Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20140204
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Meeting Minutes 20140121 | Meeting Minutes 20140218 |
Chair Justin Triplett
Action Item Review
- Justin T. - Make a financial and a membership report by the 3rd Tue meeting
- Pending CRM clean up
- Mark - likes working with metal, wood, leather. Heard about i3 at Rockler Woodworking
- Also Mark - wood working, knows Steve Brook
- Nick - came to check it out
- Justin T. - he's CEO, and does computer stuff
- Matt H. - one of the many Matts, works on power racing series, used to run Fab Lab, organizes monthly ham radio meet ups
- Maddy - She's cool
February Online Metrics
Matt O to present online metrics update for January.
- Visitors went up 5% in January 2014 vs. December 2013
- Visitors went down 10% this January vs. last January
- October 2013 was a very good month for visits
- Is there a correlation to posts?
- Almost no correlation between number of online posts and online visitors
- Fresh content might not be the driving force that gets us visitors
- Total reach decreased by 23% since last month, post reach decreased by 1.5%
- 9am to 8pm are peak Facebooking time, ideal for posts
- That's basically when people are awake, so don't worry about what time you should make posts
- An XKCD post did better than most of our other Facebook posts, kind of disappointing
- Is there a correlation between posts on Facebook and visitors to the i3 website?
- Goals by Sept. 1st 2014:
- 7992 visitors to i3detroit.org - 2002 visitors in Jan. 2014
- 796 Facebook average total reach - 312 in Jan 2014
- Blog
- 7 members have made more than 10 posts
- 34 have made one post
- More members should be actively posting on the blog
New Business
Livonia Ham Swap
- Matt H.
- Needs a coordinator
- Sunday February 16th
- Matt H. will not be able to be there
- Some interest from Justin T., Mark L., Rob L.
- Forms need to be in by the end of the week (Feb. 8th)
- Fee for the table is $20 at the door, $16 by the 8th
- People need to buy their own tickets for $5
New Membership Sign-up Process
- Maxwell
- Starting at 6:30pm now on meeting nights
- Intro tour before the meetings
- Max will input info and fill most of the paper during the meetings
- Finishing sign-up process after the meeting and giving the new members the shutdown procedure tour
Knot Tying Class
- Feb. 6th 7:30 to 8:30pm
- On Eventbrite, and calendar
- 6 seats still available
Budget Drone Report
- Budget Process in Place. Instructions available.
- Anyone who is a warden, or anyone who needs a reimbursement email budget@i3detroit.com
- All questions go to budget@i3detroit.com
- Budget reports will be made for the board meetings
User Storage Plot Cleanup Report
- Storage Structure #1 Side B so far.
- Look for signage in near future.
- Clean out your stuff if in unassigned plots.
- Creating a storage structure naming/numbering scheme so that we can more clearly talk about specific units
- Clearing out vacant spaces with stuff in them and checking empty spaces with names attached to them
Large Project Area
- Interim projects needing a Board-approved Parking Permit should be stored in the Large Project Area or LPA (as different from Coordinator Approved Parking Permits, which allow parking in the Coordinator's Zone). We call for one in the Standing Rules, but we don't have a clearly marked area. This results in projects left in zones, aisles and common areas.
- Can we decide on a location and mark the LPA on the floor with tape?
- This will allow us to see if we have a large enough allocation of space for LPA.
- LPA used to be by welding zone with boxes taped out
- Can we still do that in the welding zone?
- Getting access to the welding zone has been a problem due to LPA before
CRM Clean-Up Update?
- We've made good progress with the few folks who've reached out.
- Fixing key problems, finding orphaned payments, etc.
- But only about 5% of members have gotten in touch. So everything else is fine, right?
- We'll find out when we turn on OAC and only dues-current keys keep working...
- If you haven't checked your accounts yet, please do that or see Nate B. about it.
Keypad and CRM Upgrade
- CRM module for open shield is sorely needed for the new keypad
- ? We can put in the keypad right now, but it won't do anything better than the current one
- If someone knows PHP and wants to champion this, do so!
The Scouts
- They are coming soon, after Feb 14th.
- Not a closed event, people are welcome to stop by
Zone updates
Tool Crib
- New fasteners thanks Greg S.
Fab Lab
- Andrew has been gone lately, but back now
- Look for classes in the near future
- There is a 3D printing class tonight. Three spots open right now!
E Lab
- Exception to workbench policy: The benches must be completely clear when you leave *except for the microscope*.
- Did everyone see the awesome new microscope? It's awesome. Andrew is awesome too. So is his dad.
- The microscope is on loan, please be gentle, and ask if something seems weird.
Kiln Zone
- Both Kiln 100% UP time in January.
- We now have clay and glazes in Kiln Stores. Use and place money in cash box.
- w00t
- Next two months will include reorganization and building new storage capacity.
- Tentative plans to add Display Case.
- We will also have a 220V outlet at the kiln zone gate entrance, shareable with Vacuuform.
- For safety, easier access to unplug in case of a fire in the kiln
- No Classes planned for February
- Need ceramics guinea pigs.
- We have a guinea pig mold???
Snack Zone
- All requests have been fulfilled.
- We have a new filtered water pitcher in the white refridgerator door.
- We have a new area for microwavable soups and meals. Top shelf, wall cabinets above an to left of Keurig Coffee machine.
Wood Shop
- Many projects left on work tables as glue dries, most glues only need 45 min clamp time "read the Labels"
- Do not leave projects on the work tables!
- Titebond is the best glue for most wood projects
- Put small glue-ups and things on shelf unit on west wall
- Note signage for wood shop tools and fixtures
- Please leave name, phone number/email, and date on your project if you leave it behind
- Marquetry class went great, 3 of 4 people came, went well
CNC Zone
- Training to be an operator
- Beginning of manual is in print
- Learn to read, write, debug G-Code and make a small project
- Brian not available until after Feb 16th to train
- Jim Kemp is possibly available sooner
- Consult discussions on mailing list
Action Items
- Justin T. - Make a financial and a membership report by the 3rd Tue meeting
- Terry W, Jody R. - Kiln and Welding Zone Coordinators figure out feasibility of large project area