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Real Name Jody Raiford
E-mail Address
Facebook jodybrai
Steam jodybrai

Welding Area Coordinator
Treasurer: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
Board Member: 2017-2018, 2018-2019

Authorized to use:

Miller Dynasty 200

Certified Trainer on:

Trogdor (Kiln)
Miller Dynasty 200

Me and I3

I am currently one of the folks helping with the Treasurer role.

I coordinate the welding zone.

I help with events.

I teach classes on anything that I know well enough to do so, and sometimes stuff I don't.

I feel a duty to serve. I used to be on the Board of Directors. Several people tell me I did well on the board, even though I honestly am not sure exactly what the board does, beyond the platitudes of "making decisions" and "running the space". That's kinda bullshit, since we all make decisions, and the space is "run" by whoever is around most. But it does help cut down on analysis paralysis to have a designated decision maker or 7. So far, the system seems to be working out.

So long as nobody takes it too seriously.

I can teach you

  • How to Weld metal
  • How to use the glass kiln
  • How to Juggle 3 balls (Yes you can learn, and it's easier than you think)
  • How to be an I3 Detroit member (mentorship)
  • How to change your tire
  • How to teach a class
  • Other things!

Pages I've created



Other pages of interest

Feel free to add stuff to this page!

Ask questions, and I'm pretty sure to answer them.

Wiki Testing

Event Host

I have earned the Event Host MeritBadge