Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20150106
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[hide]Agenda for 01-06-2015
Chair: Brian McPherson
- Will is a student at UofM, has a very deep voice
- Dave, interested in woodworking, has a soft voice
- Henry is just this guy, you know? Interested in lasercutting and CNC
Show and Tell
- Greg's Mesmerizing Marble Machine
- Made out of acrylic, LEDs, and a motor
- Dave (new member) made his first project here, a wooden six-pack holder
- Evan's MAME Machine
- Now actually working, has lights and stuff
- Takes quarter-sized objects
- Just a peripheral, connect to it with VGA and knock yourself out
- Perpetually overheats
- Jamie and Evan worked on this over the holiday break
- Updated software to most current version
- New theme
- New logo in the corner
- Zone info-boxes (examples: Wiki, Category:Fab Lab)
- Data is tagged and queryable
- Links are pretty
- Member info-boxes (example: User:Pajamapuma}
- Data from zone boxes, officer/board member pages, and equipment authorization pages (all new!)
- Copy the code in Template:Member Information to put an info-box box on your page
Old Business
New Business
Lost and Found proposal.
- A meeting was called in December for people interested in changing the cleaning/ticketing rules for worksurfaces. The problem is that once an item is ticketed in cannot be moved for 7 days, and then only by Board. For worksurfaces, that causes big bottlenecks, makes 3rd party cleaning futile, and limits workspace radically. The following is their proposal.
We ask for a vote.
The current section: Parking Tickets The member affixing the Parking Ticket (the “finder”) to property he or she suspects is abandoned must undertake a goodwill effort to contact the owner of the property by sending an email meeting these criteria: In the subject line, put the words “ABANDONED PROPERTY PARKING TICKET” In the message, describe the property and where it was found In the message, mention this notice and when it was attached Send the message to i3detroit-announce@googlegroups.com Immediately after the message passes moderation and is sent to the announcement list, a seven day grace period begins. If the owner has not stored the property correctly by 12:00 AM of the morning after the grace period expires, the property will be considered abandoned and disposed of accordingly (see 4.4.1). Shall be changed to: Parking Tickets The member affixing the Parking Ticket (the “finder”) to property he or she suspects is abandoned must undertake a goodwill effort to contact the owner of the property by sending an email meeting these criteria: In the subject line, put the words “ABANDONED PROPERTY PARKING TICKET” In the message, describe the property and where it was found In the message, mention this notice and when it was attached Send the message to i3detroit-announce@googlegroups.com Immediately after the message passes moderation and is sent to the announcement list, a seven day grace period begins. If the owner has not stored the property correctly by 12:00 AM of the morning after the grace period expires, the property will be considered abandoned and disposed of accordingly (see 4.4.1). Lost and Found There will be designated by the Board at least one shelf called the "Lost And Found", not over shoulder high, that will be used for applicable items which have a Parking Ticket. After an item on a work surface has been ticketed, it may be moved carefully to the Lost And Found. Only the owner of the item may remove the item from the Lost And Found prior to expiration of the parking ticket. The Lost And Found is only for ticketed items. After a Member or Board meeting, any present Board member(s), any officer(s), or person(s) either designate, will go to the Lost And Found, review the tickets, and may dispose in any manner of any ticketed item(s) with an expired ticket.
Proposal passes unanimously
Possible Siemens Sponsorship
POC: --Charlie247 (talk) 10:26, 6 January 2015 (EST)
- Siemens is looking to get their new CAD software, SolidEdge ST7, into the hands of makers and startups.
- Proposing to give us hardware. What would be best for us?
- Nate warns against evil software licenses
- Surface Pro 3s vs. VM setup
Installing A POS Terminal
--Charlie247 (talk) 10:38, 6 January 2015 (EST)
- POS is Point of Sale in this case, not Piece of...Stuff
- Projected use would be to provide the ability to accept credit cards for zone donations and collecting visitor information.
- Is this something that people would find useful?
- Overwhelmingly yes, if it works consistently
- 2.5-2.75% Credit Card Processing Fee
- Need a spare tablet to use it with-Terry volunteers an old iPad
- Plan to bolt to desk in front with a charger
Summer Camp?
- Birmingham-based Einstein By Design emailed contact@
- Would involve significant daytime use of the space for a few weeks during summer
- Tai from EbyD might be in attendance at the meeting to tell us more... (might make it by 7:45?)
- 30-40 K-6ths graders invading the space for three weeks straight....
- Basically just no.
Solvent Storage and Reuse
Point of Contact: Konrad B
- New flammable storage cabinet near bike zone
- Stocked with acetone and mineral spirits
- New tanks for storing used solvents
- Will write up a wiki page on how to use new tanks and reuse solvents - here's a start
- Need to make a donation box for solvents
- Will make bright obnoxious signs by all sinks telling people not to dump chemicals
- Also working on hot water line for utility sink, and trying to find an aerator for the main bathroom faucet
Space Project Updates
- Server Replacement
- Evan Ordered 12/11/14, will be delivered soon
- New Compressor
- Brian hasn't found anything powerful enough yet, still shopping
- RFID for equipment
- Charlie needs to get in touch with people who were previously working on the project
- Tying the Keypad to the CRM
- Now inactive
- New CRM
- Justin isn't here, Terry will get update later
- Desks for WhiteBoard Room
- Justin isn't here, Terry will get update later
- Caster Stands for Kiln
- In House but not Installed, within a couple weeks
- New i3 PowerSports car
- Made inactive
- Weld Zone Exhaust
- Jody did it?
- Rotary axis for Bumblebee
- Shopping now
- Outdoor sign for i3
- Waiting for warm weather
- Sign in Desk Foyer
- Greg is going to get input for needs, like POS system
Other potential projects: Add to the wiki EVSE, new bandsaw purchase, Sky Zone lamp thing, craft room tabletop press
Zone updates
Bike Zone
Coordinator not present
CNC Zone
Coordinator not present
Compute Zone
Coordinator not present
Craft Room
- More classes will be up tonight-emboridery, sewing, and more
E Lab
- LCR meter is on its way
- Gardeski got sick of the brown replaceable benchtop, and replaced it with a shiny white one instead.
- It's fabulous. But might be worse for ESD, so be careful if you're working with sensitive devices.
- Thanks to everyone's support over the last year, the lab is great because you help!
Fab Lab
- Pegasus Touch printer (AKA the shiny resin printer) is functional and printing
- Some further work, notably on the wiki and training for the machine, is needed before I hold classes
- Classes probably in the late-January timeframe
- Progress being made to convert Fab Lab wiki pages to the Equipment Access Project templates
- If you see your name on the page for a piece of equipment, either as a trainer or an authorised user, that means I need your wikiname to add you to the official lists
- Please email Amelia Meyer with your wikiname/real name combination so that I can update the records and finish the conversion
- Unconverted names this time in February may run the risk of being deleted forthwith
- If you want new filament choices for the Rostock MAX printer, please write your choices on the north door whiteboard in the Fab Lab
- Current stock includes:
- Current wishlist includes:
- 1kg natural HDPE (I have no idea where to buy this; would the person who wrote it up there please contact me?)
- 1kg Ninjaflex, no color given so black is assumed
- Please make sure to write down filaments I can actually buy from reputable vendors, such as SeeMeCNC or Adafruit Industries
- Preferably no ABS from DCPlastico; the black, at least, does not print well
- If you have a different vendor for something, please write that down too
- Would the owner/donator of the 1kg yellow plastic please contact Amelia Meyer privately?
- I thank you for the donation but...
- ...I have no idea what plastic this is, or...
- ...where it came from
- Protomat is down
Evan did some wiring over the weekend. Evan talks a lot about electrical things. Disconnects? Conduits? Drops. 40 years of terrible wiring, Evan has tar-covered skinless hands, is traumatized. Jamie zones out and things about whiteboard desktops. Evan should really just update the minutes before coming in so Jamie doesn't have to try to write all this down. Jerk.
New server is coming in a week!
Injection Molding
Coordinator not present
Kiln Zone
- Pottery Wheel ordered, got a really good price-medium duty wheel at a light-duty price.
- Casters on by 2/28
- Ceramic expects should make themselves known to Terry! He needs all the help he can get
- Terry wants to have a pot-off, a pot throw-down, a dangerous competition involving pot...s.
Laser Zone
Coordinator not present
Metal Shop
Band saw is not usable, need to order a new one, but it is happening
Sky Zone
- Anyone have personal experience with local lighting companies? P&M has a hot agenda to sell only T5 fixtures, something we're not interested in buying. Maybe we could receive scratch and dent fixtures from a relamping company? ("Relamping" is totally a word yo). 1/19/15 Edit - It is you bag of nightshade.
- Who owns the LED's on the dinosaur? If you want them back, I noticed the adhesive backing was not used in affixing the LED's to the ornament, just tape.
- Rahamath owns those, his name is on the reel which *was tied to* the strip when it was deployed for the halloween party for which it was loaned. Yes they should be returned.
Tool Crib
Thread gauge is missing
Tree House
no news
Vinyl Zone
Coordinator not present
Welding Zone
Classes this month, scheduled and on the calendar!
Folks who did the WhenIsGood got invites. Some few seats still available. Walk-ins to full classes may not be able to participate, but are welcome to observe.
WhenIsGood link from earlier emails is still good, if anybody wants another class in January.
Wood Shop
- New tools up and running, authorization training and machine intro to be held 20 min. After end of this mtg.
i3 MotorSports
no news
This Sunday is Hazel Park Ham Swap, 8 AM
Still shopping for a press
Action Items
Action Item | POC |
Update standing rules | Secretary |
Broom Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:29
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 29