Powermatic 14 inch Bandsaw

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Powermatic 14 inch Bandsaw
PwrMat Bandsaw.jpg
Name Powermatic 14 inch Bandsaw
Zone Wood Shop

Owner i3Detroit
Make Model Powermatic PWBS14
Part Number S/N 140420023
Date Acquired 2014-11-14
Storage Location This machine is located in the Woodshop
Authorization Required Yes
Status Running
Value 1199.00

Documentation * Owners Manual
Other References * Bandsaw consumables are on this list: Wood Shop Consumables


The Powermatic 14 inch Bandsaw with 1.5 hp, 230V, with 6 in Riser and Kreg precision rip fence is particularly useful for cutting irregular or curved shapes, but can make straight cuts. The minimum radius of a curve that can be cut on a particular saw is determined by the width of the band and its kerf.


Band Saw Insert Training is required for all users

Authorization Required for machine adjustments and blade changes

  • For cutting wood or plastics, no metals
  • Read, understand and follow the safety instructions found in the manual
  • Keep fingers 3 inches from the blade
  • Do not cut wood that is not flat on the bottom, use a jig
  • Never clear small pieces while the blade is running
  • Do not push work with your thumbs.
  • Keep guards in place
  • Do not force the tool, it will do a better job at the rates it is designed for
  • Wear proper apparel, do not wear loose clothing or other items that may get caught. Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.
  • Always wear Safety glasses.


Plan your cuts before making them

  • Set Upper Blade guide assembly, raise or lower to just above the material being cut
  • make sure the Tension Adjustment lever is in the up position
  • Turn on the work light
  • Feed material only into the blade DO NOT BACK UP MATERIAL with the machine running or the blade will come loose from the guides. stop it first.
  • Feed work gently into the blade, do not force the work or bend the blade
  • In most situations a cutting line should be followed
  • Both hands should be used to feed the wood, and placed on opposite sides of the blade
  • A jig or clamp should be used to hold odd shaped or round pieces
  • Make through cuts or release cuts, if needed predrill holes so that waste pieces can be removed

Maintenance Info


  • Clean the tires when changing blades, use a scraper to clean gunk off the tire
  • Clean the table surface with table cleaning abrasive then coat with surface protectorate like "Glidecoat"
  • Blow out the blade guide assemblies to clean out dust and debris.
  • De-tension the blade and remove from the saw
  • Coil the blade so it fits in the cleaning tub (located on top of wood shop cabinet)
  • Mix a solution of "Simple Green" or other degreaser about 50/50 and soak the blade in it for 45 min or until the gunk is somewhat loose
  • Using a BRASS brush clean the blade (not easy to do because you will probably need to uncoil the blade)
  • Rinse with water
  • Coat the blade with surface protectorate like "Glidecoat"to prevent rusting.
  • Reinstall, re-tensio the blade align the blade on the tires and in the roller guides as one usually does when changing blades.


    • Dull Blade
    • Blade mounted Wrong
    • Gum or Pitch on blade
    • Incorrect blade for cut
    • Tension not set properly


Authorized Users and Trainers

Trainer Name Certified Date
Dave Scholl 2015/01/01
Katlyn Mehne 2019/09/15
Tim Clayson 2020/02/15
Rick Cortright 2021/03/01
Frank Aloia 2022/11/22
Osama Neiroukh 2025/01/01
User Name Authorized By Date of Most Recent Training
Kevin Flory Greg Smith 2015/01/06
Matt Gardeski Greg Smith 2015/01/06
Andy Hayden Thomas Tusano 2018/03/31
Adam Scholl Greg Smith 2015/01/06
Levi Morey Greg Smith 2015/01/06
Brian McPherson Greg Smith 2015/01/06
William Cunningham Greg Smith 2015/01/06
David Henry Greg Smith 2015/01/06
Leonard RH Greg Smith 2015/01/06
Charlie Rysenga Greg Smith 2015/01/06
David Jewell Greg Smith 2015/01/06
Cameron Geralds Greg Smith 2015/01/06
Tony Slover Dave Scholl 2017/01/03
Tony Klein Dave Scholl 2017/01/03
Terry Wynn Greg Smith 2018/01/17
Sean Work Dave Scholl 2018/04/03
Vivian Sanders Dave Scholl 2018/04/17
Mara Furland Dave Scholl 2016-10-25
Aisha Blake Thomas Tusano 2018-11-19
Rufus thames Thomas Tusano 2018-12-20
Santana D. Scott Greg Smith 2018-02-04
Bryan Williams Thomas Tusano 2019-03-02
Jaremi Diesenroth Thomas Tusano 2019-3-11
James Turner Thomas Tusano 2019-3-7
Josh Asuncion Thomas Tusano 2019-3-24
Avery Sturzl Thomas Tusano 2019-04-29
Terry Weymouth Thomas Tusano 2019-05-05
Kevin Bastyr Thomas Tusano 2019-06-28
Joe Girard Thomas Tusano 2019-08-01
Kevin Fanning Thomas Tusano 30oct2019
Michael Bereczky Thomas Tusano 2020-01-26
Tobias Schleich Thomas Tusano 2020/02/04
Tim Clayson Thomas Tusano 2020/02/04
Thomas Mackey Thomas Tusano 2020/01/26
Sean Stevens Tim Clayson 2020/09/29
Lisa Gardner Tim Clayson 2020/10/13
Zach Sutton Rick Cortright 2021/03/02
Isaac Jackel Rick Cortright 2021/07/22
Paul Askins Tim Clayson 2021/07/31
Joe Smeltzer Tim Clayson 2021/09/22
Jennifer Miller Tim Clayson 2021/09/22
Ryan Smith Tim Clayson 2021/11/03
Con Vuong Tim Clayson 2022/1/12
Katlyn Mehne Tim Clayson 2022/2/15
Matt Carpenter Tim Clayson 2022/2/18
Patrick Guyon Tim Clayson 2022/5/4
Nick LaRocca Tim Clayson 2022/4/15
John Kollman Tim Clayson 2022/05/20
Alex Taylor Tim Clayson 2022/08/10
Darwin Smith Tim Clayson 2022/08/25
Frank Aloia Tim Clayson 2022/08/25
Evan Greene Tim Clayson 2022/08/25
Gary Grzebienik Tim Clayson 2022/08/25
William Cunningham Tim Clayson 2022/11/13
Freddy Neumann Tim Clayson 2022/11/13
Sean Kelly Frank Aloia 2022/11/23
Drake Shackelford Frank Aloia 02/02/23
Jayson Brown Frank Aloia 02/02/23
Blake Icabone Frank Aloia 02/08/23
Tim Wainz Tim Clayson 2023/05/01
Athar Bakth Frank Aloia 2023/06/21
Adam Williams Frank Aloia 2023/06/21
Lou Wilson Frank Aloia 2023/06/21
Steven Maas Frank Aloia 2023/06/21
Furqan Memon Frank Aloia 2023/06/21
Kristina Schmidt Frank Aloia 2023/06/21
Mark Welty Frank Aloia 2023/07/10
Faizan Shaik Frank Aloia 2023/12/07
Emerson Craven Frank Aloia 2023/12/07
Lauren Yellen Frank Aloia 2023/12/07
Megan Greenwood Frank Aloia 2023/12/16
Brian Bezanson Frank Aloia 03/14/2024
Brenda Spalding Frank Aloia 03/14/2024
Theodore Clem Frank Aloia 03/14/2024
Jack Bowman Frank Aloia 03/14/2024
Isaiah Boyce Frank Aloia 04/2/2024
David Smith Frank Aloia 04/2/2024
Thomas Burns Frank Aloia 04/24/2024
Matteus Huvaere Frank Aloia 05/01/2024
Petur Gislason Frank Aloia 05/01/2024
Michael Kmiec Frank Aloia 05/01/2024
Paul Lee Tim Clayson 06/29/2024
David Lee Tim Clayson 06/29/2024
Craig Houston Tim Clayson 06/29/2024
Ben Newton Frank Aloia 2024/07/1
Dave Hurt Tim Clayson 2024/09/01
Adam Davies Frank Aloia 2024/10/10
Andrew Youmans Frank Aloia 2024/10/30
YURI RAMOCAN Tim Clayson 2025/02/22
James Phillips Osama Neiroukh 2025/03/22
Michael McDaniel Osama Neiroukh 2025/03/22

Powermatic 14 inch Bandsaw Zone: Wood Shop https://www.i3detroit.org/wi/images/3/3f/Authorization_required.svg "/> https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/Powermatic_14_inch_Bandsaw