Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20220719

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Minutes for 07-19-2022

Meeting Location

Meeting was Called to Order At: 19:40 by Jamie


Virtual Meeting Etiquette

  • Be excellent.
  • Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
  • Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
  • If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
  • If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
  • Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.

Officer Reports

Treasurer & Budget

Treasurer's report: https://www.i3detroit.org/something

Bank balance $
Emergency Fund ($)
Allocated to Zones/SIGs/etc. ($)
Allocated to Expansion (MEDC) ($)
Net $
  • Treasurer's report will be updated later.


  • Board nominations are open and in process.
  • Current Board members and terms:
    • 1st year of 2 year term: Mara Furland, Mike Fink, Rick Cortright, Jamie Burdeski
    • 2nd year of 2 year term: Evan Allen, Jan Henry, Matt Carpenter


  • COVID Numbers are increasing, but masks are still optional.

Senior Vice President

  • No update

VP of Activities & Classes

  • No update
  • Some discussion on if we could charge more for classes that just the cost of materials.
  • Would like to simplify rules as this would be done to help raise funds for i3.

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • Formation of membership committee to oversee the tasks formerly handled by VPoM.
  • Should this part of the meeting template be replaced with a committee report?
    • Minutes of meetings should be recorded.

Member Advocate

  • No update provided.

Committee Reports

Fundraising Committee

Safety & Compliance Committee

  • No update.
    • Reports only expected in July. - It is July
    • It would be helpful if someone can handle the fire and safety certification. Jeff Burdick will handle this.

Moderation Committee

Old Business

Camera Review Review

  • On 2022-06-28 we reviewed b side doors between 2022-06-23 and 2022-06-26 for who left a possibly dangerous mess.

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

  • Board/Advocate channel
    • There was an update in the advocate channel following a discussion with a banned individual. No change in the banned status.
    • There was a discussion about a member issue prior to a meeting scheduled with/about member. Decision was made to ban the individual.
  • Board channel
    • No discussion, only bot reminders to summarize lists and channels
  • Leadership channel
    • There was a discussion on a proposed email re dues and usage fees. It was decided to hold off since a lot of requests and info had just been sent to the list.
  • Board list
    • Emails relating to the recent banning of a member. Notice of meeting to discuss.
    • The board received an inquiry from a group in Europe that is coming to Detroit soon and wants to use i3’s CNC machine to demo a part. The email was forwarded to CNC/Thad, zone coordinator. There is some brief discussion in CNC slack. Thad has made contact and described how maintenance and usage is done at i3. The group might be seeking an alternate machine elsewhere but they sound interested in some type of collaboration with i3.

Special meeting 2022-06-28 results

Proposal to ban B2022 for:
  • Abandoning an open container of gasoline in the space.
  • Using the welders without warning bystanders or moving weld curtains to protect bystanders.
  • Leaving oil spilled on work surfaces and the floor in both A side and B side.
  • Leaving oil and broken glass in the welding zone.
  • Hitting the classroom TV with a hammer and leaving debris all over the classroom while smashing stuff from the graveyard.
  • Lying about the classroom damage when confronted in-person by board members.
  • Repeatedly violating the covid-19 mask policy.
  • Failing to sign in and take responsibility for guests.
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Outstanding action items

Action Item: Evan - Confirm font office heat works in September.
Action Item: Evan - Check with Woodshop and CNC about returning expansion funds.

New Business

Change number of board to 5

Set the number of board members to 5

Right now we have zero board members who are not also an officer or a zone coordinator or both. I think reducing the number of board members to 5 would help reduce burnout because this way there are less officers *also* being board members.

The membership agrees.

I think we should try it and in a year if we think it's not helping we just increase it.

This also makes our upcoming board election a *lot* simpler.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Evan
2 Ayes / 3 Nays
Result: FAIL
  • Mark votes Yes but probably won't be in the meeting.
  • Less members might make things happen faster in those cases were speed is most important.
  • Having less board members might mean more individuals to fill other positions.
  • Diversity of thought is good. More opinions and perspectives.
  • Should there be term limits to force new people to join the board?
  • The staggered terms were created so there would still be some experiences board members when newer members joined.
  • What happens if only term limited people are willing to run?
  • Should we increase the board size, then then it would be easier to get more new board members.


  • How to determine which positions are elected?
  • 3 Seats by direct results, and it then makes the most sense to use the election results to determine who to appoint to back fill the remainder of Ricks term.
  • There is a conflict between standing rule updates, and the current election cycle announced. It is decided that the announced timing will hold.


Action Item Summary

Action ItemPOC
Check with Woodshop and CNC about returning expansion funds.Evan
Confirm font office heat works in September.Evan

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Set the number of board members to 5MarkEvan23FAIL
Proposal to ban B2022 for:
  • Abandoning an open container of gasoline in the space.
  • Using the welders without warning bystanders or moving weld curtains to protect bystanders.
  • Leaving oil spilled on work surfaces and the floor in both A side and B side.
  • Leaving oil and broken glass in the welding zone.
  • Hitting the classroom TV with a hammer and leaving debris all over the classroom while smashing stuff from the graveyard.
  • Lying about the classroom damage when confronted in-person by board members.
  • Repeatedly violating the covid-19 mask policy.
  • Failing to sign in and take responsibility for guests.
No Mover!No Seconder!60PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 20:52
  • Funds appropriated: $0
  • Attendees: 9


  1. Jamie
  2. David
  3. Jan
  4. Drew
  5. Chris
  6. Evan
  7. Matt
  8. Jeff Burdick
  9. Mike

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Board Meeting Minutes 20220621 Board Meeting Minutes 20220816