Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20201117
- 1 Minutes for 11-17-2020
- 1.1 Meeting Location
- 1.2 Introductions
- 1.3 Show and Tell
- 1.4 Old Business
- 1.5 New Business
- 1.6 Zone updates
- 1.6.1 Bicycle Shop
- 1.6.2 Classroom
- 1.6.3 CNC Zone
- 1.6.4 Commons Area
- 1.6.5 Craft Room
- 1.6.6 Electronics Lab
- 1.6.7 Fab Lab
- 1.6.8 Infrastructure
- 1.6.9 Injection Molding
- 1.6.10 Jewelry Zone
- 1.6.11 Kiln Zone
- 1.6.12 Laser Zone
- 1.6.13 Leather Loft
- 1.6.14 Machine Shop
- 1.6.15 Media Lab
- 1.6.16 Tool Crib
- 1.6.17 Vinyl Zone
- 1.6.18 Welding Zone
- 1.6.19 Wiki
- 1.6.20 Wood Shop
- 1.7 Space Project Updates
- 1.8 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Minutes for 11-17-2020
Meeting Location
Virtual Meeting was Called to Order At: 7:34 PM
Virtual Meeting Etiquette
- Be excellent.
- Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
- Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
- If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
- If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising you hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
- Please refrain from other side conversation, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of whats going on.
Introduction of i3Detroit
- Presented by a different volunteer each month - 2 minutes
- What we are: Glorios collection of people who enjoy making things
- What we value: Making.
- We determine success by: If we're happy with what we do.
- Welcome everyone!
Experienced Members
- A'Lisa - Sr VP and Chair. Makes many things (including friends)
- Jamie is not chairing the meeting. And is also the president. Occasionally makes things.
New Members & Guests
- Jeff - Joined a couple weeks ago. Has used the eLab. Day job is 3D printing in metal. Builds sports cars, modular synthesizers. 4th maker space in as many states in the last 5 years. Can't wait to see things back to normal at i3.
Show and Tell
- DIY LED Tube Fixture - Mike - I made a thing and, like, actually documented it with pictures and video and words: User:Mkfink/LED_tube_fixture
- Knit Hats - A'Lisa
- Pink, More Pink, and Purple - Different textures
- Rainbow
- Pom-poms in process.
Old Business
- n/a
Out Standing Action Items
New Business
Upcoming Events
- Up coming Events https://www.i3detroit.org/#upcoming
- Nov 18th - Virtual (Simulated) Tabletop Game Night
- Nov 27th - i3 Virtual Tour
- Nov 28th - Virtual Stitch n' Bitch
- Dec 1st - Fundraising Committee Meeting / Virtual First Tuesday Member Meeting
Covid Rules Update
Change Covid-19 General Operation Rules Section 2 from:
2. When remote use is not reasonable, i3 members and guests aged 10 and older may use the space, equipment, and tools for the following activities:
- Working on projects (per EO 176 Section 4: Manufacturing and 13: Sports and Exercise Facilities)
- In-person training & classes (per EO 176 Section 12: Public Accommodations and 13: Sports and Exercise Facilities).
- Social gatherings (per EO 176 Section 12: Public Accommodations).
- Tours of the space (per EO 176 Section 12: Public Accommodations).
- Whoever is hosting an event or class is responsible for making sure that social distancing and face covering practices are being followed during the event as well as during entry to the space and exit from the space.
- Normal guest policies still apply - Hosts of guests are responsible for making sure their guests understand and follow all applicable rules including this COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan.
2. When remote use is not reasonable, i3 members and guests aged 10 and older may use the space, equipment, and tools for the following activities:
- Working on projects (per Emergency Order under MCL 333.2253 – Gatherings and Face Mask Order)
- 1-on-1 trainings, including member onboarding activities. No group trainings or classes (per Emergency Order under MCL 333.2253 – Gatherings and Face Mask Order)
- Normal guest policies still apply - Hosts of guests are responsible for making sure their guests understand and follow all applicable rules including this COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan."
And Change Covid-19 Administrative Monitoring & Response Plan Section 8 from
8. These rules are consistent with executive orders 2020-175 & 2020-176
8. These rules are consistent with MIOSHA Emergency Rules as of 10/14/20 and MDHHS Epidemic Order: Emergency Order under MCL 333.2253 – Gatherings and Face Mask Order as of 11/18/20
New State Mandated Restrictions announced on 11/15 & cleanup of changeover from Executive Orders to MIOSHA & MDHHS Emergency Orders
Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Mel
12 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Updates are required to conform to recent updates.
Change Covid-19 General Operation Rules Section 5.2 from
5.2 Everyone must schedule their work time or event by using the work schedule, being mindful of the reduced occupancy limit. The schedule must be updated after the work/event is complete to reflect actual times that people were at the space (for contact tracing)."
5.2 Everyone must schedule their work time or event by using the work schedule, being mindful of the reduced occupancy limit. There must be a calendar event for each individual in the space. Number of events == number of people, no sharing or combining. This is to facilitate counting for occupancy compliance. The schedule must be updated after the work/event is complete to reflect actual times that people were at the space (for contact tracing). "
Board Request so that calendar entries are more standardized & tracking compliance is easier
Moved by Jamie, Seconded by William
9 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Although not required, listing what zones you plan to use is very helpful for sharing the space due to occupancy limits.
Zone updates
Bicycle Shop
- n/a
- n/a
CNC Zone
- n/a
Commons Area
- n/a
Craft Room
- n/a
Electronics Lab
- n/a
Fab Lab
- n/a
- n/a
Injection Molding
- n/a
Jewelry Zone
- n/a
Kiln Zone
- n/a
Laser Zone
- New laser cutter from Boss should be shipping very soon (was scheduled to ship yesterday, but there's a slight delay). Was hoping to spend Thanksgiving setting up the new machine, but we'll see how things play out.
- Training process for the new machine is still undecided, and will depend on how much carries over from the current machines. There will likely be two training paths, one if you're trained on Bumblebee/Wolverine and one if you're brand new. And I'm planning to take video of as much of the training as possible, so we can minimize the time spent in person.
Leather Loft
- n/a
Machine Shop
- n/a
Media Lab
- n/a
Tool Crib
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- n/a
Welding Zone
- n/a
Volunteers wanted to write pretty and interesting words!
- Improve About content
- descriptions of who we are and what we do
- Improve Contact
- This is a summary of the communication page intended for people outside i3.
- It is kinda bad but I don't know how to improve it.
There are many other pages that need help, these were just two pages Mtfurlan (talk) moved from the website that were particularly meh.
Draft wikipedia page started, needs *a lot* of help: wikipedia:User:Mtfurlan/sandbox/i3Detroit
Wood Shop
- New dust collector has arrived. We will be scheduling removal of old DC and install of new over next several weeks. This may take a few days during which time the usage of any tool requiring dust collection will be restricted (for obvious reasons). Schedule and downtime will be posted to Slack channel.
- As a reminder, keep safety in mind when using any tools. Think through your technique to safely accomplish the task. Ask questions on Slack channel if you have any questions.
- Thanks for keeping the woodshop and equipment clean.
Space Project Updates
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
Rules & Stuff Working Group
Getting closer to time to poll everyone on some topics and send out drafts.
The questions we want input on are:
- Should the number of board members be explicitly spelled out in the bylaws?
- Would we like to use electronic voting for binding decisions in the future (to this point they have only been used for board elections and referendums)
- Zones -> committees?
- Zones are run very much like a committees now, but with only chairs.
- Making the change would allow other to participate more.
Action Item Summary
No action items.
Proposal Summary
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
Change Covid-19 General Operation Rules Section 2 from:
2. When remote use is not reasonable, i3 members and guests aged 10 and older may use the space, equipment, and tools for the following activities:
to 2. When remote use is not reasonable, i3 members and guests aged 10 and older may use the space, equipment, and tools for the following activities:
And Change Covid-19 Administrative Monitoring & Response Plan Section 8 from 8. These rules are consistent with executive orders 2020-175 & 2020-176 to 8. These rules are consistent with MIOSHA Emergency Rules as of 10/14/20 and MDHHS Epidemic Order: Emergency Order under MCL 333.2253 – Gatherings and Face Mask Order as of 11/18/20 | Jamie | Mel | 12 | 0 | PASS |
Change Covid-19 General Operation Rules Section 5.2 from
5.2 Everyone must schedule their work time or event by using the work schedule, being mindful of the reduced occupancy limit. The schedule must be updated after the work/event is complete to reflect actual times that people were at the space (for contact tracing)." to 5.2 Everyone must schedule their work time or event by using the work schedule, being mindful of the reduced occupancy limit. There must be a calendar event for each individual in the space. Number of events == number of people, no sharing or combining. This is to facilitate counting for occupancy compliance. The schedule must be updated after the work/event is complete to reflect actual times that people were at the space (for contact tracing). " | Jamie | William | 9 | 0 | PASS |
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:30
- Attendees: 13
- David Henry
- William Kent
- A’Lisa Krawciw
- Jamie Burdeski
- Melissa Gilchrist
- Mike Fink
- Jan Henry
- Robert A. Burns
- Matt Carpenter
- Que Fanning
- Katlyn C Mehne
- Mara Furland
- Paul Lee
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