Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20241015

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Agenda for 2024-10-15

Meeting Location

Meeting was Called to Order At: XXXXXXXXX

i3 Detroit 1481A Wordsworth St. Ferndale, MI 48220



Virtual Meeting Etiquette

  • Be excellent.
  • Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
  • Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
  • If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
  • If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
  • Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.

Officer Reports

Treasurer & Budget

Bank balance (includes $25,446 Grant in April)
Jan $14,129.88
Feb $10,899.90
Mar $10,672.09
Apr $36,102.06 Net $10,656.06
May $31,440.27 Net $5,994.27
Jun $33,397.93 Net $7,951.93
Jul $34,309.93 Net $8,863.93
Aug $33,626.54 Net $8,180.54
Sept $22,792.57 Net $12,324.16. Grant balance remaining $10,468.41 after CNC purchase
Savings Balance $55,040


Please provide feedback on minutes if you have any comments


Senior Vice President

VP of Membership

Another month of positive growth with three people completing phase 1, three completing phase two and into active membership status. We had one person drop as they had to move to the west coast.

Current active Members is sitting at 243

VP of Activities & Classes

Class teacher People Gross Sales

WoodWorking 101 Osama 4 $178

Leather Mask Lew 2 $46

Total: $224

Note: I do not have the cost of materials

Upcoming 16-Oct Wiki Wine Wednesday

17-Oct Halloween Decorations workshop

18-Oct Tour

19-Oct Expansion, Black in Gaming 2PM

25-Oct Tour, Still Life Art

15-Mar-25 MRCA Combat Robotics Competition


Member Advocate

Pulse Check

This is a reminder to check if any officer provided no report in three consecutive board meetings. If so, at this point in the Board meeting, we add an item to the subsequent Member Meeting agenda, to call for nominations or volunteers for the Board to appoint to that office at next month's Board meeting.

Committee Reports

Fundraising Committee

Safety & Compliance Committee

No update.

Reports only expected in July.

Moderation Committee

Old Business

Prior Minutes

Camera Review Review

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

Outstanding action items

  • From last month's board meeting: Seek and appoint a secretary
    • POC: Unknown
  • From last month's board meeting: Finding out whether closing the email vote after a majority of the board has voted is legal within Michigan corporate law
    • POC: Jeremy Glogower

New Business

  • Please note that if you add something that requires a board vote, you must also email board@i3detroit.org at least 10 days before the board meeting to notify them of the upcoming vote

HVAC: Air Conditioning(Hans C., as Classroom Zone Coordinator)

  • The air conditioning has not worked this entire year. I have brought this issue up regularly in the member meetings. Without any action, I'm bringing the topic up here.
  • This is a serious inconvenience to those who use the classroom. The classroom is used to regularly host events that bring in outsiders so it's important to both our reputation and recruiting new members.
  • The lack of air conditioning also negatively affects those in other zones such as the current craft zone, elab, and media zone.
  • Can the board appoint someone to address this issue (including the authorization to spend funds) and/or create a plan to correct this?
  • I appreciate in advance any help that the Board can bring to this issue.
  • I have created the following two proposals to help address this issue:

Proposal 1: i3 Detroit Air Conditioning Repair: Spending Authorization

Authorize an amount up to $4,000 for the purpose of repairing i3 Detroit’s Air Conditioning. This includes inspection, repair, maintenance, supplies, equipment, and any other expense deemed necessary to complete this task.
Moved by Hans Chen
Result: '

Proposal 2: i3 Detroit Air Conditioning Repair: Project Champion

Appoint a Project Champion to coordinate activities to repair i3 Detroit’s Air Conditioning. The project Champion would be authorized to coordinate all activities needed to repair i3 Detroit’s Air Conditioning. The Project Champion would also be allowed to spend funds authorized for this purpose to be used for inspection, repair, maintenance, supplies, equipment, and any other expense deemed necessary to complete this task.
Moved by Hans Chen
Result: '

Discuss forming facilities committee

Formed from representatives from each of the zones?

Discuss transition from zones to committees

Who'd like to be in this discussion? where? when? how?

what possible pitfalls can we identify? what mitigation strategies?

Discuss revamping of committees

It seems we have committees which are stale? What should we do about it? How?

  • Canaries in the meeting template?

Discuss having member meetings and open house nights on the same night

allow for opportunities to memberfy, train.


Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Appoint a Project Champion to coordinate activities to repair i3 Detroit’s Air Conditioning. The project Champion would be authorized to coordinate all activities needed to repair i3 Detroit’s Air Conditioning. The Project Champion would also be allowed to spend funds authorized for this purpose to be used for inspection, repair, maintenance, supplies, equipment, and any other expense deemed necessary to complete this task.Hans Chen
Authorize an amount up to $4,000 for the purpose of repairing i3 Detroit’s Air Conditioning. This includes inspection, repair, maintenance, supplies, equipment, and any other expense deemed necessary to complete this task.Hans Chen

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed:
  • Funds appropriated:
  • Attendees:


  1. Chair
  2. Secretary

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Board Meeting Minutes 20240917 Board Meeting Minutes 20241119