Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20150616
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[hide]Agenda for 06-16-2015
Chair: Charlie Rysenga
More Cowbell
7:32pm Eastern Daylight Time
Broom Party
- Frank
- Brianna, researcher from Stanford, doing research on makerspaces.
- Patrick, a parrot in a suit, but no top hat.
Show and Tell
- Cookies
Old Business
New Business
Changes to Bylaws Pertaining to Meetings
POC: Konrad B A proposal is made to make changes to the way Member and Board meetings are called, and how notice of a meeting may be given. The proposed changes are found here in a draft document
- Bylaws Diff
- While the standing rules are not board business, changes to the standing rules which complement these changes to Bylaws will be proposed at the next regular member meeting
- Standing Rules Diff
- Konrad: Nate, James, and Konrad met to discuss moving meeting times from bylaws to standing rules
- Bylaws changes approved at June board meeting, requires 2/3 majority vote of members to pass
- Standing rules changes requires majority vote of members to pass
Moved by Konrad, Seconded by ??
14 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Maker Camp in Ferndale
POC: Konrad B
- Link to Ferndale Schools
- Wednesdays and Thursdays 1-3pm
- July 8th to August 7th
- Contact Konrad if interested in organizing as part of an i3 group
- You can also volunteer individually! ask if you need help with contacting Ferndale Schools
Committee on Bylaws and Standing Rules Pertaining to Board Terms
POC: Konrad B
- Meeting is scheduled for Thursday June 25th at 7pm
- Topics for discussion:
- Should board terms be staggered with overlapping terms?
- Should board terms be up for re-election on a biannual election cycle?
- Should board terms be longer than 1 year?
- Comparison to All Hand's Active's elections process...
- Should directors be allowed to simultaneously hold officer positions?
Space Project Updates
Terry is stepping down from this. It's a table of everything that gets space money for group/space projects. Need a champion to contact the project leads to get status updates. Contact Charlie if you need more info There's a wiki that maintains the list of projects Justin might be insterested.
i3 MotorSports
- Matt will send notice to mailing list for slack
- Firetruck was donated, but is unclaimed at this time.
- might be fun to have as support/non-competition vehicle at MF
- Field day is June 26-28th
- LCARC is at Addison Oaks, stop on by!
Kevin: Ashley is still searching We're tying to buy a letterpress to do artsy things with paper contact kevin/ashley for info
Mariel's update- completed tailpipe communicator, off to lakes of fire! No project entered in Makerfaire, would love to help/meet other members getting ready for the event (I am trained/talented in non-metallic areas as well)
Nikki's update- Might have a working design for the coolsuit to be worn under Maker Faire costume. Looking for donations/supplies to bring it to life. Putting the motorized stool on hold until the part that has to do with safety is complete. Blacktop + dress made of emergency blanket is serious. Considering looking in to something like a gofundme that could run through til next years Maker Faire. Any ideas/help appreciated.
Other Stuff
- Arduino class will likely be 2nd weekend in july. Will be on the calendar soon.
- Awesome PotLock, thanks everyone who brought food and helped improve the space.
7:57pm Eastern Daylight Time.
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed:
- Funds appropriated:
- Attendees:
Action Items
no action items yet, Charlie.
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
bylaws | Konrad | ?? | 14 | 0 | PASS |