Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20140304
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Chair Justin Triplett
Action Item Review
- Justin T. - Make a financial and a membership report on 3rd Tuesday Meeting
- Terry W, Jody R. - Kiln and Welding Zone Coordinators figure out feasibility of large project area
- Proposal for Large Project Area. Terry W
- Talked to all Coordinators along East Wall and John Sugg (Vaccuuform) by email.
- Proposal is for Large Project Area to be an area from the West edge of the Welding, Plasma, Kiln, Forklift, and Injection zones to a line either 16', 17' or 18' from the East Wall. We have marked the 18' line for inspection at the meeting and decision (between 16',17', or 18')
- The effected wardens would require only Projects be in that area (not furniture or other Group materiel), and Projects be able to be moved (either by having wheels or being on a pallet) so that zone access is not permanently blocked.
- In addition, the East Wall Coordinators will be making a proposal to the Board separately to shuffle the plasma cutter into the CNC Zone and slide all zones down. I also will be giving the board a proposal for expanding the width of the Kiln Zone from 5' to 8' to accommodate Ceramics use, which would be part of, or after, the shuffle.
- Interest in removing the moveable wall
- Takes up too much space
- We still want a surface for a projection screen
- Tabled for board meeting
- Terry W - Budget Drone, Kiln Zone Coordinator, Snack King, Graveyard Coordinator
New Business
Pot Lock
- Marie and Nate B
- March 15
- Time of day?
- Let's call it Spring cleaning
- The goal of this one is to clean up! rather than build and improve
- Restock common supplies
- Fix light ballasts, etc.
- Nate B will be emailing to ask for tasks
- Bring food, Marie is organizing after food (?)
- What is a pot lock
- A combination of a pot luck and a lock-in
- We do them roughly every 3 months
The Great CRM Update
- Marie and Nate B
- Slowly with our treasurer being the professor trying to get some continuity with the data
- Data was caught up in December
- Keys were turned off once we were sure we knew who hadn't paid
- Keys can be deactivated after 30 days according to standing rules
- Being extra generous and looking for people that owe more than 90 days
- Keys are not automatically deactivated, or reactivated yet, but that is a plan for the future
- If you see people struggling at the door confused why their key doesn't work, have them talk to Marie or Nate B.
- Be responsible and check the CRM to make sure you are up to date on your dues!
- Things aren't really changing, we just started to do the things we said we were going to do a really long time ago
i3 Data Vault
- Terry W.
BTSync is new private storage for i3documents to be accessable to the members, but not to the general publid. In the ADMIN folder I have put folders for budget matters and records. In addition there is a folder for the Lease(s) and the Insurance Policy(s) for archival storage and reading. Our current insurance policy is in the i3DataVault. Our current Lease, and any utilities agreements with BNektar are not yet in the i3 DataVault. As we proceed other documents, like our Tax, State, and 501c3 filings should be in the i3DataVault.
- It works, easy to install straightforward to use
- Now includes budget reports, insurance, etc.
- Anything that is for members but not for the public
- If you think there's something that belongs on there, get it up or find someone to help you.
- Use the Googles to look it up.
- Andrew is loading old liability disclaimers, seeking help if you want to have fun scanning!
- Terry W.
As my RL time is now starting to free up, Evan has tasked me with Dues and Deposits. In the very near future I will be talking/emailing people who I have questions about dues, so that I can straighten out the books and the CRM. This will probably take 45 days to get it completely scrubbed. If you are going on a long vacation and need to change a month's status to LEAVE, please contact me by email at the budget@i3detroit.com email in the month prior to going on LEAVE. As a rough estimate of our active members, we had 119 people pay dues in the period from Jan 1 - Jan 31. Some of that may be early Feb payment or late Dec payment, so that isn't exactly how many people are active members, but it is close. By April we should have an exact report of active members.
- If you ever see a problem with deposits, contact Terry through budget@i3detroit.com
Budget Report Summary
- Terry W – Budget Drone
- Aug 31, 2013 – Jan 31, 2014
- Jan.31.2014 Report Spreadsheet (pdf) and a copy of this summary are in i3 Data Vault, Admin/Budget folder.
- As of Jan 31, we are running -$1,610. i.e. we have spent $1610 more than we took in during the period. That is not great, but acceptable.
- Per our budget, we should be -$9,609 at that point in time. The spending tightening measures are still working.
- In the January and February reports, there are some artifacts caused by the transition in the office of Treasurer. There are expenses that should be transacted in Jan and Feb that won't hit the books until later. There are incomes that should be transacted in Jan and Feb that won't hit the books until later. By March 31 those transitional artifacts should all be accounted for. So view the Jan and Feb totals as somewhat skew from our real progress.
- Our 2014-2015 Budget Process will begin May 1. Instructions will be sent out at that time. 2014-2015 Budget year will remain Aug 1 – July 31 for ease of continuity of Treasurer/Drone. If we extend the 2014-2015 budget to Dec 31, 2015, then whoever is elected Treasurer/Drone in Sept 2015 will have to start the new budget process immediately upon assuming office on top of all transitional efforts as it will take about 90 days to create an approved new budget. Doing it with brand new officers/directors seems onerous and prone to error. If the Board wishes to overrule my decision for 2014-2015, please do so before April 20, 2014.
- Reimbursements will take about 3 calendar weeks after clean submittal by Coordinator/Member. If that time frame is not workable for a purchase, pre-purchase requests can be made. Forms are in the Budget Instructions Rev 1.2 package.
- Budget Reports and all archived budget-related material are in i3 Data Vault, Admin/Budget folder.
Summary from Report
- Acceptable balance spending vs revenue actual.
- We should continue tightening through March 31, at least.
- Expenses didn't shrink against budget, all tightening/savings came from Equipment Purchases.
- Coordinators planned well.
- General and Special Events went significantly over budget. Need to correct in next year's budget.
- Income was abnormally low due to lack of Amazon Deposit in Jan.
- Rent was not paid in Jan.
- Utilities sharing not reflected in Jan transactions.
- Reimbursements accumulated in Jan and Feb from multiple prior months.
D'lectricity Project
- Terry W.
- Several members of i3, headed by Matt O. are considering a giant tentacle robot project for submission to D'Lectricity in their entry process.
- They will be awarding $3500 for 25 projects for the September, 2104 event.
- A meeting for interested parties will be held on Thursday, Mar 6 at 8:00 PM.
- The team especially needs an artist for illustrations in the application submission, due by March 31.
- "Team Tentacle"
Plots and Storage
- Terry W.
- There are 10 AVAILABLE plots in Storage Structure #1.
- More will open as I go through the cleaning process with other structures.
- See the wiki for which locations are available.
- Max GA will take charge to keep members more informed about member storage, and clearing up unused spaces
- March 15th 9am - 3:30pm
- SWiT is demoing RFC (Fighting Robots) and needs a few volunteers.
- The day of everything
- The asked for i3 to demo some things
- Like a mini Makerfaire
- Does anyone else have any other projects they would like to demo there?
- More artsy things are encouraged
- Hoping for at least one more person to come along "for suresies"
- Email SWiT and let him know
- Kevin F. Might show off some paintings
- Needs brochures
- Old ones got thrown out because they were factually inaccurate
- We still have postcards that aren't too terribly inaccurate
- Getting a looping video of i3 stuff from Matt O.
Event on Saturday March 9, 2014
- Brodie & Terry
- A small group from The University of Michigan will be coming in 3:30-7ish on Saturday.
- It's part of a volunteer group's spring break, and they are really looking forward to taking one of Terry's laser classes.
Show and Tell
Zone updates
CNC Zone
- Open CNC night this Thursday
- Fixture pallet in progress
- Pizza lunch at Quality Chaser
- Going to schedule a day this month (TBD) to bring in pizza at Quality Chaser for them donating the CNC. Please let Brian W. or Jim K. know if you would like to join.
Fab Lab
- Preventative Maintenance schedule should be on wiki in next week or so.
- Cleaning optics, other maintenance
- Working with Laser Zone to get things like that organized
- First major maintenance issue came up on Rostock, fixed now
- PET filament is Oblong! Working with vendor to fix the problem
- Convection oven, NOT FOR FOOD
- for baking filament
- drying wood products, etc.
Kiln Zone
Terry W - Both Kilns had 100% UP time in Feb. We are in the middle of cleaning/reorganizing the area to accomodate better sheet glass handling. I have built a shelf for sheetglass. Although the shelf is wood based, it sets on two steel fencing rails that run from side to side and are permanently connected to the fence top rails on each side. There are plans to upgrade this shelf in the future. On the shelf, we have added a vertical glass storage system, for much safer handling/browsing of sheet glass.
Future plans (pending board submission and approval) are for an expansion of the Kiln Zone from 5' wide to 8' to accomodate more storage for cermaics materials and more floor space in general. Also it would provide a permanent storage location for the Vacuuform.
Snack Zone
Everything is 100% operation for all of February. We have added a filtered, refrigerated water pitcher. Microwave entrees are in the cabinets over the Koenig. Please put your money for candy in the candy machine, not the pop cup, if possible. It messes up my inventory control a bit. We have full inventories on all products. All requests have been fulfilled. Please add new requests via post-it or email.
Wood Shop
- Woodshop would like to use the top row north end of the west member storage shelf for some seldom used tools (this is a Geni access shelf) Greg not at meeting.
Vinly Zone
- Stratasys needs some love. Talk to Nathan W. or Brian W. before using it
- Email on list about updates, basically new vinyl has arrived.
- Is there anyone that can train on the vinyl cutter?
- Call Matt O. for help in the middle of the night. (jklol)
Laser Zone
- Do not block the vent on the side of Bumblebee!!!
- Bad things will happen
Metrics Zone
- Our most popular ever Facebook post was a Mean Girls meme
- Is the website useful in it's current format
- http://dev.i3detroit.org
- Go there and give Matt O. your feedback
- What are the critical pieces of information that people are looking for when the come to our web page.
- Let's take an ax to those forums because no one uses them and they are confusing to first time visitors
- Bonus points for getting things on Hack a Day
Action Items
- Nate B. - Start thread about pot lock tasks
- Justin T. - Make a financial and a membership report on 3rd Tuesday Meeting
Meeting accomplished
- 24 Humans in attendance
- Meeting completed at 8:42pm