Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20161220
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[hide]Agenda for 12-20-2016
Chair: Charlie Rysenga
Approving agenda
Motion to approve agenda by Charlie Second by Matt Carpenter and another person who I did not see but spoke with a deep male voice
Experienced Members
- Charlie went first. He likes to blink things and burn things with lasers.
- Kevin likes to paint. He got dragged into caring for the craft room and all that entails.
- James has been a member for a little while, likes to play with the big CNC machine, preferably jumprope or cats cradle.
New Members & Guests
- Brian Peplinski is a new person. He likes to make costumes and props.
- Nathan is fairly new. He is making christamsy things and likes to make things for kids. Joined to make things for a playroom.
- Erica just moved here and is a new person. Wants to meet people.
- Alex says hello. He is not a member and likes to woodwork. He is likely the unknown person who seconded the motion above.
Show and Tell
- Matt walked out. Oops.
- Kevin is embroidering a scarf. Charlie is now wearing the scarf. He looks magnificent. It is satin. He looks like a pastor.
- Brian has the beginning of a foam helmet for a Gundam suit.
- Nathan is making picture frames on the laser cutter, as well as ornaments. Is prototyping them out of cardboard. Had to make 1800 of the cardboard ornaments. Is making a mirror for his sister.
- Charlie feels inadequate.
Old Business
New Business
Charlie lost his train of thought and should read the minutes.
- We had a few members learn to print during the Holiday letterpress party. Photos of some of the finished prints, including "made at i3" gift tags, are on Facebook. (Thanks, Jan!)
- Open-house style seems to work pretty well for internal classes/training. Next one may be Valentines again in late Jan/early February.
- In the late spring, we could organize a public-facing make-and-take class that consists of both sandblasting designs onto glassware and printing coordinating drink coasters. Any volunteers to assist?
- Ashley needs to get laser trained for image transfer to linoleum blocks, which should make it more accessible to people not interested in hand-carving.
- Next tasks: update wiki with operational details and guidance, figure out solvent rag disposal process.
- Should have put this in budget request, but upon reflection from Sunday's event... we could REALLY use a heavy-duty (bulk) paper cutter/guillotine.
- Kevin is asking about a guillotine. Morbid. Bezanson has a guillotine cutter he would like to give to the space.
Sandblasting Class
Compute Zone/Media Lab
- New Years Eve party. Apocalypse theme, bring food, booze. Music and games will be provided. Come here, come all.
Proposal to start a sub-committee to revise the Communications mediums of i3 and provide rules and instructions for the same.
- Focus on reducing mandatory reading.
- Establish guidelines for how to communicate to the group. (Where to find and where to publish)
- Proposed Chair: Charlie Rysenga
- Proposed that communications should not be <del>in a disused bathroom in the cellar</del> on display at the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying beware of the leopard.
- Matt C proposes a committee for communication. Jan seconds. 12 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion passes.
Form a committee to revise the Communications mediums of i3 and provide rules and instructions for the same. Focus on reducing mandatory reading. Establish guidelines for how to communicate to the group. (Where to find and where to publish)
Moved by Matt C, Seconded by Jan
12 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Form a committee to revise the Communications mediums of i3 and provide rules and instructions for the same. Focus on reducing mandatory reading. Establish guidelines for how to communicate to the group. (Where to find and where to publish)
Moved by Matt C, Seconded by Jan
12 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Proposal to start a sub-committee to draft a revision of the Standing rules.
- Focus on eliminating loopholes and fixing problems.
- Proposed Chair: Vivian Sanders
- Kevin proposes creation of a subcommittee to revise rules with member approval of rule changes. David seconds. 12 Ayes, 0 Nays, Motion carries.
Create a subcommittee to revise rules with member approval of rule changes. Focus on eliminating loopholes and fixing problems. Proposed Chair Vivian Sanders
Moved by Kevin, Seconded by David
12 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Create a subcommittee to revise rules with member approval of rule changes. Focus on eliminating loopholes and fixing problems. Proposed Chair Vivian Sanders
Moved by Kevin, Seconded by David
12 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
NB from Secretary: The Standing Rules, by default, are approved by the members. Perhaps this should be noted in said document...
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 7:46pm
- Funds appropriated: $0.00
- Attendees:13
Action Items
No action items.
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
Create a subcommittee to revise rules with member approval of rule changes. Focus on eliminating loopholes and fixing problems. Proposed Chair Vivian Sanders | Kevin | David | 12 | 0 | PASS |
Form a committee to revise the Communications mediums of i3 and provide rules and instructions for the same. Focus on reducing mandatory reading. Establish guidelines for how to communicate to the group. (Where to find and where to publish) | Matt C | Jan | 12 | 0 | PASS |
- Charlie
- Paul F
- Leora D
- Brian T
- Matt H
- Matt C
- Kevin F
- James O
- Erica
- Alex
- Jan H
- David H
- Dave S