Notable Visitors
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The idea of this page is that people visit i3. LOTS of people! Often, those people would like to be remembered, or leave a kind word, or were newsworthy, or would like us to visit them back. This page is to save some kind of record of these visits. This is for history/posterity, for thank you's, and for invites.
Proposed format for entries (all fields optional)
- Visitor name
- Year, Month, Day
- Purpose of visit
- Activities, favorite zone, name of guide, notable interactions
- Message, thanks, invite, etc.
- Links
- Georgia Teachers Group
- 2023, September 29
- A group of teachers were in Detroit for a professional development opportunity, and dropped in to i3 for tours. Their group leader, Courtney Bryant, arranged for them to take a Resin workshop. Great success!
- {links to event pics}
- Courtney also helps run Decatur Makers and invites i3 members to visit if ever out that way! (contact first, lol)
- Red Green (more properly Steve Smith, the Canadian actor who plays the character Red Green)
- 2010, July
- Steve was invited to i3 in order to help celebrate the grand opening of the Ferndale space, and to witness the unveiling of an enormous fire-breathing animatronic version of the Red Green character made of 3M Duct Tape.
- (there's a longer video of the whole event, can't find it right now...)