Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20091103
[hide]Meeting Minutes of 11-03-2009
- 322 E. 4th St.
- Royal Oak, MI
Members: Matt, Ed, Daniel, Jamie, Rashad, Ted, Steve, Joe, Nate, Russ, Trevor
Guests: Amy, Harry, Paul, Ian
And one dog.
- go around the room
- explain i3Detroit
- public mailing list is now up
Standing rules
- on the wiki here
- vote to adopt: passed
- move to officially note that Nate and Ted no longer suck.. did not pass
Change to meeting dates
- Russ proposes to move meetings to every other week
- 1st and 3rd week of the month
- people will show up on tuesdays
- but it's in the bylaws.. so it will be passed at the board meeting later tonight
Dale from Make magazine is coming to i3
- 11am to 1pm on Saturday
- hang with Dale
- anyone interested in volunteering for Maker Faire 2010 Greenfield Village
- open idea discussion
Email from city of Royal Oak
- Royal Oak Development Association
- asked us to be involved with the Holiday Magic Parade (November 21st)
- this is the same date as the Detroit Urban Craft Fair
- so we need two teams (see next point)
- the mayor told them we had to be in it :)
- they want us to bring the cupcake car
- need to make sure the car is ready for the parade
- Nick will go to the meeting for organizing the parade (the 17th)
Detroit Urban Craft Fair
- the cupcake car will need to be at both events
- need two teams
- need to load/unload the cupcake car
- need more cool ideas
- something interactive
- group projects, individual projects
- like a mini Maker Faire
- we are listed as a sponsor (for building the changing booth)
- how much space do we actually have? not known yet
- cupcake car
- nerf shooting range (4-8 targets)
- theremin
- examples of past classes (especially craft classes, like the papercraft class)
- halloween costumes
- projected video
- laser demonstration
- vinyl cutter.. hook up a laptop and let people push a button to print something out
- marshmallow cannon
- t-shirt launcher (for the parade as well)
- bristlebot
How to start a project
Make a post on the mailing list!
Open discussion
- how is everyone liking the space? are you able to use it as you imagined?
- beer brewing class?
- i3detroit Skype account.. get a web cam in the space?
- communal PCs and servers in the space
- worries about power consumption.. we just need to accept that we'll have higher power consumption
- don't limit the use of computers in the space.. computers will be used for all kinds of different, useful things
- consensus is there should be no limit on servers and computers in the space, but don't bring hardware in needlessly
- solar panels, batteries, wind turbines.. anyone want to do a project?
- DARPA contest.. end of December, 10 big tethered, red weather balloons, locate 5 out of 10
- $40,000 prize
- let's put up some big eight foot red balloons on that day
- Rashad: OpenEverything
- conference in Ann Arbor, 70 people
- post ideas on a board
- each 45 minutes, 4 different tables
- discuss open government, etc.
- see Rashad's post on the mailing list
- Rashad also went to the A2 maker space.. Digital Ops.. excited to see one of us there
- Telescope Bill in Oak Park
- 2600 meeting this friday in Ann Arbor
- Ignite Ann Arbor this friday as well
- Nick is in the middle of buying a $1600 mill, if anyone wants to help fund it and get it in the space, talk to him, he's looking for people to help
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