Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20160105
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[hide]- 1 Agenda for 01-05-2016
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bike Zone
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Compute Zone
- 1.5.5 Craft Room
- 1.5.6 E Lab
- 1.5.7 Fab Lab
- 1.5.8 Infrastructure
- 1.5.9 Injection Molding
- 1.5.10 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.11 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.12 Laser Zone
- 1.5.13 Media Lab
- 1.5.14 Metal Shop
- 1.5.15 Sky Zone
- 1.5.16 Tool Crib
- 1.5.17 Tree House
- 1.5.18 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.19 Welding Zone
- 1.5.20 Wiki
- 1.5.21 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 01-05-2016
'Chair: Charlie Rysenga' 7:34 pm
Experienced Members
- Kevin - Craft room, likes to paint. Picasso is his super villain
New Members & Guests
- Roy - Chrysler, i3 from a friend in Ohio - Likes The Flash
- Jacob - HS Senior project - Iron Man
- Alec - Programmer likes to make stuff
- Charlie - Apartment manager - Blackbeard the Pirate
Show and Tell
Dollhouse- Matt - laser cut rig for a multiple camera mount for 360 degree video sphere coverage. Uses a Pi zero.
- Letterpress is cleaned and ready. should be ready in about a month
- Joseph - fan restoration
- Mike laser engraved rolling pin used to make cookies.
- Laser hold down magnets (beta hack version)
Old Business
- Tin Foil Hat New Year's Eve Party!!!
- Anyone remember what happened?
- still looking for additional pics and video.
- only one cow was abducted.
New Business
- Upcoming Training - Added by James
- Jewelry Making 101 - January 13th
- Public Laser Cutting Class - January 14th
- Adobe Illustrator 2D Paths Introduction - and Photoshop January 17th
- Jewelry Making 102 - January 20th
- Plastic Injection Molding Orientation - January 28th
- Fab lab orientation coming soon.
Zone updates
Bike Zone
- To provide tools and space for i3detroit members and guests to perform all major bike maintenance, repair, assembly, tear down on any standard bicycle.
- To provide education and training for members and guests to accomplish aforementioned maintenance, repair, assembly, and tear down.
- To facilitate individual and collaborative projects with respect to bicycles or bicycle parts.
- To establish a financially self-sufficient store of new consumable bike parts and tubes through a pay as you go cash box style system.
Action items:
- Purchase hand tools
- Purchase truing stand
- Clean and organize bike zone
- Host a bike zone orientation / basic maintenance tentative date 1/25
- Update Wiki
- New estimated time for occupancy is February 11. Probably later.
- Rough electrical is completing this week.
- Next week is drywall week.
- Then trim, paint, ceiling, floor, and furniture, in that order.
CNC Zone
- n/a
Compute Zone
- Getting up to speed in the zone.
- Working on installing Debian on the Zone PC.
Craft Room
- No updates. None.
E Lab
- n/a
Fab Lab
- 3D scanner purchased!
- FSLaser more or less down
- Needs to have rollers replaced
- Local terminal is down
- Needs fixed USB chain
- Zone orientation tentatively two weeks out, date not set
- Signal boost to the Filament Dry Box Challenge
- n/a
Injection Molding
Point of Contact: Thad Johnson
- Main focus the past month has been evaluation of the large molding machine. So far it is checking out OK. The heaters work and the injection unit works. Don't really expect any show stoppers that would send it to the great scrap yard in the sky. A to do list and comments follow:
- 1 There is a sticking hydraulic proportional valve that I will be looking into this month. Should just need a little cleaning I can do myself.
- 2 The thermocouples are not the stock units so I'm making a couple small adapters on the Haas.
- 3 Once the proportional valve and thermocouples are all set then we will put in a mold and check out the control panel while molding parts.
- 4 Found some adapter plates for using the current small mold base in the larger machine. This was a nice surprise and makes getting the larger machine running/evaluated more interesting. The smaller machine is a nice little machine to have but the bigger one allows for more process controls and larger molds making it a lot more versatile. The small machine takes up so little space and being on wheels make it a machine I'd like us to keep for a while if we get the large machine running.
- An orientation class is scheduled for Jan 28. This is an intro to the molding process and most of the time will be devoted to evaluating anyone's project for injection molding, including developing a game plan based on their skill level and budget. Many people just rule out projects because injection molding is to expensive. I figure we can cut the cost by 90% from what an injection molding company would charge for the mold and parts. This opens the door to many people.
- I've talked to a company in Grand Rapids, Scarlett Inc., that can 3D print mold inserts for us. (they happened to stop by and visit a few weeks ago) The 3D printed mold inserts are limited to maybe 50-100 parts but they can be printed in one day and give a lot of good information prior to building steel or aluminum molds or if design changes are expected. Don't know the cost and they said they'd do the first one for free....hmmmmm.
- Have a couple members projects I'm evaluating for them to injection mold.
Jewelry Zone
- 2 classes coming up.
- New jewelers bench purchased.
- Rolling mill purchased and will be setup in the next month. Used for non-ferrous metals only.
- Check if interested in training contact the coordinators.
Kiln Zone
- Major reorganization in next month.
- Looking for volunteers to help organize and build / move shelving.
- Possible factory tour and meetup in the future.
- Plan to remove old glass kiln as it takes up a fair amount of space and needs repair.
Laser Zone
- Bumblebee and Wolverine are both in working order.
- Problems with Bumblebee should be sorted out. Consequently rotary tools are less convenient to hook up. Ask Mike if you need details.
- New zone equipment: 33" strip heater.
- Stored in top of black and yellow storage tote on red pallet rack.
- New/work-in-progress laser readiness checklist panel.
- Currently shows status of shop air valve via red/green LED.
- Plans to add status lights for air compressor power, exhaust fan, chiller.
Media Lab
- Cleanup in progress. If you're using this as a storage location, please remove your items.
- A second copy of Adobe license will be added in addition to the one for the VM.
Metal Shop
- Purchased Powermatic combination belt/disk sander. It's a very heavy duty unit that we can use for sanding metals (i.e. deburring, light shaping, etc). Evan Allen helped me immensely with getting it here and setting up the electrical. It is wired in where the giant buffer was (3 phase), but is not ready for operation yet as I still need to buy the sanding belts/disks and set up training.
- Over the holiday break I tracked down the history of the giant buffer, and it is i3 machine shop owned. I will be selling this soon to regain floor space as we will be able to handle our buffing needs with a much smaller unit.
Sky Zone
- Lighting overhaul is 85% complete, further adjustments in wood shop and welding area desired, work to be started in Metal Shop. Anyone have a 15-20 foot ladder to get behind the CNC?
Tool Crib
- Terry plans to work to improve space when he becomes coordinator in March, 2016.
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- We bought all of the things and they are now in the vinyl zone awaiting setup.
- New Cutting Mat
- New [used] Computer.
- New Software. Sure Cuts A Lot.
- Classes TBD.
Welding Zone
- (Jody worked twelve hours today and fell asleep before the meeting. Could someone please read this update to the meeting? Thanks!)
- Welding classes will be happening soon. If you already emailed Jody about your interest, you should be getting notified this week about dates and times.
- In order to offer even more opportunities to learn, would anyone interested in taking on a role as a teacher please contact Jody. He promises not to make you the Coordinator.
- Wiki Wine Workshop Wednesday
wonce the classwroom is compwlete.
Wood Shop
- Plan to have an open shop night once a month to gauge interest. Bring in a project you'd like to work on.
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
- Was off for the holiday break and will resume meeting on Sunday.
- May make a selfie sat.
i3 MotorSports
- Nothing over the holiday break.
- n/a
- Cleaned and polished. However, class creation and use guidelines pending, so please don't start using it just yet.
- Current planning and discussions are on the Facebook group
- Request to add yourself via the link.
- Is it possible to put a notice to join on the TV monitor with other announcements? Current goal is to assemble interested people.
- n/a
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:17 pm
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 30
Action Items
No action items.
No proposals.