Singer 660 A202 Industrial Sewing Machine

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Singer 660 A202 Industrial Sewing Machine
Name Singer Industrial Sewing Machine
Zone Sewing Zone

Owner i3Detroit
Make Model Singer 660 A202
Part Number
Date Acquired 2015-10
Storage Location Craft Room, south wall
Authorization Required Yes
Status Down
Value $250

Documentation File:Singer660Parts.pdf
Other References



  • Do not sew over pins.
  • Remove thread in the direction of thread path only. Do not remove backwards.
  • Keep your fingers out of the needle. Or the needle out of your finger.
  • Do not share the lock combination, and lock up when you are done.


Maintenance Info

Check oil every stitching session.


Can it sew leather? - Yes, apparel leather. Not thick leather. It's a light industrial machine, so it's designed to stitch home and commercial interior textiles, upholstery, linens, drapes etc. You probably will not sew a leather belt with this, nor a thick leather handbag.


Fix timing. August 2023

Authorized Users and Trainers

Trainer Name Certified Date
David Henry 2015
Lewis Dennison 2015
User Name Authorized By Date of Most Recent Training
Nikki Weltman David Henry 2019
Sasha Brandt David Henry Heck if I know"Heck if I know" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Singer 660 A202 Industrial Sewing Machine Zone: Sewing Zone "/>