Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20150519
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[hide]Agenda for 05-19-2015
Chair: Charlie Rysenga
- Max - interrupts meetings, loves smiles
- Jen - from CO, here for the summer, donated the embroidery machine
- Gary M - back for the summer from Florida
- Brandon - "Hi..."
- Jessica - Interested in the Wood Shop
- Ryan - props designer for theater and film
- Deech - from Arch Reactor in St Louis to check out i3
- Ana - does nerdy computer stuff
Broom Party
- Charlie threatens with bags
- and avocados
Show and Tell
Scott S - "Battle Ship" Controller
Gary shows hackerspace stuff at Sarasota, FL
- located in a Science Center
- They have a Bridgeport, lathe and Tormach mill, 48" Epson printer
- Similar to a TechShop, with hired staff
- Gary took over for wardening electronics lab
- Showed fencing foil statues
Konrad - motor mount made on CNC machine
Siemens Grant Goodies
Charlie coordinated a grant from Siemens
- for a Microsoft Surface Pro 3, with Siemens SolidEdge CAD and CAM for the CNC zone
- There will be an event the night of June 11th for drinks and snacks, learning and making with Siemens SolidEdge
Old Business
New Business
Take All the Photos
- POC: Mike Fink
- I want to take photos of everyone present who would like to be on the photo board
- I'll get prints this week and put up photos this weekend
- Specifically need photos of board members and officers who aren't up there
- Lets do this after the meeting, everyone group up in $designated_area and I'll try to make it quick
Moderation Committee
- We have one, chaired by Nate B
We could use more people on it.- We also need to develop specific rules and reporting guidelines for moderators.
Maker Faire Planning
POC: Konrad B
- WhenIsGood
Tormach Grant
POC: Konrad B
- Will send out email seeking pledges from members
- Tormach CNC mill will be 4-axis, smaller than Haas and easier for starting CNC
Space Project Updates
Air Conditioner has new filter
- Needs to be changed in 90 days
- Spare filters in tool crib
i3 MotorSports
The #3 car has been accepted to MakerFaire for the PPPRS race. Preliminary review of the car shows it in decent working order. Needs new tires, and a couple of tune-up issues, but does /not/ need a full rebuild this year. If anyone is interested in helping build/drive/pit crew, please join the #i3motorsports channel on Slack.
- There's also a John Deere Gator here next to the battery chargers
- It's free for anyone to make it into something!
Dayton Hamvention was this past weekend. The flea market was a bit disappointing this year, with fewer sellers and fewer buyers in the parking lot than in years past. Still was a good time, and there were deals to be had. Matt is not available for the SIGHam meetup this month, and is looking for someone interested/available to host this month's session. Either contact him directly, or post in the Slack #ham channel
- Still looking
- Trying to stay within budget, making search more difficult
- Should we publicize that we are looking for a letter press?
- New term starts June 1st, application due May 31st for new applicants.
- Application and information here
Current Term Wrap-up
Overall, it went better than last term!
- Fewer Christmases getting in the way
- Second try > first try
- Jamie could use volunteers to help coordinate next term as the volume of the program will likely grow
Joseph W. Baumann
- recently purchased an 8 inch by 8/4 rough cut board to attempt to build a new gun stock. My first major woodworking project!!!
- repaired motorcycle fairings, and thought to myself, 'it sure would be nice if we had small craftsmen tool sets that were all neat and organized and contained a whole socket set,' but this was followed by the reminder that 'this is a hackerspace... We can have nice things as long as everyone is responsible and returns everything to where it belongs.' Maybe one day we can find an intermediate solution.
Nicole Weltman
- Spent Sunday night working with newer member Theo Crossen and his sister Ana (who would also love to become a member) to make an A.M. radio out of an empty toilet paper roll with copper wire, a pencil and some basic soldering. It worked REALLY well for about an hour, but we could only pick up a gospel station!
- Still working on upgrading my silver dress costume for Maker Faire and simultaneously trying to finish the write up and application for it. So far, along with the help of many members of our awesome community, I have decided that under the skirt of the dress I will be hiding a motorized stool and a body cooling system, so that I don't die on the blacktop.
- Over the past couple of months I have given multiple tours and brought many new people to the space. I've worn my i3 shirts everywhere and shown more pride in being a part of the community then some people might like (I kinda won't shut up about it). I am also hoping to become a trainer on Bumblebee and the 3D resin printer very soon.
Karianne Gottschalk
- Was sick for a couple months, but now she's been given an awesome opportunity for a super secret project out west!!
- Some have been training/retraining her on larger machinery like the big saws, woodworking tools and tips along with the laser cutter program(s)
- She'll be taking a leave of absence for either a week up to 2 months depending how well the "project" is going.
- in the mean time, thank you for all the support and I will continue the i3Detroit name dropping ;) <3 you all!
Maxwell Gonyea-Alexander
- Successfully turned the membership coordinator position into two positions, helping to prevent burn out in current and future officers and allowing the position (now positions) to do more for i3 Detroit.
- Continues to help with events such as Yuri's night, and will be heading up the i3 Gallery at Maker Faire and the 3rd consecutive Pumpkin Carving Contest.
- Potentially developing a cartoon.
Photo Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed:
- Funds appropriated:
- Attendees:
Action Items
no action items yet, Charlie.
no action items yet, Charlie.