Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20140121
Chair Justin Triplett
Action Item Review
- Justin T. - Make a financial and a membership report by the 3rd Tue meeting
- Meetings happened to figure this out, but no numbers yet.
- We have approximately 120 members
Nate B. - Work with Jody to fix welding things- Brian W. - Talk with other owners of Bridgeport to find new ways find a new owner for it
- Possibly Matt Arnold's uncle would be interested in purchasing the CNC
- His uncle will contact Jim Kemp about the Bridgeport
- Alex W. - Organize a discussion on the possibility of a new i3 sign to replace/upgrade the banner
- Marie and Alex showed up to a meeting
- Looking at Plasma cutting some metal with a powder coat
- Possible lighting
- Alex will check with the landlord and the city to have it approved
- Alan M. - Interested in joining. Technical illustrator for Ford
- Kelly - Just visiting. Leather worker, enjoys laser cutter
- John - Likes mechanical projects, works as a Mechanical
- Robert - Interested in laser cutter and CNC Machine
- Max G-A - Membership coordinator, Tree Zone warden
- Vince - Makes recording equipment, working on some microphones carved out of exotic wood
- Neil - A member for 2 years, plans to be back more frequently, into linux, laser cutter
- Jody - Runs welding zone, and it will be getting more awesome soon
Show and Tell
- Porcelain made in the new ceramics kiln. It's a blue vase with a white relief design
- Talk about slip casting!
- Ceramics Kiln goes up to 2370 F
- Wood Marquetry with laser cut veneers
- Promotion for the upcoming Marquetry class
- Occulus Rift
- Virtual Reality? No Tele-reality goggles
Hangouts Microphone
- It's not loud enough
CRM and Google Groups Emails
- Users have different emails or they are on the CRM but not on the Google Groups
- Nate B. will be sending out an email to help people correct this
- Ideally people will use the same email for both systems
Zone updates
Craft Room
- Husqvarna is not working so well
- Terry offered to take it in to help figure it out or have it repaired
- Repair or service may cost $100
E Lab
- Snarkfest.
- We got some samples of displays from a give-away!
Kiln Zone
- Ceramic and Glass Kiln operational.
- Member list request for direction in classes.
- Thinking about getting glazes and clay
- People interested should get together to come to a consensus on what colors would be most interesting
Metal Shop
- Overhead storage for Members in Metal Shop
- Thanks for cleaning that stuff out Steve B
Tool Crib
- Greg Smith will make a money box for the Tool Crib
Snack Zone
- All requests have been filled.
- We have a new section of Microwave Meals in the wall cabinet to the left of the Keurig. Instructions on the door.
Please PostIt or email all new requests.
- Could we have a water purifier? Justing will talk with Terry later.
Welding Zone
- Status of the P&H TIG...
- A new TIG that with pretty advanced capability is coming here
- Thanks to Jim Kemp for acquiring it
- The old TIG welder is on it's last legs
- Jody is looking for anyone interested in trying to fix the old TIG welder
- Fix it for use or fix it to sell, or don't fix and sell
- Nate B. and Evan A. will help.
- Pegboard!
- Metal Zone donated some nice metal pegboard
- Can we get more of it? Does anyone have some?
Wood Shop
- New router is here, in table in the back
- Somewhat different that others, adjusts from the top
- 10 minute tour after the meeting
Proposal to Revise Standing Rules
I would like to request a general member vote on the following proposed change to the standing rules. The reasons for the proposed changes were described in detail in a post to the member's mailing list on January 15.
That the current Section 8 entitled "Revocation", be replaced with a new Section 8 entitled "Suspension", as follows: Section 8. Suspension "Suspension" refers to suspension of a person's membership. A person whose membership is in suspension does not pay dues and shall have no members-only rights or privileges. Grounds for suspension: The member refuses to behave safely or repeatedly fails to store property safely The member repeatedly fails to clean up after themselves or their guests or abandons property more than twice in a 30 day period The member is a disruption about whom multiple members have complained The member shares access credentials with a non-member beyond the limits described in 7.2 The member has engaged in other conduct which is, in the judgement of the Board of Directors, materially and seriously harmful to the interests or purposes of i3 Detroit A suspension shall be decided by majority vote of the Board of Directors and shall follow all applicable procedures in Article 3, Section 10: Termination of Membership, in the Bylaws. When suspending a membership, the Board of Directors shall specify one or more conditions under which the suspension will be lifted, such as after a certain duration or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. A person whose suspension has been lifted is welcome to resume membership.
The proposal passed by majority. Many in favor, none opposed.
- Changes include
- Renaming "Revocation" as "Suspension"
- Makes direct reference to the part of the Bylaws that pertain to revocation
- Changes unanimous vote to majority vote
- Current approach for discipline is either a scolding, or on the other extreme, the "nuclear option" of banning
- "Suspension" conveys the temporary nature of the action
- Naming carefully selected by reference to several dictionary sources
- Revocation has never happened before
- Current policy has not done anything yet, but prolong matters and frustrate the board
- Allowed destructive behavior to continue while the board was helpless to do anything about it
- Banning has happened with the same unanimous requirement, but it is a more extreme punishment
Review of Budget Process Status
Brief summary of status of Budget Process and projected time line.
- New email budget@i3detroit.com
- Terry will make instructions about standard ways to carry out budget requests
- Terry will be accepting and verifying all budget requests, and reporting them to the treasurer
Action Items
- Justin T. - Make a financial and a membership report by the 3rd Tue meeting
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