Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20180605

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Agenda for 06-05-2018

Chair: Jamie


Experienced Members

  • Hatt M has been a member for a long time, is on the board of directors, often lasers things, works on the CRM, and has recently been livestreaming his laser cutting.
  • Greg is one of the wood shop coordinators
  • Ashley L has been a mmber for a long time and is the champion of our Letterpress

New Members & Guests

  • Mel has been a very long time guest and is now officially a member, and she is also our new Treasurer
  • Alicia just joined today
  • Laura is in phase 2 and has been working in the Jewelry Zone
  • Marty was previously a member at Tech Shop and has done a lot of laser cutting
  • Rick is in the process of joining and enjoys welding and woodworking
  • Jacob is here to check out i3
  • Ibrahim is interning at Ford for the summer and has been a member of several other maker spaces.
  • Ruth is joining tonight

Show and Tell

  • A very scary vest - a vest sewn by Jan with a custom print fabric which is the wallpaper from the haunted mansion at Disney.
  • Gary - Is curently playing with this month's "Hack-a-box" which is a monthly box of electronics goodies like tiny routers and ethernet taps, and he reccommends checking it out.

Old Business


  • Tony, Jody, and Matt C are going to the Nation of Makers Conference this weekend to reprsent i3 and are still interested in any things members might want to talk to other hackerspace leaders about. Jody's planning to put together a report on the experience by the next member meeting.

New Business

Coordinator Change in Jewelry and Kiln Zones

  • Leora is officially stepping down as co-coordinator of the Jewelry and Kiln Zones. If you are interested in helping out with the Jewelry Zone, contact the coordinator Tanya Tkacz at Jewelry@i3Detroit.org. If you are interested in helping out with the Kiln Zone (Ceramics, Glass and Kilns), Jody Raiford will be the point of contact and you can reach him at jody.raiford@gmail.com. Leora will still be available to answer jewelry and glass questions and will teach classes when she is able.

Security Camera for Media Lab

  • There's some expensive stuff in there, including the server that runs the cameras. Would be good to have a camera covering that, no?
Approve the installation and operation of a security camera in the media lab, as part of the Security Cameras system.
Moved by Mike, Seconded by Joseph
12 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Standing Rules For Discussions At Member Meetings

  • POC: Joseph
  • The discussion of any topic will be limited to 5 minutes with the option of an additional 5 minutes.
  • Tabled to have discussion on this once it's been proposed in writing.

Proposed Standing Rules Change to Guest Policy

  1. Any member may host up to ten guests in the space.
  2. Two or more members may host an unlimited number of guests. In the event of classes, community outreach, social gatherings applicable to the mission of the organization, or tours, two or more members may host an unlimited number of guests at the discretion of a Board Member or Board vote.
  3. In all cases, the member(s) hosting one or more guests are responsible for:
    1. Verifying that each guest has a signed waiver on file before they're allowed entry
    2. Signing the log with each guest
    3. Making sure guests understand the guidelines under which we operate
    4. Ultimately, cleaning up after guests if they fail to do it themselves
    5. The behavior and safety of the guest, in addition to the cleanliness and security of the space and its property.
  4. If any of the following are true, the person is not allowed in the space and must leave:
    1. The person is not of the age of majority and a parent or guardian of the guest has not filled out the Young Guest Waiver on his or her behalf
    2. The person is banned (see 10.1)
  5. A member or guest who behaves inappropriately (including but not limited to violation of these rules or the bylaws) may be asked to leave by another member. In case of a dispute in the matter, any board member may mediate. The purpose of this policy is to remind us to "be excellent to each other." It may be difficult or uncomfortable to ask someone to change their behavior – please feel free to contact a Member Advocate or Board Member.
  • Tony: How does this differ from current policy?
  • Matt H: It takes what we do in practice and codifies it.
  • Matt A: What problem does his proposal address which the existing policy does not already provide for?
  • Joseph: It makes the liability and responsibility more clear
  • David: What situations in the past would this have affected?
  • Joseph: There have been several events that don't align with the core mission of i3
  • David: How many events have we had that have had two members with more than twenty guests that wasn't part of our core mission?
  • Joseph: There was concern about fringe events and some complaints over the past years.
  • David and Tony aren't aware of these complaints.
  • Joseph intended this to not have very much impact on how we currently operate, except for in some fringe cases.
  • Nate B: is this 10 guests total or 10 guests per member?
  • Jamie: This changes it from 2 members hosting unlimited guests to 2 members hosting unlimited guests with permission.
  • Mel suggests separating this into two parts, one as the point 2 change on the guest hosting, and the second the changes to parts 3 and 5 about accountability.

Amend sections 4.3 and 4.5 of the standing rules as follows
Moved by Mel, Seconded by Joseph
13 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
4.3 In all cases, the member(s) hosting one or more guests are responsible for:
  1. Verifying that each guest has a signed waiver on file before they're allowed entry
  2. Signing the log with each guest
  3. Making sure guests understand the guidelines under which we operate
  4. The behavior and safety of the guest, in addition to the cleanliness and security of the space and its property.

4.5 A member or guest who behaves inappropriately (including but not limited to violation of these rules or the bylaws) may be asked to leave by another member. In case of a dispute in the matter, any board member may mediate. The purpose of this policy is to remind us to "be excellent to each other." It may be difficult or uncomfortable to ask someone to change their behavior – please feel free to contact a Member Advocate or Board Member.
  • Discussion on the guest hosting policy change has been tabled.

Proposed Standing Rules Change to Floorplan Policy

  • POC: Matt H
  • Proposal to remove the contradictory second sentence of section 7.6.

7. Floor Plan, Coordinators, and Zones

7.6 The Floor Plan may only be changed with the approval of the Board of Directors. Any board member may approve.

Remove "Any board member may approve." from section 7.6 of the Standing Rules
Moved by Matt H, Seconded by Paul L
17 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Upcoming Events

Maker Faire

  • We have a DESPERATE need for voluteers for Maker Faire
  • Time is running out.
  • Mel is interfacing with the Henry Ford and Vivian and Paul are meta-coordinating the planning committee.
  • Joseph will be doing the party as a low key social gathering but if anyone else wants to take over he would not mind at all
  • If you want to help contact Paul Lee via Slack (#makerfaire or @inaudible) or email (training@i3detroit.org).

Zone updates


  • A table has taken a walk somewhere and there aren't any clues to its whereabouts. It was borrowed without permission by a very apologetic member, and it will be returned soon.

CNC Zone

  • In the past 9 months we have 11 new Authorized Haas users! The procedure we are now using is a series of 2 hour, one on one training sessions. The number of sessions depends on the prospective users experience. Generally it is 5-6 sessions.
  • Also Steve N offers training on the orange CNC router for anyone trained on the Haas, because that training is very comprehensive and covers most of what is needed to operate the router.

Craft Room

  • If you empty an acrylic craft paint, please leave the empty bottle in the craft room so we know to replace it.
  • The Babylock serger has gone in for service for repairs. After discussing the symptoms and use with them, it is likely not a simple maintenance issue, but the way it is being used. Just like there are ways to wear down wood and machine shop blades and parts prematurely, and we discourage techniques that cause that, sewing machines can wear prematurely by the way they're used. All users will be asked to modify their style to reduce wear on the equipment, just as one does for different blades on tools in the wood or machine shops. It will be out about another 10 days, and cost somewhere between $89 and $129 for repair plus parts. We will need to start charging a use fee for wear and tear if visits for repairs are frequent. This machine shouldn't need to go in any more than every 1-2 years.
  • The Singer serger also works very well and Kevin went through training with another member and they got it working well, though it's not as easy to use as the Babylock.


  • Jody reminds everyone if you are interested in a welding class, don't wait, please email him or welding @ i3detroit.org or post on Slack. He's open to doing one-on-one classes.



  • Sewing night is tomorrow 7-10pm
  • Sew It Sunday, open sew is June 24 from 2-8 and can include table authorization at 2pm.


Broom Party

Lost & Found Party

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 8:28
  • Attendees: 22

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Approve the installation and operation of a security camera in the media lab, as part of the Security Cameras system.MikeJoseph120PASS
Remove "Any board member may approve." from section 7.6 of the Standing RulesMatt HPaul L170PASS
Amend sections 4.3 and 4.5 of the standing rules as followsMelJoseph130PASS


  1. Mike F
  2. Melissa G
  3. Ibrahim E
  4. Rick C
  5. Ruth S
  6. Ross S
  7. Gary M
  8. Dave S
  9. Andy L
  10. David H
  11. Matt H
  12. Joseph B
  13. Greg S
  14. Steve N
  15. James O
  16. Matt C
  17. Mark F
  18. Ashley L
  19. Paul L
  20. Laura A
  21. Vivian S
  22. Tony S
  23. Jody R

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