Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20160405
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[hide]- 1 Agenda for 04-05-2016
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bicycle Shop
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Commons Area
- 1.5.5 Compute Zone
- 1.5.6 Craft Room
- 1.5.7 Electronics Lab
- 1.5.8 Fab Lab
- 1.5.9 Graveyard
- 1.5.10 Infrastructure
- 1.5.11 Injection Molding
- 1.5.12 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.13 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.14 Laser Zone
- 1.5.15 Machine Shop
- 1.5.16 Media Lab
- 1.5.17 Sky Zone
- 1.5.18 Tool Crib
- 1.5.19 Tree House
- 1.5.20 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.21 Welding Zone
- 1.5.22 Wiki
- 1.5.23 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 04-05-2016
Chair: Mike Fink
Experienced Members
- Nate AKA Doctor Nick - membership, Elab, all the hats, Yoda, OLD, Ramblesome
- Scott - team lead of Detroit SAT
New Members & Guests
- Jeremiah - missed the last meeting, sent a million emails and likes to talk about it
- Jeff - electronics, welding
Show and Tell
- Swit - Built wine rack for 132 bottles, sturdy enough to probably climb it but won't.
- Version 2 - first version lost in the Great Flood
- This one is 2 feet off the ground!
- Danny - laser rifle from fallout
- Will make laser shooty noises
- Roger - felt tabletops that fit the commons tables perfectly. Good for gaming nights
- He just "felt" it would be a good idea
- International Academy - Shell Eco-Marathon Competition car that's being built at i3
Old Business
Outdoor sign
POC: Greg, Steve N, Augie E
- Steve N befriended a sign maker to make us a sign pro-bono
- Sign will be channeled-letter style
- Size: 40"x 48" per City Regulations
- Location: front side of building
- Board already approved budget for sign permit
2 Designs to vote on
- plain "i3" logo
- i3 with "DETROIT" underneath it
Straw Poll: Unanimous for Choice 1: Just the i3
New Business
- n/a
- Maker Faire Detroit 2016 Call for Makers is now open (Until June 1st). http://www.makerfairedetroit.com/call-for-makers/
- Interested in planning the tent? Contact Charlie@i3detroit.org and I'll add you to the list of interested people.
- Look for more details on the Mailing List
- Cranbrook Science Center is looking for content for their "Build after Dark" event. The event is April 14th starting at 7:00 pm. They would like for some of our members to:
- Show up and show off their cool things that they made or
- Host a booth to advertise how awesome we are.
- Interested? Contact Charlie@i3detroit.org and I'll set this up.
- Shell Eco Marathon Maker Alley
- April 23rd and 24th at COBO
- Looking for us to show up and lay out a table (Really a 10' x 20' booth. The same size as techshop.) of our cool projects and sit there and be friendly. Basically Makerfaire lite.
- Interested? Contact Charlie@i3detroit.org and I'll add you to the list of interested people.
- Hackaday Meetup/Hackathon
- Roger is heading this upand he expects lots of help from people who wanted to help but not lead!
- Date: April 23rd 12-6pm
- See slack channel for more discussion
- Stop leaving your crap out!
- Don't leave your stuff out on the table, label it and put it in large project storage
- Put tools away, don't take tools home with you
- Angry Roger is angry.
- Our Certificate of Occupancy says we can't have automobiles in the space due to fire Hazard
- If the Ferndale Fire Dept catches anyone doing this, i3 as an organiation will get fined and/or forced to move
- You're not just putting yourself/your membership at risk, you're jeopardizing the space, the organization, and everyone
Action Item: Mike - Stencil "No auto work" on the floor in the bay
Zone updates
Bicycle Shop
- Hosted a class last week
- Terry - Tile is half done. RL is keeping the schedule slipping, but that should end in 2 weeks. Then finish tile, then trim and ceiling.
CNC Zone
- n/a
Commons Area
- New sink is plumbed in, and mostly working! Use stairs to access
Compute Zone
- Intro to Flask class was held in March, in conjunction with EMPUG - successful use of the classroom!
- Nate B. will be borrowing the HP DesignJet 330 plotter for a few days and may be able to resolve an issue with it not printing color correctly.
- The Eastern Michigan Python User Group (EMPUG) will meet for the second time at i3Detroit on Saturday, 4/16, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. Jonathan Baginski will give a presentation on Home Automation.
Craft Room
- no updates
Electronics Lab
- Keysight giveaway didn't result in massive prize for Nate this year :-(
Fab Lab
- Lots of interesting prints happening in the last few days, so there's some new samples to look at
- Rostock is now functional again, but for real don't knock the bed against the table to remove parts. If that happens again, the printer is going home forever.
- White gluestick is not a good gluestick. Use the purple gluestick. All hail purple gluestock.
- Round of re-certifications coming soon, so you'll need to get re-traiend to stay authorized
- Better timer coming soon for Full Spectrum laser cutter
- n/a
- new sink installed, some remaining parts and leaks but mostly finished
Injection Molding
- Good turn out for March 31 class. 7 people.
- April 28 is scheduled for another class.
- Expect to have multiple mold try outs next week
- Work proceeding on a member mold project and design work continues on another.
- April should see a fair amount of molding happening.....if everything goes right.
Jewelry Zone
- Class for Michigan Silversmith's Guild (MSG) was a big success! Thanks to Terry for teaching and for Lew and others for helping out. Many participants indicated an interest in i3 membership. The MSG would like to schedule an Intro to 3D printing class in the next 2 months.
- For certification on the rolling mill, jewelry kiln and Foredom flex shaft please contact Tanya at Jewelry@i3Detroit.org. (LD)
Kiln Zone
- The newly organized kiln zone is well on its way to completion
- A big "Thank You!" to Mike Fink for driving all the way up and back from Evenheat (5 hrs.+) to pick up the new glass kiln.
- The new glass kiln is set up, but is waiting for a proper electrical connection
- The old "monster" glass kiln was given away (no one would buy it) to someone willing and able to repair and use it
- An Intro to Kiln Glass class and orientation to the new kiln is in the works
- The Kiln Zone is seeking someone interested in Ceramics to lead that part of the zone. If you are interested, please write a message to Kilnzone@i3Detroit.org
Laser Zone
- New tubes coming very soon - hopefully this Friday
- Bumblebee is getting cleaned and tuned up
- Other goodies should be coming soon (like user/total tube time tracker)
- Training Thursday (4/7) at 7:30 pm
Machine Shop
- Extensively cleaned machine shop (particularly the lathe)
- Lathe and Mill officially moved to an authorization system (email sent ~2 weeks ago regarding this). Brandon has personally trained several new people and provided the combination for them, and Terry held a re-certification class for those already trained to get the combination. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
- 3 new rubber tires have been ordered for the DoAll bandsaw.
- Progress has been slow for the past week and half as Brandon has been in Europe, but will pick up again soon.
Media Lab
- n/a
Sky Zone
- A recent inquiry came regarding suspending objects from the Sky Zone, absolutely, that is a good option, let's just keep a few things in mind.
1) this is not bennigans (apparently a place with lots of flair)
2) everything needs to be easily accessible in the name of infrastructure
3) please do not block the lighting, it is super effective!
4) everything on the ceiling needs to be easily moved and safely suspended.
5) Try not to block the Security Cameras. Their Field of Views are on their wiki page!
Tool Crib
- n/a
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- Working on Penguicon T-shirt production. Any help is appreciated (Potential free ticket to penguicon available!)
- If anyone is interested in volunteering at i3 Vinyl T-shirt booth at Penguicon Hacker Space room (317) at 12pm-1:50pm on 4/30/2016, please let Yajie know. If anyone wants to show off some small project probably can also be in there.
Welding Zone
- Grievances
- Someone eating beef jerky while TIG welding
- Leaving trash out
- Leaving equipment in worn down state without notification to anyone
- Ran out of argon without notifying the zone coordinator
- 26 Active Users last month
- Most Active User: Amelia Meyer
- Highlights
- Wiki Wine Workshops
- Last wiki night: decided we're going to make ToDos on the wiki better
- If you want to help with that or have strong opinions about what ToDos should be like, say something in #wiki on Slack
- Next wiki night: April 27th 7PM
- Last wiki night: decided we're going to make ToDos on the wiki better
Wood Shop
- ready to start Drum Sander training
- See Jet Drum Sander page on the wiki for training info
- It takes some playing around with to get the hang of it
- Greg has a dog in his throat.
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
AKA Outer Space Zone
Paul Frick, Matt Carpenter and Scott Scheraga have sucessfully gotten the 3D printed cubesat to rotate, next steps are to work on control software. We're currently working on our presentation for penguicon! See us at 10AM on Saturday!
i3 MotorSports
- The #3 Jeep is ready for travel, Matt is working on coordinating the travel plans with Jeremy.
- #3 Jeep will have more fun this summer than Matt
- Michigan QSO Party is April 16th, from 12p to 12a.
- Object is to contact as many Michigan counties as you can.
- Some members of the L'Anse Creuse ARC will be setting up at Metamora-Hadley county park in Lapeer county (about an hour north from i3Detroit)
- Visitors are always welcome, feel free to stop by to observe, or even to help operate for a while.
- n/a
- Setting up a couple events for the next month or two: Project Runway viewing, Spoonflower class, sewing meetup/night
- n/a
Curling Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:25pm
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 24
Action Items
Action Item | POC |
Stencil "No auto work" on the floor in the bay | Mike |
No proposals.