Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20150602

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Meeting Minutes 20150519 Meeting Minutes 20150616

Agenda for 06-02-2015

Chair: Konrad Cowbell@7:38pm

Broom Party



John - heard about us from his garage sale Oliver - heard about it from ^john John - introduced by another non-member Jon - from a podcast? Vivian - learned about us from the internet

Show and Tell

  • Wood turning examples.
  • Hoop straps.
  • Free bird seed.

Upcoming Events and Classes

Solid Edge Intro Event

  • June 11th 5:30PM-8:00PM

Detroit Torch Oxy/Acetelyene Demo

  • June 10th 6:30PM-??

Q2 Potluck

  • June 13th noon-6PM

Old Business

New Business

Maker Faire Detroit

POC: Konrad B

  • Call for makers ends Monday June 8th
  • Maker Faire Planning happened. Minutes here
  • Jamie B planning outdoor floor plan, tent decorations, and initiating after-party planning
  • Kevin F & Max planning outdoor gallery
  • Justin T planning indoor floor plan, t-shirts
  • Mike F organizing load-in, load-out truck rental
  • Nate W organizing Street Team
  • Charlie sourcing banners, fliers
  • Konrad planning merch/info area

Proposal on Bylaws and Standing Rules Pertaining to Meetings

POC: Konrad B

Maker Faire Cleveland

POC: Konrad B

  • Just FYI, it's happening June 6th
  • Jason K is going
    • Needs fliers, pamphlets, and/or banners
  • orlando mf in september
  • ann arbor mini-maker faire is this weekend
  • James odell whoring himself out as and arduino instructor/assistant

Zone updates

Bike Zone

  • alley cat race in planning, expect a survey soon. It's like a scavenger hunt on bikes.


  • ZW is out of state, no updates
  • classes are being held there

CNC Zone

  • Jim's started another round of CNC training

Compute Zone

  • slack: new chat system for team communications. it's being used to socialize and coordinate various things. There are wiki posts, and emails about it, any q?s ask Justin Triplet
  • Justin kickstarted the $9 computer, he's taking some donations to make it i3 instead of personal

Craft Room

The Husqvarna has successfully undergone maintenance procedures. Once I get a little more free time, I'll be reaching out to those whose embroidery classes were interrupted to reschedule.

  • husqvarna will be out of the space on thursdays for the next few weeks while Kakes classes on using it better

E Lab

  • new parts ordered. Please email ZW if you use up some supplies and more needs to be ordered.

Fab Lab

  • Rostock MAX is down-ish
    • The pneumatic couplers used to retain the Bowden tube broke again
    • Matt Gardeski ordered a pile more from Grainger
    • Machine will likely be operational in a few days
  • PCB Mill needs your help!
    • Brandon Biller has ordered and received the parts to fix the spindle motor board
    • However, he is having trouble with the details of soldering the new parts into the board
    • Please contact him directly to follow up if you think you can help out
  • New equipment is moving into the lab
  • Classes:
    • Resin printer class went well, but...
      • ...no one already trained came to be a trainer...
      • Amelia Meyer would really appreciate additional trainers
    • As always, please ask if you want a class


Progress is being made toward a super accurate time server thanks mostly to Lego and Ben

  • not much other progress, there's not much broken
  • orange outlets installed to signify UPS backed up outlets
  • todo list on wiki, mostly up to date
  • everything else ranges from "nice to have" to "really need"
  • contact Evan for group things
  • also to be done during potlock

Injection Molding

  • Members being trained on CNC to make molds

Kiln Zone

  • Glass Kiln is retired for now.
  • Porcelain Kiln is DOWN for repairs for 6 weeks.
  • Ceramics Kiln is UP
  • Pottery Class in SUMMER - Samantha hosting, prolly beginning of august
  • Enamel Jewelry class in FALL.

Laser Zone

  • Several successful classes were run last month with a number of new operators added
  • Exact replacement parts for all the brokenness have been ordered from Weike

Metal Shop

  • looking at getting a flat-something put in
  • should help keep dust segregation between wood/metal shops
  • new granite slab, nate will make a cover for it

Sky Zone

  • The Henry's donated SkyChairs last summer, as did Jody this past weekend (three in total). Would people be interested in having them in the space, or would they be too in the way, and adding a rigging system to keep them out of the way would outweigh the benefits of having SkyChairs?
  • Could we hang them out front of the building, under the overhang in front of the e-lab and craft room?
  • Grand lighting plan will be unveiled after Maker Faire/Red Bull Competition project mayhem has wrapped up.

Tool Crib

  • no updates (CHARLIE!)

Tree House

  • cleaned out, like whoa
  • foam couch and bookcase have been evicted, along with the spiders that inhabit
  • remaining couches got thorough vacuuming
  • books got downsized, Max in making a new process for book donations
  • upkeep tips:
    • please tidy after you use it
    • throw your trash away
    • hug max
  • there's a workspace up there now
  • max & evan will attach wood planks to metal stairs to make it nicer

Vinyl Zone

  • new blades and rollers ordered

Welding Zone

  • classes coming up, check the mailing list for the whenisgood


  • wiki wiki wiki wub wub screeeeee
  • highest usage of recorded history (4 months)
  • honorable mentions:
    • Terry and Jim Kemp - ton of work on Haas
    • brad did lot of updates on 3d printer page
    • ken uploaded notes for flywheel energy storage system, example of good minutes storage
    • kevin uploaded a lot of pics and notes on husqvarnefnordb0rkb0rkski

Wood Shop

  • new members expressing interest in intro class, coordinating i happening, maybe next week
  • close to getting new lathe, at about $600 of $700

other stuff

  • redbull creation, no new info, site is stale from


8:32 pm - brook party

Lost & Found Party

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed:
  • Funds appropriated:
  • Attendees:

Action Items

no action items yet, Charlie.


no proposals yet, Charlie.


  • John Suarez
  • Cameron Geralds
  • Gary Morin
  • Greg Smith
  • Dave Scholl
  • david Henry
  • Jan HEnry
  • Mike Fink
  • sam Levin
  • Nate Bezoansomething
  • Nikki
  • Brad T
  • Ryan Wallis
  • Maxwell Gonyea Ultra Cuddly Alexander
  • Jody
  • Judy Sulivan
  • Justin Triplett
  • Amelia Meyer
  • James Odell
  • Xivian A Sanders
  • Kevin Florys
  • Tom Nardone
  • Pail Frick
  • Levi
  • Matt "The Scribe" Huber