Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20151215
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Meeting Minutes 20151201 | Meeting Minutes 20160105 |
[hide]- 1 Agenda for 12-15-2015
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bike Zone
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Compute Zone
- 1.5.5 Craft Room
- 1.5.6 E Lab
- 1.5.7 Fab Lab
- 1.5.8 Infrastructure
- 1.5.9 Injection Molding
- 1.5.10 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.11 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.12 Laser Zone
- 1.5.13 Media Lab
- 1.5.14 Metal Shop
- 1.5.15 Sky Zone
- 1.5.16 Tool Crib
- 1.5.17 Tree House
- 1.5.18 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.19 Welding Zone
- 1.5.20 Wiki
- 1.5.21 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 2 Wrap Up
- 4 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 12-15-2015
Chair: Charlie Rysenga 7:32 pm
Experienced Members
- Jody Raford - Welding Zone coordinator.
New Members & Guests
- Allissa. Stylist Fashion design.
- Danny - Cosplay armor
- Lindsay - Performance Artist / Jewlery
- Vanessa - Kiln zone, ceramics.
Show and Tell
- Last Friday, i3 hosted the 4H Mentors
- Good contacts were made
- Future speakers were found
- Mentors toured i3 and were introduced to our space and people
- Mentors worked on hands on projects, including custom glassware using vinyl and sand blasting and cookie decorations
- The 4H crew brought a home made hover board which some of our members had a chance to try
- Our guests were very impressed
- If you would like to become a mentor, please contact Charlie or myself for more information
- Steve N. is a former mentor, feel free to contact if you would like more information.
- Last Friday, i3 members went to Ohio to make Lichtenberg figures
- Lots of fun
- Pretty things
- Making art with high-powered high-tech equipment
- Brad got a Leather bound journal made by Niki for his birthday.
- Wood holder for the Lichtenberg sphere.
- Jamie knitted a hat designed based on a Chrysanthemum.
- Danny - Working on a halo reach sniper rifle laser cut wood and PVC. Also working on a fiberglass helmet.
- Lindsay - Chain mail oven gloves.
Old Business
- Tin foil hat night for New Year's Eve at i3 starting at 8 pm.
New Business
Board Update - Inaugural Budget Edition
POC: Mike Fink
2016 Budget was approved last Saturday, 12/12/15.
- Total budget of about $90,000 for everything
- About half of that is budgeted for zones, infrastructure, & space improvements.
- The other half goes for rent and utilities.
- The largest single zone budget ($7000) is for the metal shop for long overdue upgrades, including a good, new vertical band saw and replacing the Bridgeport
- About $7000 for infrastructure improvements like new front door and putting more awesome light fixtures in the west side of the shop
- Zones around $3000
- Classroom for finishing renovation and furnishings
- Kiln zone to revamp with a more versatile, user friendly glass kiln
- Wood Shop for new drum sander and general upkeep
- ~$2000
- CNC Zone - One highlight is getting a someone to show us how to maintain professional maintain the Haas
- Injection Molding will build on the awesome work Thad's done so far this year
- Jewlery Zone is getting a rolling mill based on feedback from other jewelry-making groups in the area
- The remaining 10 zones average of ~$750
- Many of these are running pretty self-sufficiently, thanks to members contributing for materials and equipment use.
- Desktop 3d scanner for fab lab
- Media lab equipment
- New computer and software for Vinyl Zone
Zone updates
Bike Zone
- n/a
My apologies that I need to miss the meeting. Here is my report. -Matt A
- Resumption of occupancy is roughly estimated between January 17 and January 31 of 2016.
- Classroom TV was dropped from the budget.
- Terry Wynn is adding studs to the walls and preparing for the drywall.
- The window from the classroom to the common area will be dry-walled over for soundproofing.
- Terry is shopping for acoustic ceiling panels.
- Greg Smith finished up the security circuit. A coil of wire above the 4 gang box runs to the panel.
- Greg moved the emergency light to a wall mount.
CNC Zone
- n/a
Compute Zone
- The Compute Zone PC is not working; I am investigating the issue.
Craft Room
Contact: Kevin
- Apologies; not physically present.
- Please read entries for me.
- I'll be listening, but to avoid nasty feedback, I'll be typing answers to any questions. Please watch meeting chat when asking.
- Looking for embroiderers, sew-ers: I need students for one-on-one Friday/Sunday sessions. Mail me directly or watch for class announcement.
E Lab
- Remember that sweet prize pack of lab instruments? It just got sweeter.
- Some social-media attention got Keysight to enable ALL the options.
- That's a $2750 bundle of options and a $500 spectrum-analyzer license, for $0.
- In other news, the missing multi-meters have wandered back. Terry/David found one, not sure who located the other.
- Thank you, both! And please, if you see e-lab stuff around the space, wander it back into the lab.
- The zone color is YELLOW. I'm gonna put a bunch of effort into labeling more things during my upcoming vacation.
Fab Lab
- Budget approved for shiny toys:
- 3D scanner
- Afinia ES360 Desktop 3D Scanner
- Will be purchased
sometime maybe tonight if Terry Wynn is willingprobably soon anyway, with a reimbursement request to be put in after 2016-01-01 - Roughly similar scan volume as the Rostock MAX build volume
- Filament dry boxes
- Soliciting people to reverse-engineer the FilaBox we have in the lab, more details in Filament Dry Box Challenge.
- Goal is a feature-matched design which can be manufactured in-house for $30, instead of the FilaBox' $60
- If such has not happened by 2016-01-31, assuming FilaBot has stock, (5) more FilaBoxes will be ordered
- Soliciting people to reverse-engineer the FilaBox we have in the lab, more details in Filament Dry Box Challenge.
- 3D scanner
- Training Policy
- Effective 2016-01-01, the Fab Lab will expect trainers in the zone to train at least one new person on said equipment per quarter.
- Trainers who have done so will get public recognition.
- Trainers who have not done so may have their trainer status revoked.
- The goal is to offload some of the training load from the zone coordinator...
- Effective 2016-01-01, the Fab Lab will expect trainers in the zone to train at least one new person on said equipment per quarter.
- New LED exit sign over the front door, change rechargeable batteries in 2024.
- New LED emergency lights to go over the laser zone at next pot lock, change rechargeable batteries in 2024.
- New bathroom vent, no longer blows shop air in. Does what you would expect, blows air out and is quieter/more efficient. Plaster work is being completed to make it look nicer.
- Any offer to lend a hand over the holiday break most of us have from work would be helpful, some money did get allocated to the contents of the Infrastructure_ToDo
- Effort is being put toward finishing the classroom.
- Bathroom vent is being replaced so that it works.
- Classroom wiring is in process.
Injection Molding
Updates from Thad:
- A safety switch for the small machines is first priority
- Getting a water temperature circulator with controller so the molding machines and molds can run at controlled temperatures is high on the list.
- Now that the hydraulics are in working order on the large machine the controls will be evaluated for function and assessed for durability. Possibly go with a PLC. Charlie R. and Evan have offered to help! Thanks!
- First set of machined mold inserts from a new supplier are due in tomorrow. Having a low cost cnc machine source locally is a game changer. Of course doing the CNC work at i3 is great but not all people know how or want to do the work themselves.
- Clean up and organization of the zone will continue
- 1st orientation class is Jan 28th. Will work on getting the word out.
Jewelry Zone
- Will post on Eventbrite a second offering of the twist bracelet class for early January and a part two pendant/key fob class for the end of January.
- If you want to be certified on the jewelry kiln, foredom rotary tool and/or air acetylene torch, please contact Leora at jewelry@i3detroit.org.
Kiln Zone
- A first draft of the Kiln Zone reorganization is on the Kiln Zone channel of Slack. Check it out and offer suggestions and/or comments.
- Working with Kiln Frog to get a good deal on the new glass kiln. Will probably involve a road trip to the Evenheat factory, north of Flint.
Laser Zone
- Bumblebee now has an automatic air assist installed. No more need to manually open the valve on the wall. See mailing list or sign by the air valve for details.
- New 33 inch strip heater should be here by the weekend. It's just like the old one, but longer.
- Bumblebee y-axis slipped again on 12/14. Same issue as back in September, will try to get it fixed by the end of the week. Use Wolverine in the meantime.
- Mike and Terry have completed additional training sessions.
Media Lab
- n/a
Metal Shop
Point of Contact:Brandon Biller
- Brandon Biller is the new machine shop coordinator. I've begun drafting a plan for improvements to the equipment, tooling, and training, which will be ramping up in the beginning of next year.
Sky Zone
- As 2015 comes to a close - the SkyZone has been up for the entire year!!!
- More LED fixtures coming soon - if you have any placement requests please contact Baumann
- Seeking power cords/whips/suicide cords, just need to have a male Edison plug, and 5-10 feet of cord. Please place donations in the old lighting cabinet (near the Mens bathroom)
Tool Crib
- n/a
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- Bought a new cutting mat for the zone
- Please don't cut through it
- Look for new software and computer in January
- Classes upcoming!
- Introduction to Vinyl cutting
- Making custom glassware
Welding Zone
- December classes: Two intro to welding, one zone checkout, one TIG intensive. Ask classes well attended and successful.
- January classes: at least one Intro to welding and one TIG. Checkout by request.
- General state of the zone: functional, but needs work. Any volunteers?
- Looking for additional trainers to teach classes.
- n/a
Wood Shop
- n/a
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
- We received $500 budget!
- Current plan of spending funds: Control a 3d printed satellite analogue from a distance by using Ham radio gear to manipulate magnetorquers to move the Cubesat within Helmholtz coil array by Penguicon
i3 MotorSports
- #3 car in the Farmington parade.
- i3 table at recent Ham event
Contact: Kevin Flory
- Thanks to Charlie for a kick in the pants! (Well, not literally.)
- First class tentatively planned for Feb 6--printing with linoleum blocks for Valentine's Day.
- Cleanup, item purchase ongoing.
- Current planning and discussions are on the Facebook group
- n/a
Wrap Up
- Cory: Label makers are really useful and are in the shelves to the right of the compute zone.
- Reminder to sign in.
- Can self invite to slack through CRM
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:11 pm
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 25
Action Items
No action items.
No proposals.