a test version of the database going


  • says test database would be super useful for the members


  • mentions Mark's suggestion to be official (co-ZC) on infrastructure for digital infra.


  • expresses understanding and that the "appropriate" amount of friction demanded is not zero, in order to maintain a process that is acceptable for both new members and existing members; balancing "ease of new member access" with the "attention tax to existing members"
  • Compute Zone used to be the i3 tech. Got folded into media lab. Maybe there should be a zone. Friction for new members is part of the history of the space.


  • says a lot of it has been in flux. Hard to document as things have been changing so much.

General vibe was "same team". It was productive conversation.

The conversation is well-received.


Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Change the standing rules to replace "suspension" with "probation"

1. Replace every instance of "suspension" with "probation"

  • Section 2: For "A person whose membership is in suspension" replace it with "A person who is under probation"
  • Section 5: "When suspending a membership" with "When placing a member under probation"
  • Directly replace all other instances with attention to grammer.

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 8:20PM
  • Attendees: 14 members


  1. Chair - Matt Arnold
  2. Secretary - David Henry

Previous Meeting Next Meeting
Meeting Minutes 20230905 Meeting Minutes 20231107