Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20091027
[hide]- 1 Meeting Minutes of 10-27-2009
- 2 Minutes
- 2.1 Introductions
- 2.2 Standing rules
- 2.3 Punch list
- 2.4 Door alerts
- 2.5 Classes
- 2.6 Special announcement: Maker Faire 2010
- 2.7 November 21st - Detroit Urban Craft Fair
- 2.8 Note on teaching classes
- 2.9 Bylaw change
- 2.10 Co-working idea
- 2.11 Ignite Detroit
- 2.12 Dues
- 2.13 FIRST robotics update
- 2.14 Administrivia
Meeting Minutes of 10-27-2009
- 322 E. 4th St.
- Royal Oak, MI
- Attendees: See the sign in sheet
- ~10 members
- ~4 visitors
- went around the room, explained i3 for new people
- Someone mentioned Techtown
- visitor: "I had been looking for something like this for a long time"
- how much for membership?
- $100
- three open slots for $50
- not breaking even yet
- still have some costs, 501c3 costs $700 to file
- how do you become a member?
- visit the space
- new members are voted in
Standing rules
- same as last week, been busy
- "it is reasonable that next tuesday there will be something to vote on"
- parking: where do we park by the way?
- side streets
- metered parking
- free lot 2 blocks to the east
- 328 east.. little shack, the people across the street own it.. check it out.. 4 on the alley, 10 more on the 3rd street side
Punch list
- get things done.. sign them off on the whiteboard
- if you're bored.. go to the list
Door alerts
- we need a feed or something to tell people someone is in building
- that way people will know when to stop by, without emailing Russ and asking him
- other groups have set up e.g. a twitter bot
- the security system has outputs for this, we would just need to figure it out
- Nick wanted to put together a calendar for classes
- hand it out on Wed/Thurs
- hang it up in the window
- he compiled the list of classes
- November is a booked month!
- papercraft card making
- Tuesday meetings
- Intro to Web Design, Web Wednesdays
- Organization I
- Open shop
- iPhone app development
- Mercurial
- give Nick an Eventbrite account
- start coming up with ideas for December
Special announcement: Maker Faire 2010
- Dale from makemagazine is coming to i3
- we will be hosting a brainstorm session for Maker Faire 2010 at Greenfield Village
- saturday 11/7 meeting at i3 Detroit
- open meeting, 11am to 1pm
- there is also a meeting friday 11/6 at greenfield village
- they want us to be a part, they know we have a group of people now
- folks from AA mini maker faire will be in
November 21st - Detroit Urban Craft Fair
- at the Majestic
- all day event, on a Saturday
- i3 was asked to be a part of it
- stage area donated for i3 Detroit, do whatever we want, do something cool
- we are actually a sponsor
- they have a clothing changing room, changing booth, but it was always half-finished
- they want a cool, well put together changing room
- need to brainstorm, multiple things
- going to need to build it
- going to need people to volunteer at the event
- there will be a tweetup the night before on the 20th, at the Majestic
- Monday the 9th - cross stitching video game characters :)
Note on teaching classes
- we have a donation jar
- let classtakers know we operate on donations / memberships
- "donate whatever you can, $1, $5"
- also, if you host a class or group, please stay the entire time the attendees/guests are here, or ask another member to take over
Bylaw change
- from Nate:
- 1 member 1 guest policy..
- Nate wants to relax that policy.. unless it becomes a problem
- proposed change: remove 1 member 1 guest policy.. move the guideline into the standing rules
- the rule has also been broken for classes (1 member.. classroom full of people)
- we need more of a system for classes
Co-working idea
- some members and potential members want to use the space for actual work, running a business during work hours out of the space
- M-F the space is mostly dead during work hours
- what happens when someone wants to use the band saw while someone is on the phone for work?
- that's the nature of the space.. it's an open shop.. someone can use a noisy tool
- agreed: no problem with having members co-work in the space
Ignite Detroit
- meeting last week: Russ, Nick, Brandon Chestnut (bought domains), Sara (started a facebook group)
- Nick wanted to pull everyone together
- middle of January is the proposed date
- what is Ignite?
- 20 speakers
- 5 minutes, 20 slides, slides are on a fixed timer
- open to any topic
- quite popular
- 400 people at Ignite Lansing #2
- 300 people at Ignite AA
- where will it be held?
- Mark Ridley's?
- general feeling is to do it downtown
- and the space should be free..
- next week is the first meeting of the month.. bring dues
FIRST robotics update
- Oak Park team is pretty much defunct
- two options:
- Ferndale team
- brand new team for Clawson High School
- would be eligible for a grant
- Ted will follow up on those
- also, Evil Dead the musical.. talk to Ted.. two free tickets Halloween weekend
- member space.. back room needs to cleaned up
- idea for promotion - why didn't we have a table at the Ham Swap?
- let's get a table at the L'Anse Creuse Ham Swap.. which is much bigger
- mailing list for non-members?
- will go along with a full redesign of the site
- we need a meeting to work on the redesign
- Wordpress meetup last night - seems like it went well
- shirt of shame
- a horrible donated shirt from snorgtees.. it's not even funny
- you are given the shirt if you break bylaws
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