Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20190312

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Tentative Minutes for 03-12-2019

Chair: John Coggeshall

Officer Reports

Treasurer & Budget

  • Treasurer is out sick.


  • No report


  • Working with U of M student who has completed 3 of 4 items for the Maker Room project. They've visited one school in Detroit so far.

Senior Vice President

  • Lew has been helping Vivian with the U of M student.

VP of Activities & Classes

  • Still need some volunteers for the March 24 Open House, but it's starting to come together. May have to dip into the classes and activities budget for this.

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • We had a bump in tours and new members with the Village Workshop closure.
  • +7 new members in the past month.
  • Some complaints about limitations with Google Forms for our onboarding process. Looking into alternate platforms, possibly built into our new CRM if that is available soon.

VP of Membership-Member Advocate

  • No report

Committee Reports

Meta Floor Planning Committee

Mike: The committee has put together a document of one-pagers for each zone summarizing the requests from each existing and proposed zone. Board members should review this and put together questions to be sent to zone coordinators/zone proposers. Specifically ask about things that would help you decide on the requests being made. We'd like to have this list of questions compiled by Sunday, March 17 so there is time for coordinators to answer prior to the special board meeting on March 26...

Special Board Meeting has been requested by Mike and Mark on Tuesday, March 26 for the purposes of discussion and giving tentative approval on zone requests so that new zones and equipment can be considered in the actual floor-planning process.

  • David has some questions about projected noise levels and costs of zones. Will bring them up in Slack.

Safety & Compliance Committee

  • No report

Moderation Committee

  • No report

Old Business

Action Item Review

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

  • Discussion of Certificate of Occupancy application process and required inspections.
Allocate $500 for city inspections, permits, and related fees.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Mike
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

New Business

Allocating funds for administrative costs

Per treasurer's request, allocate $200 for administrative costs for the rest of 2019 as follows:
  • Quickbooks License, 1 year: $50
  • Annual Fee Paid to State in October: $20
  • Election Software, 4 uses (board vote plus up to three referenda on expansion): $80
  • Miscellaneous administrative costs: $50

Moved by Paul, Seconded by Mike
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Some discussion on whether this was budgeted for already, confirmation from treasurer that this is in addition to previous allocations.

Fundraising Committee Creation

Form a fundraising committee to organize and oversee all fundraising and grant writing activities to better coordinate these activities.

More formally: "Coordinate various fundraising and grant writing activities at i3. Ensure that all fundraising activities are approved and have appropriate follow up. Be a point of contact for all members interested in working on fundraising or grant writing at i3.”

The meetings will be the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM, unless otherwise decided by the committee. The following people will be on the committee:

  • Paul Lee
  • Lew Dennison
  • Jan Henry
  • President of i3Detroit (presently Vivian Sanders)
  • Treasurer of i3Detroit (presently Melissa Gilchrist)

The committee will be chaired by the President & Treasurer.

The committee will provide updates in emails to i3detroit@googlegroups.com, as well as at board meetings.

Moved by Paul, Seconded by Matt
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Designating Zones as Committees to fit Robert's Rules of Order

Designate each i3 Zone as a Committee organized by the board of directors, chaired initially by the existing Zone Coordinator(s) of each zone. These Zone Committees shall be responsible in entirety for each of their assigned i3 Zone, and each Zone Committee chair shall be authorized to appoint co-chairs and members to their committee as deemed necessary by the zone. As regular standing committees of the i3 Detroit Board of Directors, these Zone Committees shall make regular reports to the i3 Board as necessary.
Moved by David, Seconded by Matt
0 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: FAIL
  • This was suggested by Coogle for procedural reasons and was moved on to begin discussion.
  • Paul: Do we need to do this like this or can we just say that we treat zone coordinators as committee chairs.
  • Coogle: Procedurally there isn't a way to do that. It would have to be in the bylaws.
  • David: With this change, zone coordinators would be able to appoint additional coordinators for their zones.
  • Jody: Would this be a special or standing committee?
  • Coogle: It would be a regular committee that exists until the board disbands it
  • Jody moves to table. No second.
  • Matt: How do we want to communicate this to existing zone coordinators.
  • Paul: suggests ammending the initial motion to restrict the chair of the committee to be the current zone coordinator who can add additional committee members as zone helpers. Matt seconds.
  • David: Does that make zone assistants special and recognized to hold the floor at meetings?
  • Coogle: Committee members can also hold the floor.
  • Vivian asks how this differs from what we have now.
  • Coogle: On a small scale it's the same. Procedurally zone coordinators can't hold the floor without a request from a board member.
  • Vivian: Doesn't want to stifle creativity and prevent people from speaking and turn them away and is concerned about getting entrenched in following Robert's Rules of Order too strictly.
  • Jan: What harm is there in changing the rules to recognize zone coordinators. Committees seem heavy, and don't want that verbage applied outside of meetings.
  • Mike: agrees that we don't need to call zones committees outside of meetings.
  • Coogle: suggests that this adds structure to something that's not well defined.
  • Jan: Outside of the budget meeting, this hasn't been an issue yet.

Table the discussion on designating zones as committees
Moved by Matt, Seconded by Mike
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Allocating funds for Suite B infrastructure

Authorize the Infrastructure Zone to spend up to $300 on two Unifi AC Pro wireless access points for Suite B
Moved by Mike, Seconded by Paul
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 8:22
  • Funds appropriated: $1,000
  • Attendees: 11

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Per treasurer's request, allocate $200 for administrative costs for the rest of 2019 as follows:
  • Quickbooks License, 1 year: $50
  • Annual Fee Paid to State in October: $20
  • Election Software, 4 uses (board vote plus up to three referenda on expansion): $80
  • Miscellaneous administrative costs: $50
Designate each i3 Zone as a Committee organized by the board of directors, chaired initially by the existing Zone Coordinator(s) of each zone. These Zone Committees shall be responsible in entirety for each of their assigned i3 Zone, and each Zone Committee chair shall be authorized to appoint co-chairs and members to their committee as deemed necessary by the zone. As regular standing committees of the i3 Detroit Board of Directors, these Zone Committees shall make regular reports to the i3 Board as necessary.DavidMatt00FAIL
Form a fundraising committee to organize and oversee all fundraising and grant writing activities to better coordinate these activities.

More formally: "Coordinate various fundraising and grant writing activities at i3. Ensure that all fundraising activities are approved and have appropriate follow up. Be a point of contact for all members interested in working on fundraising or grant writing at i3.”

The meetings will be the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM, unless otherwise decided by the committee. The following people will be on the committee:

  • Paul Lee
  • Lew Dennison
  • Jan Henry
  • President of i3Detroit (presently Vivian Sanders)
  • Treasurer of i3Detroit (presently Melissa Gilchrist)

The committee will be chaired by the President & Treasurer.

The committee will provide updates in emails to i3detroit@googlegroups.com, as well as at board meetings.
Allocate $500 for city inspections, permits, and related fees.MarkMike70PASS
Table the discussion on designating zones as committeesMattMike60PASS
Authorize the Infrastructure Zone to spend up to $300 on two Unifi AC Pro wireless access points for Suite BMikePaul60PASS


  1. John C
  2. Mike F
  3. David H
  4. Jan H
  5. Matt C
  6. Paul L
  7. Jody R
  8. Vivian S
  9. Lewis D
  10. Frank A
  11. Jeff P

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Board Meeting Minutes 20190212 Board Meeting Minutes 20190326