Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20170103
[hide]- 1 Agenda for 01-03-2017
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bicycle Shop
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Commons Area
- 1.5.5 Compute Zone
- 1.5.6 Craft Room
- 1.5.7 Electronics Lab
- 1.5.8 Fab Lab
- 1.5.9 Graveyard
- 1.5.10 Infrastructure
- 1.5.11 Injection Molding
- 1.5.12 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.13 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.14 Laser Zone
- 1.5.15 Machine Shop
- 1.5.16 Media Lab
- 1.5.17 Sky Zone
- 1.5.18 Tool Crib
- 1.5.19 Tree House
- 1.5.20 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.21 Welding Zone
- 1.5.22 Wiki
- 1.5.23 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 01-03-2017
Chair: Matt Arnold
Experienced Members
- Tony - Machine shop coordinator, he likes everything and learning stuff. Ask him questions.
- Mike - Lasers, secreary
New Members & Guests
- Carlos - an engineer, really likes making stuff and gets warm fuzzies from
- Rich - second time here, becoming a member today. Was previously a member of a makerspace in Boulder
- John - Welder and machinist
- Phil - likes woodworking
Show and Tell
- James: we had a New Years Eve party. $21 was raised toward a new i3 sound system by making LED throwies
- Mike showed off the current live view of the camera system with 4 cameras enabled.
- Rich has some sharpening stones
Old Business
- n/a
New Business
- We have a vacancy on the Board of Directors. Interested? Contact board@i3detroit.org or come to the board meeting on January 10th.
- Non Violent Communication Workshop on Monday, January 9th.
- Matt A is interested in using meetings to break out into smaller discussion groups to actually get more broad input on ideas
Zone updates
Bicycle Shop
- Zone coordinator transition in progress
- Oakland County/Ferndale is interested in doing entrepreneurship events in the classroom.
- Matt would like to set up a guest-hosting-volunteer corps who can host the people who don't know anyone else at the space to be their host.
CNC Zone
- Thad Johnson was approved by the board to be co-coordinator for the zone with Jim Kemp.
- James Freed has been helping to trouble shoot a problem with the Haas and we think we got it resolved with advise from the Haas Factor Outlet service technician with a free phone call and a $55 part on order. Hopefully that is!
- Ask James F about the milling he has been doing on the Haas for parts to use on the super wood working machine he is building and has running! He has a cool YouTube video of it.
Commons Area
- The new stools are finally here. They are numbered 1-3 and are different styles. I am interested in hearing about how well they work out for durability, comfort, and usefulness. Try them out and let me know what you think about the stool samples.
Compute Zone
- The large format printer is still down.
- Both of the laser printers are working fine.
Craft Room
- In the process of acquiring a *nice* serger.
- Husquavarna embroidery machine is back up. Ask Kevin or Jan for instruction!
- The Singer industrial machine is ready, we have thread and have been training members on it. We will resume trainings on the 18th of January for anyone interested. Just an FYI, it works best with apparel leather, upholstery and light industrial sewing. This one is not going to go through thick layers very well.
Electronics Lab
- n/a
Fab Lab
- n/a
- n/a
- The office furnace seems to be having some trouble recently, anyone willing to take a look should contact the coordinator for direction and to find out what has already been tried/is the plan to try next.
- New thermostats are in the planning stage to help track usage patterns and to help set back when shutting down the space. Until this happens, remember DO NOT leave the furnaces in the main shop set to anything above 45F when no one is in the space, or the office area set above 55F.
Injection Molding
- The small machine was not working properly so the mold clamping air cylinder was taken a part and the o rings replaced. It is working again.
- Thanks to John Podlaseck for running the wiring and mounting boxes for the new chiller and transformer. Next we will have Ferndale Electric come in and hook up the devices.
- Glen Moore is building the housing for a new control panel for the big machine. Jim Kemp is working on the wiring schematic. This project is moving along nicely.
Jewelry Zone
- n/a
Kiln Zone
- n/a
Laser Zone
- We have been exploring options for a scheduling system for the lasers and other large equipment.
- We think we have a workable solution and we're starting to roll it out as a test.
- See this discussion list post for more details: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/i3detroit/1ZW35n7HONM/MGTMq1RsEgAJ
- We'll be continuing to refine this and make it more user friendly, such as an equipment schedule embedded on the website or wiki
Machine Shop
- n/a
Media Lab
- Moving locations to current FabLab
- New computer will be built for media applications during first quarter
- Looking for advice for audio/music/midi programs for windows.
Sky Zone
- n/a
Tool Crib
- New Vise stand is mostly installed and already much more sturdy than the bench was.
- The entire wood block of metric allen keys seems to have gone missing, please keep an eye out for it
- The entire box of torx screwdrivers has also gone missing, also keep an eye out for it
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- The vinyl cutter is down pending a power supply replacement.
- Charlie is looking for someone to take on some responsibilities and help out with the zone.
Welding Zone
- Thanks to Mike and especially Lego for the specialized zone improvement!
- Needs a new coordinator
Wood Shop
- n/a
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
- Ramping up for Penguicon
i3 MotorSports
- n/a
- Who's in this SIG?
- n/a
- Bi-monthly Sewcial: next one is January 18 at 7pm. We wil not meet the 4th.
- Pattern workshop - next one is January 18, 12-4pm. No class 4th or 11th.
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:15ish
- Funds appropriated:$0
- Attendees: 21
Action Items
No action items.
No proposals.
- Matt A
- Mike F
- Matt C
- Carols S
- Bruce W
- Brian P
- Scott S
- Paul F
- Alec B
- Les O
- Tony S
- Kevin F
- Dave S
- Cameron G
- Steve N
- Brian L
- Sam L
- Dana N
- James O
- James F
- Vivian S
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