Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20170117
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Meeting Minutes 20170103 | Meeting Minutes 20170207 |
[hide]Agenda for 01-17-2017
Chair: Charlie Rysenga
Charlie says the meeting began at 17:34 or 7:34 or something. Time's relative. Don't worry about it.
Experienced Members
- Karianne G, who likes cutting up and sewing dead skin. Specifically leatherworking.
- Matt Switlik (Swit) is a longtime member who likes doing augmented reality development
- Rob L is another longtime member, he likes laser and vinyl cutting among other things
- Nikki M is a former member who moved around a lot and is now back. She's resolved to start building stuff again.
New Members & Guests
- Erica is a second time guest interested in jewelry-making
- Hans is a new member interesting in using the laser to make things like shelving
- Mark, who just moved to Detroit recently, is interested in working in the machine shop
- David B is interested in working in the machine shop
- Will H is a relatively new member who's been practicing his machining and lathe skills
- Cyrille is interested in woodworking or welding
- Allie (sp?) is probably, no, pretty sure, that he's interested in the electronics lab
Show and Tell
- Les upgraded his couch PC's DIY monitor with a mic stand mount, using the laser cutter to build a new back plate with VESA 100/75 mounting holes and places to bolt down components.
- It's built mostly from scratch and looks awesome.
- You should go read his blog post about the project.
- Swit likes doing augmented reality stuff and is building a miniatures game with a projection tabletop system
- He's finally got all the miniatures painted and modded with magnets
- He wants to bring it to an upcoming board game night
- Brandon B has an Audi supercharger pulley that he's built a custom mount for, which is apparently very difficult. He's also machined a set of 6 supercharger adapters which look real shiny.
- Karianne just finished a giant leather d20 that opens like PacMan. She gestures wakka wakka wakka.
Old Business
New Business
- This month's Board meeting was moved to next Tuesday (1/24/2017)
- Rob - This month's HAM radio shop is the morning of Sunday, Jan. 29th at the United Food and Commerical Workers Hall in Madison Heights
- Also, Winter Field day is coming up. If you're interested, check out winterfieldday.com
- Swit is going to post to the list a group outing to Marvelous Marvin's Mechanical Museum later this month
- The Marche du Nain Rouge is coming up on March 26th at 2 pm
- ConFusion sci-fi convention is this weekend at the Novi Sherraton
- Pleasure Fest, an indoor renaissance festival is coming up in early February
- Charlie is looking for a protege he can train to take on the duties of President next year
Adding FabLab to Approved Security Camera List
Add the fab lab to the list of approved security camera locations in the standing rules
Moved by Andrew M, Seconded by David H
18 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Add the fab lab to the list of approved security camera locations in the standing rules
Moved by Andrew M, Seconded by David H
18 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Change to Restrictions on Camera Reviews
Tony S would like to modify the current CCTV review policy, which requires two members of the board be present to approve and conduct a camera review, to require only one board member to approve and conduct camera reviews when a Zone Coordinator makes a request.
- Charlie says the current policy dates back to when there was a tight knit group of directors and officers
- There is some discussion over whether we could expand the pool of reviewers to include zone coordinators and officers
- There is discussion over how many people in total are required, if, when the requester is in the pool of reviewers, they can also be one of two who authorize a review, and who in general is allowed to be present during the review.
- Erica says that having a technical expert/zone coordinator would be very helpful for cases where specific knowledge would help, ie identifying subtle machine damage (Secretary's note: this is already permissible under current rules. Those who authorize the review have discretion as to who is at the review)
- Tony - Having the zone coordinator and a board member is still having two people authorizing
- Kevin - says there were some intensely emotional discussions when this was brought up in the past, and we should put this on the list to get more feedback
- Charlie - That is true, and this wasn't put on the agenda prior to the meeting
- Suggestion that there is more potential for misuse of the system with one requester and one approver, using it carry out grudges and such
- Pirate suggests there could potentially be two viewings to account for misuse of the system by only requester and one reviewer
- Tony doesn't think there's likely to be misuse, and strongly values being able to review footage promptly
- It is noted that there is a lot to discuss about this, and big rule changes should not be brought up right at a meeting
(Secretary's note: See How to propose rule, policy, or procedure changes)
Rob motions to table discussion to the list, Kevin seconds. 11 in favor, 1 opposed, motion passes
Zone updates
Craft Room
- Xacto blades now live in a labeled drawer in the table under the cutting mat
- Jan is fixing up an adjustable, vintage 50s dress form which will be usable soon.
Electronics Lab
- Received word (thank you Charlie!) that the zone was running low on perfboards
- Ordered a bunch more perfboards in some old and new styles, expect arrival over the coming weeks
- A backlit sign was repaired for the friend of a member
- Any completed projects coming out of the zone? Please brag about 'em!
Fab Lab
- Construction commenced over the weekend
- Stud framing is up
- Power and network boxes are mostly complete
- Power and network runs to be scheduled
- Drywall to be scheduled, maybe this weekend
Laser Zone
- Wolverine is running well
- Still working on Bumblebee. May have found the problem, will know more later this week when parts arrive.
- It'll have a shiny new control pad when it comes back on line.
Machine Shop
- Tony is going to set up a class to train trainers for the machine shop equipment, since there are only a few.
- His goal is to have at least one training session a month for each piece of equipment
Vinyl Zone
- Vinyl cutter has a failed power supply, replacement is on Nate B's doorstep.
- Two volunteers have stepped forward to help install it, expect that to be scheduled in the next few days
- In the meantime Rob is awesome and loaned his cutter to the space
- Pattern workshop is tomorrow from noon to 4 with an expert instructor. $50 for four hours of help.
- Monthly sewing meetup is tomorrow (Wed. 1/18) from 7-9 pm
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8...something..probably?
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 22
Action Items
No action items.
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
Add the fab lab to the list of approved security camera locations in the standing rules | Andrew M | David H | 18 | 0 | PASS |
- Charlie R
- Mike F
- Tony S
- Will H
- John P
- Erica Z
- Ross/Pirate
- Karianne
- Brian L
- Rob L
- Nikki M
- James F
- Jan H
- David H
- Andrew M
- Mark P
- Matt C
- Alfonso L
- Les O
- Matt S
- Brandon B
- Dave S