Open Source SIG

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The Open Source Special Interest Group is a collection of people and events related to Open Source Software and Hardware, hosted by the Compute Zone. Currently we are meeting every Wednesday evening, with rotating topics supporting specific groups of people and needs. I am Justin (jtrip) and am happy to talk most anytime. Let me know what you think, feel free to add or request additions to this page. The days that are not regular meeting days are used to work on projects and prepare material etc.

Check out the #compute_zone Slack Channel for now.

Group Projects and Interests

The topics are not going to be only focused on individual software projects, instead actually many areas of computing that Open Source touches.


Script that sends recent results of a Twitter search to a Slack channel. This project has since stopped running, I think.

Git Empowerment

i3 Detroit has a number of software projects, most of which are hosted on the official i3Detroit GitHub organization and it is of course strongly encouraged to be used for group projects. I am also encouraging the use of the i3testing GitHub organization, for insane forking, branching, and merging tests. So jump in there, wreak some havoc, and learn.

GNU and BSD advocacy

Do you cringe when people only speak about Linux and not GNU distributions with Linux Kernels or BSD projects with Mach kernels? :| There's good reason, and it seems to be related to a lack of education on the topic. We will discuss open source software in terms of GNU, BSD, the differences between the GPL and the BSD or MIT software licenses, as well as the different paradigms in kernel topology.