RFID entry system

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RFID entry system
Name ESP RFID door controller
Zone Infrastructure

Owner i3Detroit
Make Model ESP-RFID relay board
Part Number
Date Acquired
Storage Location Mounted to the wall near the door
Authorization Required No
Status Running
IP Address a side:; b side:
MAC Address A side: 58:BF:25:DB:82:7E; b side: 58:BF:25:DC:62:8E
Hostname a-side-main, b-side-office
Documentation code we are running

programming script HOWTO Program a key

Other References


This is the door controller that controls access to the building It's an esp-rfid and a weigand 13.6 MHz rfid/keypad




  • Scan your key against the rectangular LED
Keypad on A-side main door
Scan location on A-side main door
Keypad on B-side office door
Scan location on B-side office door
  • Type in your PIN
  • Press enter
  • On successful PIN entry, the door will unlock for 3s, then automatically lock
  • No audible feedback is given at this time, just try the door as you type the last digit of your PIN
  • If you have entry problems, please contact Mara Furland or Amelia Meyer


A-Side Main:

  • Press the crashbar as normal
Exit crashbar on A-side main door
  • The magnet will re-engage 3s after the bar has been pressed

B-Side Office:

  • Press the green EXIT button
Exit button on B-side office door
  • The magnet will re-engage 3s after the button has been pressed

Or just use the door handle

Maintenance Info

Door access log is at /var/log/mqtt-door.log but doesn't contain all door events



Known esp rfid bugs (not reported to esp rfid because making test cases takes time)

  • a user badging in can scan as the previous user occasionally, so it says bad pin
  • doors crash a lot when reading the user list

Next steps

  1. remove mqtt opendoor functionality
  2. write script to open door via websocket
  3. more error handling/timeout in the setting script so we can automatically retry in the future


  1. medium term data source: make script to fetch from google, or update seltzer
    • make a script that can automagically pull the spreadsheet, but this is a google permissions issue and I think the best way is to create an account that only has read access to the spreadsheet and use credentials from that and I've been lazy.
    • Update CRM to replace slot with pin, and put all the keys back in the CRM.

RFID entry system Zone: Infrastructure https://www.i3detroit.org/wi/images/4/4f/Authorization_not_required.svg "/> https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/RFID_entry_system

Wiring Notes

Keypad connection

From the top of the esp-rfid board the order is

  • D0
  • D1
  • WG (N/C)
  • BUZ
  • LED
  • GND
  • VIN
  • F1 (N/C)
  • F2 (N/C)

colour table

purpose reader extension
12V red brown
GND black brown/white
D0 green green
D1 white green/white
LED blue blue
beep yellow orange
??? grey(not populated on all keypads) orange/wite
N/C N/C blue/white

non-keypad connections

  • Button has a button
  • Door Stat: not connected
  • 12V
  • RSW: Not connected, no idea
  • RPDW: Connected to magnet coil

RFID Key Formats

There are three formats for the data in our flavour of RFID:

  1. 1 26 bit decimal number, just a number, written on keyfobs
  2. 2 16 bit decimal numbers, <5 digits>:<5 digits>, currently (2022-07-29) in the CRM and written on the cards.
  3. the number but as hex It's what is in the spreadsheet right now.

Converting formats

  • To go from hex to decimal: echo 0x05094D8 | perl -nle 'print hex'
    • 0x is optional
  • To go from 2 16 bit to decimal: echo 80:38104 | perl -laF/:/ -e 'print (($F[0] << 16) + $F[1])'
  • To go from decimal to 2 16 bit:echo 5280984 | perl -ne 'printf "%03d:%05d\n", $_ >> 16, $_ & 0xFFFF'
  • Decimal to hex: echo 5280984 | perl -nle 'printf "0x%X\n", $_'

There is also ablog post and Google Sheet about this.