Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20171003
[hide]Agenda for 10-03-2017
Chair: Charlie
Experienced Members
- Charlie, who is the president for the time being, likes to make electronics things
- Paul likes 3d printing and has recently gotten into cosplay
- Tony is the machine shop coordinator and recently made a kid. Yay!
New Members & Guests
- Bill has been running the HAM radio classes at i3 lately
Show and Tell
- Steve has made a couple jigs for the wood shop.
- First one is a tennoning jig for the table saw
- Second one is a mitre spline box for adding splines to your mitre joints. Look it up online if you want to know what it is or how to use it.
Old Business
- n/a
New Business
- Show and tell tomorrow possibly?
- i3 received some tickets from The Henry Ford for their Halloween event. They will be raffled off to members soon.
- Looking for people with ideas for/to run the remaining 3 community meetings on the third tuesdays of October, November, and December.
- Behind the scenes at Davison Sewing manufacturing plant, on Thursday October 12 from 5:30-8. See the #sewing channel in Slack
- i3 Halloween party is coming up on October 28. There will be a costume contest.
Bylaws Change
Jody can't make Tuesday meetings for the next 3 months. Alec points out that the current bylaws don't allow to change the date and time of board meetings and proposes altering the Bylaws to remedy this. It is proposed the following changes to Article 5, Sections 8 and 10 of the Bylaws. A 2/3 majority of both the directors and members must approve of this to be enacted. The board approved this on September 12, 2017.
Section 8. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of directors shall be held at a time and place decided by a resolution of the board of directors. Section 10. Notice of Meetings Unless otherwise provided by the articles of incorporation, these bylaws, or provisions of law, the following provisions shall govern the giving of notice for meetings of the board of directors: 1) Regular Meetings: Notice shall be given by the secretary of the corporation to each member following a resolution altering the schedule of regular meetings. Such notice may be by usual means. 2) Special Meetings: At least 7 days prior notice shall be given by the secretary of the corporation to each director of each special meeting of the board. Such notice may be oral or written, by electronic mail, by first class mail, by telephone, or by verbal communication. 3) Waiver of Notice: Whenever any notice of a meeting is required to be given to any director of this corporation under provisions of the articles of incorporation, these bylaws, or the law of this state, a waiver of notice in writing signed by the director, whether before or after the time of the meeting, shall be equivalent to the giving of such notice.
Make the above changes to Article 5 of the Bylaws
Moved by Alec, Seconded by Tony
25 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Make the above changes to Article 5 of the Bylaws
Moved by Alec, Seconded by Tony
25 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Zone updates
CNC Zone
- 3 new authorized users! They each completed individual training with Thad, that included about five (2) hour sessions over an 8 week period. Seemed to be a good alternative to a large class as they each got 10 hours of hands on time and completed the authorization tests no problem.
- If you want to learn to use the Haas it is best to have a project to do, as the learning will fall away quickly if not used soon after the training is finished.
Compute Zone
- Large format printer is working well.
- Everything else is status quo
Craft Room
- We had three cosplay sessions in September covering a range of beginner topics and progressing to some pattern info for sewing.
- There is another set of 40 embroidery thread colors in the sewing area.
- The sewing iron was knocked to the concrete in the common area and has been removed from service, and the responsible party is replacing it with same or similar model. Going forward, please use the sewing iron just in the craft/classroom area. Sooner than later, I hope to set something up that would stop a fall from happening, some type of harness that would allow you movement to iron but catch it if it were knocked over.
- If you're interested in a sewing split from craft room as part of craft/sewing expansion, attend the October board meeting.
Fab Lab
- 3D Printer - Rostock MAX is having issues
- Randomly crashes during prints; suspect mainboard or power supply
- If someone would be wiling to diagnose, I would greatly appreciate it
- The lasers (FSLaser and K40) need a champion to plumb them into shop air
- The Convection Oven needs to be mounted onto the wall between the breaker panel and the vertical vent tube
- Its own vent gets patched in after the AC unit's blast gate
- Door trim needs to be mounted on both sides of door frame
- Trim stock is behind south bunk couch
- New preferred filament supplier: MakeShaper
- Reasonable prices
- $8 flat shipping
- Some of the best filament I have printed with
- Samples in envelope and mini spools in lab
- 3D Printer - Hacker H2 is working!
- Currently lacks a heated bed
- Needs a power supply to make use of the heater we have
- IIRC, around 10-15A @ 12VDC
- All (3) filament printers share trainers and authorisation lists (and a manufacturer, and GCODE, and...)
- About 90% through implementing IoT on the lights and fans in the shop area. The main reasons are:
- The ability to control lights individually rather than in large groups has the possibility of saving us money on power
- If not saving money, then there have been numerous occasions that finer grained control between the commons area and the tool crib would have been nice, like when showing movies or having presentations.
- simplifies shutting down the space
- can inform usage of equipment or zones
- even if using breakers as light switches isn't explicitly against electrical code it is an extremely shitty and shortsighted way to abuse safety devices and frequently results in people turning off things they shouldn't despite "Leave On" being written right over the switch.
- if we ever expand to next door, there will be no need to run tons of conduit for light switches, it can all be done with software (and much like we have right now there's a less useful backup)
- Future expansions will include thermostats
- This already includes bringing back the glass door lock indicator that hasn't been functional since the classroom remoddeling
- Check the IoT page on the wiki for further information
Injection Molding
- Working with Jim Kemp on a mold for injection molding tank tracks for his Troy High School First Robotics Team community "low cost" programmable robot project. We built the first mold last year and this second mold will have slides to eliminate the post molded drilling of the axle holes.
- Will be offering a molding class later this month. Did three classes last year and had good attendance. Look for an announcement soon.
- The large molding machine is waiting for the automatic controls to be finished. The small molding machine is operational and was a big draw at the Maker Faire this summer.
Laser Zone
- Bumblebee is back up.
- The laser exhaust fan is now on the Internet of Things and can now be controlled by multiple wi-fi enabled switches placed by each laser. There is also a physical switch near Wolverine that serves as a backup.
Machine Shop
- There's been some talk about crowdfunding a replacement for our Bridgeport vertical mill.
- Tony is too busy to spearhead that, but if anyone else is interested please let him know.
Media Lab
- The good media zone computer is getting a lot of use. A lot of people have been using it for the Embird software.
- Please let the coordinator know if the computer is occupied when needed. Trying to determine if we need another good computer next year.
Wood Shop
- Jet Jointer, The jointer is out of commission, parts have been ordered, but it will be a couple of weeks
- New Planer, the member funding for the Planer is progressing slowly, there have only been a few commitments for the funding, Our old planer has been used by quite a few members, it is out of commission also. The new planer is a 15 inch with spiral carbide cutter. It will be quieter and cut better than the old. We need more funding, as there are many members who have used this tool in the past (enough to wear it out) we sure need some financial help. The total cost is 2650, but we are still about $1000 short. So please help.
i3 MotorSports
- Meetings are generally on Monday's at 7PM in the commons area to discuss plans to build a new car for the 2018 PPPRS season.
- We have a Sunday open sew time from 2-8 on October 8. Wednesday sewing nights are October 11 and 25. Parties are coming up! Got costumes? Come sew! Watch for additional times on the sewing slack channel and Facebook group.
- If you want to see behind the scenes at Davison Sewing manufacturing plant, join an event on Thursday October 12 from 5:30-8. They call it Drinks x Design: Manufacturing. It's a chance to mingle with Detroit's innovative designers. RSVP link is on the event post on the sewing slack channel.
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:02 pm
- Attendees: 18
Action Item Summary
No action items.
Proposal Summary
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
Make the above changes to Article 5 of the Bylaws | Alec | Tony | 25 | 0 | PASS |
- Charlie R
- Mike F
- Evan A
- Joseph B
- Alec B
- Matt C
- Lew D
- Mark F
- David H
- Jan H
- Andrew L
- Gary M
- Bill M
- Steve N
- Vivian S
- Dave S
- Tony S
- Carlos S
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