Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20091013
[hide]Meeting Minutes of 10-13-2009
- 322 E. 4th St.
- Royal Oak, MI
~12 people.
Attendees: See the sign in sheet
New person introduction
- Special guest: Chris (Kive) from the Atlanta Hackerspace Freeside
- http://thegeekgroup.org - woah
Membership drive
- still need new members
Cereal Bar
- 10/22 6:30am to 8:30am
- have breakfast together, get people in the space, social event
- if successful, it could be a monthly thing
New / upcoming classes
- radio theory (practice) part 2
- web servers part 1 and 2
- HTML and CSS
- 'web wednesdays' - programming / web development classes every Wednesday
- keep ideas coming, if you know someone who knows something
- arduino class? arduino night? Microcontroller Monday?
- two big requests right now: Arduino and Blender
Project area
- per-member space for projects
- storage room?
- need to clean out the storage room and see how much space is in there
Standing rules (Nate)
- they're better, but still not ready, check out the wiki page
- can a spouse use your credentials?
- Chris (Atlanta fellow): we have household memberships (kids, spouses, etc.)
- that sounds pretty good, let's post it to the mailing list
- next update on standing rules: next Tuesday
Automated dues payments (Ed)
- checked with the USPS, we do have an address (322) but we're marked as vacant
- we theoretically could set up a mailbox
- checked with credit union, two options: 1.) send out physical checks 2.) do wire transfers (which involves fees, difficult to set up, have to give account numbers out)
- Chris (Atlanta fellow): we used paypal, it sucked, so we added google checkout, we are also building a member management system, paypal fees are lower for 501c3, it's important to make it easy for people to give you money
- easiest way right now is to have checks sent via billpay to Ed's office (talk to him for address), or paypal ($103 to include the paypal fee), or bring your money to a meeting
Open floor
- easy meetings woo!
- Ted: FIRST robotics kickoff, propose to donate memberships, also propose we sponsor the team to work on the robot in the space for the duration of the build season (starting january)
- minors in the space? does our insurance say anything about that? (they do say 18 and up)
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