Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20091020
[hide]Meeting Minutes of 10-20-2009
- 322 E. 4th St.
- Royal Oak, MI
~12 people.
See Sign up sheet.
- start 7:30pm
- not much on the agenda this week
- new member orientation
Standing rules
- same as last week
Punchlist - things left to do
- ideas on what things are still left to do in the space:
- on the whiteboard:
- door handle for the studio door
- door handle on blue doors needs to be turned around
- stable network, call wow for a new modem
- security system
- back room needs to be organized, shelving
- complete the workbench
- cordreel for classroom extension cord
- projector mounting
- ethernet drops
- seal and cover windows
- make space warmer for arts/crafts work, rolling carts, cabinets, places to display work -- bigger project
- signage and calendar of events / classes in the front window
- lit sign above our garage door
- shelving under the stairs
New membership ideas
- drive members to the space
- get more interest
- increase our classes, more promotion
- more 'themed' nights or events (microcontrollers, soldering, radio, crafting)
- open build nights
- more classes
- talk to other groups (Handmade Detroit)
- weekend events
- important for people can't make it weeknights
Member storage
- keeps coming up
- as we organize more, decide on shelving / cabinets, clean the back room, this should work out
- do we need rules for large projects / use of storage?
- pros: easier to put rules in place now, need rules before it becomes a problem
- cons: should be common sense, should fall under the "don't be a dick" clause
- idea: appoint a 'czar' of space, who you can go to for space issues
- idea: label your project, label your space, "call me if you need to move this"
- idea: make
- we all work together, but without communication toes will be stepped on
Cleaning crew
- rotates every tuesday
- who will go this week?
- rashad and nate volunteered again
- Ed: free notebooks for logging tool usage
- Ed: waivers are now in a spreadsheet so we can quickly see who has a waiver on file
- Russ: first electrical bill $90.. on the order of what we expected, and we had pretty heavy usage, so it's seems pretty good
- gas is next..
- watch the thermostat, turn it down when you leave
- Thursday cereal bar
- friday - lunch? about setting up an ignite detroit
- we have a new member!
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