Nbezanson | |
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Real Name | Nate Bezanson |
E-mail Address | user-part "myself"URIs of the form "user-part "myself"" are not allowed., domain-part ""URIs of the form "domain-part """ are not allowed. |
IRC Handle | myself |
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Electronics Lab Coordinator | |
Vice-President: 2011-2012 Vice-President of Onboarding: 2015-2016 Vice-President of Member Retention: 2015-2016 Board Member: 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 | |
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Authorized to use: |
Husqvarna Designer SE |
Certified Trainer on: |
Car uppy go downy |
Introduction / Bio
Hi! Name's Nathaniel Bezanson. Nate is fine, unless there's another Nate around.
- email me: username "myself" at domain ""
- or by phone: NPA 248, NXX 379, suffix 3614.
- Balloon
- Spot-welder for battery-tab welding
My work schedule is somewhat random. I'll be in town for months, then traveling for weeks or months. So, you might not see me around the space for a while, and then I'll be there every day, and then I'll be scarce again. Some of our other members work for the same company...
Professional background:
- Vehicle electronics, sensors, systems, particularly GPS/GNSS.
- Connectors, connectors, connectors.
- 2D and CNC routers, 3D CAD and CNC mills and 3D printers
- Electronic design and troubleshooting.
- DC power, whether that's +12V in cars or -48V in telco.
- In the distant past: PoS systems, barcode scanners, stuff like that.
- Even more distant: Cellular tower and MTSO equipment, provisioning.
- Prehistoric: Wireline/fiber transport networks, PDH/SONET, BITS sync.
Hobby background:
- Electronics tinkering since I could hold a screwdriver
- Have built a few barely-eye-safe LED flashlights
- Know a bit about a lot: Cars, audio, rocketry, batteries.
- Licensed as a ham, but I never get on the air under Part 97.
- Part-15 though, now that's fun. Ask me about Ricochet.
- Am apparently a fairly accomplished solderer. Love to teach.
I own the Genie and most of the Acer 1440G Lathe. And lots of stuff in the Electronics Room.
I should document more. RecentChangesScraper ran on my desktop at home because mediawiki lacks the function internally. (Now we have #wiki-changes on Slack!)
Some of my wall-of-text posts explaining various aspects of the space: The twitterbot:
Roadside toolkit
This is my scratchpad for tools and links that should be in the toolkit prepared for the Roadside Skills class.
- Tire pressure gauge
- Small compressor
- Tire patch kit (reamer, inserter, worms, rubber cement)
- Small locking pliers
- Needle-nose pliers
- Headlamp and batteries
- Gloves
- Fuse tester or multimeter
- Spare fuses
- Jumper cables
Edu talk
This is my scratchpad for topics to present at the Roeper coffee-talk on January 17th, 2013.
- We're hard-wired to hack and make
- Not doing so is a form of poverty / deprivation
- What makes us uniquely human
- We maintain deep and long-lasting social and romantic relationships / lonely/outcast / we put them in therapy.
- We use complex language to express abstract thoughts / illiterate / we have remedial programs.
- (and we enjoy doing these things, it makes us feel complete as humans)
- Stereo vision and opposable thumbs: Modify our environment (3D) / ____ we don't have a term for this. But I feel just as bad for their emptiness. / we put them in charge.
- What makes us uniquely human
- Minecraft as an outlet for kids who don't have 200 lbs of Lego
- Okay, so come do the real thing.
- Literacy: Books were expensive, so libraries were the community solution.
- Cost of publishing has dropped to nearly-zero
- So what's the next frontier?
- Hackerspaces, makerspaces, and schools
- How to approach this? "Everyone human likes to move, so we came up with yoga, dance and sport to make movement more engaging and expanding. So too with woodworking and Sloyd."
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