Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20160301
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[hide]- 1 Agenda for 03-01-2016
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bicycle Shop
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Commons Area
- 1.5.5 Compute Zone
- 1.5.6 Craft Room
- 1.5.7 Electronics Lab
- 1.5.8 Fab Lab
- 1.5.9 Graveyard
- 1.5.10 Infrastructure
- 1.5.11 Injection Molding
- 1.5.12 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.13 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.14 Laser Zone
- 1.5.15 Machine Shop
- 1.5.16 Media Lab
- 1.5.17 Sky Zone
- 1.5.18 Tool Crib
- 1.5.19 Tree House
- 1.5.20 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.21 Welding Zone
- 1.5.22 Wiki
- 1.5.23 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 03-01-2016
Chair: Mike Fink 7:30 pm
Experienced Members
- n/a
New Members & Guests
- n/a
Show and Tell
- n/a
Old Business
- Training Stimulus - James O'Dell
- Now Active till end of April
- Teach a Public class, get half a month's dues refunded
- Maximum 10 classes per month
- Contract classes@i3detroit.org
New Business
- Someone stored motor oil in the flammables cabinet and it tipped over. Please do not store motor oil, transmission fluid, etc in the space. Our lease agreement does not allow this.
Also, there was a large puddle of motor oil in the loading bay.
- n/a
- Upcoming Activities - James O'Dell
- Dusty Dev Boards - Saturday 3/5
- Introduction to Flask - Python - Saturday 3/19
- Homebrew Website Club - Starting Wednesday 3/23
- Penguicon - April 29th - May 1st
- Volunteers needed for i3 booth! We will use heat transfer vinyl material to design shirts for attendees in Penguicon Makerspace. Volunteers can get either free or discount Penguicon tickets. The amount of tickets being offered largely depends on the number of volunteers we have;
- Volunteers can also help with other activities like computer lab (the exact help in the lab is not fully defined yet. Most likely will be setting up computers or monitoring the lab) or maker market (setting up tables for vendors)to get free or discount tickets;
- You can also very likely to get free or discount ticket by bringing in some personal projects to show off.
- Please let Yajie Wang know if you are interested in volunteering in anything or bring in any projects in Penguicon in the next week or so. I need to check with the Penguicon Concon members to figure out how many tickets could be offered. They try to encourage i3 people get more involved in Penguicon so willing to offer more opportunities for us. i will email this information to the group later.
- Possible Upcoming Activities - James O'Dell
- March 14th, Pi Day
- April 1st, Electronic Music Night @ i3
- Thinking of having a Friday Night of Electronic Music
- People can bring their own music or make it!
- April 12th, Yuri's Night
- What does i3 want to do for Yuri's Night this year?
- Yuri's Night is a celebration of Manned Space Flight
- Newbies Helping Out
- New Members Lindsay, James, Matt and Corey have pitched in and are contributing by helping with Friday Nite Tours and becoming Assistant Zone Coordinators for 90 days. Thank you.
- Building Signage
- Steve Nowicki has a sign maker, who will donate a professionally made sign, of our design, to i 3 Detroit.
- i3Detroit needs to gather the info, and city permits for the install.
- Augie Engelhart has volunteered to help coordinate the process and Jamie B. has offered to consult.
- Help will be needed with the design.
- More help will be needed particularly when the signs need to be installed.
- Here are a couple ideas of how a sign might look.
Zone updates
Bicycle Shop
New Tools in bike zone!
If you need to take apart a bike (bottom bracket, cassette), redo cables, or true your wheel, we have the tools to do so!
If you have any specific projects but don't know how to do it, please let me know and I will find time to help and set up a class. It is easier to hold a class if I have a bike that needs to be worked on, and I don't have one right now. (examples, shifters, brakes, wheel truing, etc)
If you like working with bikes and want to set up a class using new tools contact me and I can help set it up.
arthrarizard@gmail.com @arthrarizard on slack
- Drywall/Sanding to be done this week. Paint is next week. Trim after that. Maybe about 4 more weeks.
CNC Zone
- Due to the weather I was unable to come for the meeting.
- HAAS Ground Fault Update
- The problem has been isolated down to the Y Axis motor.
- The Y Axis servo is a brushed DC style motor.
- The brushes were removed and compressed air used to try and blow out the graphite dust.
- The brush removal and blow out did not fix the problem.
- An estimate from a local repair shop is:
- Two or three hours labor to replace the motor with new.
- A new motor is $2300 bucks.
- Labor is $135/hr plus $95/travel.
- So, worst case cost is around $3,000.
- Two or three hours labor to replace the motor with new.
- The current plan is to remove the motor ourselves and use a local shop to rebuild.
- Best case cost would be a couple hundred bucks.
Commons Area
- n/a
Compute Zone
- Everything is working.
- I will be teaching a class in Flask, a Python web framework, on Saturday 3/19 from 2 pm to 4 pm.
Craft Room
- ZC is listening to meeting, but not present. Audio link isn't good, so please send questions via email/Slack/typing in Wiki page.
- ZC apologizes for lots of absenteeism in last month--medical. No one has commented yet, so please tell ZC if it's been a problem. I haven't perceived this as a reason to either distribute duties or change ZC, but if we need to do that, I'm open to it.
- Thanks to David Henry for specialized cutting mat table! ZC will be adding locking casters ASAP; as soon as that's done, you can roll the cutting mat table anywhere.
- But be warned--the mat on that table is not the good one. The good one isn't out and will require authorization. Anyone can do *anything* on the shitty one, but please don't swap them. See ZC if you want to use the good mat. Don't make me use the rulers like a nun.
Electronics Lab
- As far as the zone coordinator is aware, things have been good, people finding the parts they need, etc.
- If that's not the case, zone users, please get in touch with the coordinator. Can't do this in a vacuum!
- A lot of crap has been on the benches lately, please completely empty them when leaving. If you're not sure where something goes... get in touch with the ZC!
Fab Lab
- Thanks to Matt Gardeski for fixing the FSLaser.
- Graveyard was cleaned out at the pot lock.
- pot lock was a big success
- we ran some new power in the machine shop
- the air compressor is muffled a little
- wiring in the new band saw this week
Injection Molding
- Doing various material try outs using different ABS, TPE and TPU materials. ABS material is a common plastic that is hard and bonds well to things. TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) and TPU (Thermoplastic Urethane) are rubber materials.
- Will be working on the large machine once the material try outs are done and the next round of mold inserts are designed and sent out for bid by end of this week.
- Had a couple more member inquiries for injection molding parts.
Jewelry Zone
- Leora will be taking a temporary break from jewelry zone co-cordinator in order to deal with health issues.
- Lindsay Cashews has graciously volunteered to assist Tanya with zone coordination.
- There is still an opportunity for someone to step in temporarily as zone co-coordinator.
- It would be helpful if a member(s) could teach a Jewelry class and/or orient people on the Foredom rotary tool, rolling mill, jewelry kiln, buffing equipment and/or the acetylene torch. Please contact jewelry@i3detroit.org
Kiln Zone
- Thanks to all the wonderful people who pitched in at Potlock, the kiln zone is well on it's way to being reorganized.
- Organization should be complete by mid-March. Kilns still need to be adjusted and balanced.
- Corey T. has graciously offered to assist in the kiln zone for the next few months.
- Our new glass kiln is waiting for us at the Evenheat factory in Caseville, MI (about a 1/2 hour North of Flint and a 2.5 hr. drive from Detroit). If anyone plans to be in that area and can pick it up please contact kilnzone@i3Detroit.org
- Seeking a member with ceramics experience to lead up the ceramics portion of Kiln Zone management and programming.
Laser Zone
- New mirrors, lenses and corresponding nozzles are ordered
- Second open shop night was last week. A few people stopped by. Gave one training session. Worked through some examples in Illustrator and Lasercut with a couple others.
Machine Shop
- New vertical band saw.
- Which is Awesome-O !!!
- Matt Gardeski and Evan Allen fixed the drill press!!
- Got steel scrap bin emptied
Media Lab
- n/a
Sky Zone
- n/a
Tool Crib
- n/a
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- First vinyl class of the year was hosted on 2/23/2016 and Jan made a cool T-shirt :)
- I will need to make bunch of stickers for Penguicon T-shirt design this or next few weeks and will have a vinyl zone open house time at that time. It would be a good time to learn the vinyl cutter and heat press if you not sure how to use them yet. Of course any help with design or making would be appreciated. I will email to the group once I decide the date.
Welding Zone
- Nothing broken
- Full class this weekend.
- Contact Jody (slack preferred) if you want to take a Sunday class.
- Still looking for more instructors, or at least trainers.
- 29 active users in the past 30 days (same as last month)
- Most Active User: Jamie Burdeski
- Most Active User who isn't the Wiki Warden: Evan Allen
- New active members
- Highlights
- Security Cameras page has been updated lots as progress has been made on the system
- Category:Vinyl Shop has been updated with new capabilities
- Other things that are buried under the storm of wiki night edits
- Next wiki workshop: Probably mid-April
Wood Shop
- Everything is working.
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
- Finished assembling and testing the Helmholtz satellite - it works.
- Next step is calibration.
i3 MotorSports
- Still coordinating with Jeremy on the #3 Makerfaire tour.
- March Swaps: None local
- Crossroads Hamfest 03/19/2016
- Wings Event Center, 3600 Vanrick Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49001
- http://www.w8df.com/
- Crossroads Hamfest 03/19/2016
- March Contests:
- March 5-6 2016: International DX– Phone
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:01 PM
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 16
Action Items
No action items.
No proposals.