Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20160119
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[hide]- 1 Agenda for 01-19-2016
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bike Zone
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Compute Zone
- 1.5.5 Craft Room
- 1.5.6 E Lab
- 1.5.7 Fab Lab
- 1.5.8 Infrastructure
- 1.5.9 Injection Molding
- 1.5.10 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.11 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.12 Laser Zone
- 1.5.13 Media Lab
- 1.5.14 Machine Shop
- 1.5.15 Sky Zone
- 1.5.16 Tool Crib
- 1.5.17 Tree House
- 1.5.18 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.19 Welding Zone
- 1.5.20 Wiki
- 1.5.21 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 01-19-2016
'Chair: Mike Fink' 7:30 pm
Experienced Members
- Corey Tebo - Member since July. Was a guest prior to that. Very enthusiastic.
New Members & Guests
- Frog - Computer geek interested in robotics and electronics.
- Christian - Looking to laser etching and woodworking (and all the other zones)
- James - Woodworking /7 electronics, wants to get into metal working. Programmer by trade.
Show and Tell
- Dollhouse
- Laser hold down magnets (beta hack version)
- Laminated wood turning
- Cory now has a Kureg repair project.
Old Business
- Recent training
- Jewelry Making 101 - January 13th
- Public Laser Cutting Class - January 14th
- Adobe Illustrator 2D Paths Introduction - and Photoshop January 17th
- Children's Hospital art project Roger and Greg, Community open house Sat Jan 23 11am -2pm 350 Big Beaver Rd.
- Laser cut Masonite sent to schools for painting.
- Artists will assemble the painted butterflies, leaves, snowflakes and birds to form a mosaic.
- About 3500 parts were cut.
New Business
Classes & Training
- Upcoming Training
- Arduino Workshop for Beginners - January 24th
- Jewelry Making 102 - January 27th
- Plastic Injection Molding Orientation - January 28th
- Letterpress Class coming for January 31st. In time for Valentine's Day projects!!!
- Poor Man Props Workshop - January 30th 12-3 pm
- Ask for quiet shop time
- Reserve the commons area
- Workshop is closed to members.
- Penguicon 2016 - April 29th - May 1st
- Discount Tickets Available now
- Big i3 participation
Board Update
POC Mike
- Commons Area: Single person non-disposable dishes (plates, bowls, cups, silverware) are going away. Personal dishes should be stored in member storage or taken home.
- Kiln Zone now extends out to the yellow line. Less room for chairs to accumulate.
Zone updates
Bike Zone
- Bike Stand is IN.
- Drywall at 95%
- Est completion, 2/29
CNC Zone
- New policy for help with funding for the zone: Turn on the Haas and drop 5 bucks in the donation box.
- The fall class is winding up and 4-5 people are progressing thru certification.
Above notes prepared by Thad Johnson for Zone Coordinator Jim Kemp
Compute Zone
- The compute zone PC is now working; thanks to whoever resolved the issue.
- Monthly orientations will begin in February.
- I will also be available after the meeting to assist new members if they need to use the compute zone PC.
Craft Room
- No updates
E Lab
- No updates
Fab Lab
- Progress is being slowly made on the 3D scanning tool chain.
- There will likely not be an orientation this month.
- Classroom wiring done, thanks to Matt G, Jody, David, and anyone else who helped out when I asked.
- TIG welder grounding rod sunk and piped through the wall (not sure how long the sealant will take to cure considering the conditions so please don't touch that. A 90* bend remains to be put in close to the wall and that will serve as the ground for the welding zone.
- All remaining tasks on the Infrastructure ToDo List are either waiting for my free time or that of someone interested in getting the project done faster. I will offer all the resources I can to anyone who wants to complete one or more of those tasks.
Injection Molding
- An orientation class is scheduled for Jan 28. This is an intro to the molding process and most of the time will be devoted to evaluating anyone's project for injection molding, including developing a game plan based on their skill level and budget. Many people just rule out projects because injection molding is to expensive. I figure we can cut the cost by 80% from what an injection molding company would charge for the mold and parts. This opens the door to many people.
- The large molding machine evaluation continues. 2 hydraulic valves were reconditioned with a new o-ring package for about 10 bucks. New thermocouple mounts were made on the CNC and installed. New water line pipes were bought and installed, again, for about 10 bucks. So far so good and expect to mold parts with it next week for the finally evaluation.
Jewelry Zone
- New jewelers bench.
- Rolling mill purchased and will be setup in the next month. Used for non-ferrous metals only.
- Check if interested in training contact the coordinators.
Kiln Zone
- Major reorganization in next month.
- Looking for volunteers to help organize and build / move shelving.
Laser Zone
- There's a brand new used PC at Bumblebee to replace the laptop.
- Things should mostly stay the same, just with fewer bugs and bigger screen.
- The laptop will live on at Wolverine (still need to swap the dongle back and forth).
Media Lab
- Planning to move doorway over so there are two bays available in the media lab.
- Working to restore operation to the computers.
- Planning on a training orientation for late February.
Machine Shop
- New Sander is IN and being set up. If all goes well will be operational later this evening.
- New stand for grinder is operation and worked out well.
- We are starting to develop Operators and Trainer's list for Lathe. Lathe will be first existing system to be revamped.
Sky Zone
- New LED lights are still working.
Tool Crib
- n/a
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- n/a
Welding Zone
- n/a
- n/a
Wood Shop
- Open Shop Jan 25, 7-9 pm
- Most blades were replaced in the last couple weeks.
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
- n/a
i3 MotorSports
- n/a
- n/a
- Letterpress is operational overview orientation later this month.
- Current planning and discussions are on the Facebook group
- Request to add yourself via the link.
- n/a
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 7:58 pm
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 20
Action Items
No action items.
No proposals.