Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20140218
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Chair Justin Triplett
Action Item Review
- Justin T. - Make a financial and a membership report
- Terry W, Jody R. - Kiln and Welding Zone Coordinators figure out feasibility of large project area
- defer to First Tuesday in March Meeting.
- Brian and Mark - thinks i3 is cool, likes operating systems
- Mark M. - Local, works for a used robot refurbishing company, found i3 through Jim Kemp
- Joseph B. - Going to Wayne State. Found i3 through a friend at AHA.
- Brian M. - His company donated the Haas, he's been to i3 before.
Show and Tell
3D Milling on the Haas
- G-Code made using Aspire (sp?) CAM software
- A few bugs in the software made a defect, but it's mostly pretty awesome
- It looks kind of like the bird symbol thing from Hunger Games
Miniature 3D Printed Flame
- Made out of PET plastic, same as what is used to make water bottles
- Fits on top of an LED
Matt S's Robot
- New and improved
- Now has USB WiFi and a USB hub
- Has a web cam on the robot
- Blue and red glowey lights.
- Code is on GitHub
- Mocked up in SketchUp
- Cut on the laser
- SketchUp to laser cutter class coming soon
Homemade ARM-based Sandbox
- Gyro
- Pressure sensor
- Bluetooth
- Lots of things
New Business
Fireworks order/delivery
- http://store.wfboom.com/index.php?p=catalog&parent=1&pg=1
- Scott Elliott is running a group buy, which needs to be placed by the end of February.
- 40% discount on the order which is already significantly cheaper than local prices.
- If you do not want a full case of product, split cases are available if others also want to split--there are already some splits available
- Shipping costs typically $10/case, split across the order based on individual totals
- Delivery in mid-June.
- Order will likely be on a pallet or two, Scott would like to request i3's assistance (or, rather, i3's loading dock) for delivery
- Pallet(s) would be around for a few days to a week as the orders are split up.
- Scott will be unable to join as a member before the order.
- Wants to know if we can accept a delivery.
- Delivery to here is ok, but we can't distribute it out to different people because of fire codes - Greg S.
- Our building is not rated for storing fireworks - Against national fire code - Devon T.
- We want the recipient to be present when the delivery arrives
- Discussion moving to email list
BitTorrent Sync class
- Friday 7pm - 8pm
- Informational class on using BitTorrent Sync
- Seems to be a lot of confusion about how to use it, trying to clear up
- This will be used to store i3 documents
- It's a well
Troop 188 Visit, Feb. 24th
- Monday Feb 24th at 6:30pm to 9:00 pm
- Bumblebee, Rostock Max will be occupied for a significant portion of that time
Ferndale Public Library Talk
Matt O.
- Matt is doing a presentation on hacker spaces and i3
- Seeking cool stories from members to add to his presentation
- "'These are people whose lives have been positively affected by i3.' That would be nice"
- Seeking projects from members that he can talk about
- Audience will be mostly local artists
Documenting projects
- Sharing projects on the wiki? Use the Twitter Bot as an example
- Matt A.
- PenguiCamp.com
- Write Python web development to help run Penguicon
- March 1nd and 2nd
Astronomy Show and Swap
- March 15th
- 6 Mile and Miraman, in Livonia
- Dayton, OH
- May 17th Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- There will be carpools - Nate B.
- I3 bus charter???
How to Contact People
- If you find a missed delivery slip at i3, try one of these
- Look up the person by looking them on the CRM
- Pass the slip to an officer and ask for their help
- Put the pass on the inside of the door
Zone updates
CNC Zone
- T-Slot pallet is complete and ready for use.
- Open CNC night is this Thursday
Fab Lab
- 3D printer class tonight, already full. ;-P
- It's over booked 6/4
- Another will be coming it in the next few weeks
- Training is not required, but Andrew requests that someone who knows how to use it is present when you start
Kiln Zone
- All systems UP 100% in Jan.
- New glass storage.
- New storage shelf.
- March Glass Casting Class.
- Ceramics Material In House.
- Glass Grinder has a new grinder wheel
Wood Shop
- Contribution boxes done for tool crib!
- Contributions for material used
- If you use screws or a piece of 2" x 4" make sure to contribute to the zone funds to help keep us stocked
Craft Zone
- Husqvarna is ready for lessons!
- Stop by on Thursday or Sunday for lessons
- It's on the calendar
Action Items
- Justin T. - Make a financial and a membership report on 3rd Tuesday Meeting
- Terry W, Jody R. - Kiln and Welding Zone Coordinators figure out feasibility of large project area
Meeting Completed at 8:14PM, 28 in attendance