Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20161004
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[hide]- 1 Agenda for 10-04-2016
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bicycle Shop
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Commons Area
- 1.5.5 Compute Zone
- 1.5.6 Craft Room
- 1.5.7 Electronics Lab
- 1.5.8 Fab Lab
- 1.5.9 Graveyard
- 1.5.10 Infrastructure
- 1.5.11 Injection Molding
- 1.5.12 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.13 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.14 Laser Zone
- 1.5.15 Machine Shop
- 1.5.16 Media Lab
- 1.5.17 Sky Zone
- 1.5.18 Tool Crib
- 1.5.19 Tree House
- 1.5.20 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.21 Welding Zone
- 1.5.22 Wiki
- 1.5.23 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 10-04-2016
Chair: Charlie Rysenga
New Members & Guests
- Alyse - first time here
- Aspiring metalsmith in jewelry making with a cat named Shrimp
- Brian - Does cosplay and prop making
- Self-described "good cook"
Experienced Members
- Ted says Hi, I'm Ted.
- Ted's old.
- Has brought a few people from community center in Detroit
- Dave Henry - likes to make everything
- Scott Scheraga - part of detroitsat
Show and Tell
- Ironing board cover by Jan
- Made it for the craft room, with custom i3 printed fabric from Spoonflower
- Lichtenberg sphere with LED base - Mike
- Aluminum plate foot switch - Brandon
Old Business
- TedX Detroit is this week (October 6).
- Gary, Roger and Tony are going.
- Still looking for stuff to put on the table for display
New Business
Interim Procedures for Cleaning Storage Plot Areas
- Evan wants to enact another tempoary storage clean out policy for the next two months and skip December
- Matt Huber is writing a member storage plugin for the CRM which will automate this
- The hope is to flip this on in the beginning of 2017.
- Roger
20 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
This is a 60 day interim procedure for refining a standard method for cleaning storage plot areas and to finish cleaning out the remaining plots before the end of the year. It is not a change to the standing rules. If this procedure or a variant proves to be useful to have permanently, changes will be made to the Standing Rules as per the normal methods (projected proposal date: December). For the Months of October and November, 2016. These procedures will be in place.
- Cleaning the Storage Plot Areas under this procedure will be administered by the Infrastructure Zone Coordinator (IZC), or their assignees.
- Each month the IZC will select half the remaining area, to be cleaned.
- On the first Tuesday of each month, the IZC will post a list of the plots to be cleaned that month to ANNOUNCE, and give individual email to the addresses listed in the CRM for any person who has a plot in the effected area, as per the wiki. This e-mail will include the timeline of the following events with specific dates given.
- The owners of materials in those plots have 14 days to clear the plot area, either by taking the supplies home, or moving them to a temporary plot which will be listed in the announcement each month. If the owners cannot be at the site during this period, then they must make arrangements with another member to do that for them.
- The IZC and/or their assignees will clear all remaining material to the dumpster, starting the 3rd Tuesday of the month, and finishing within 6 days.
- The material will be cleared to the dumpster instead of the Graveyard due to the potentially high volume, as well as the likelihood that most material left will be trash and we do not wish to handle it twice.
- On the Monday after the 3rd Tuesday of the month, the effected members may move back to their now clean prior plot area. This move must be done by the end of said month. After that time, they will lose their old plot and it will be marked VACANT in the wiki.
- At the first of each month, the contents of the temporary area from the prior month will be moved to the graveyard, without additional notification.
20 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
- (Member Advocates Alec and Matt A) We will have a conflict resolution workshop in October or November on a Wednesday or Friday from 7 to 9 pm. The firm date will be announced in a week. See the announcement on the mailing list for details and a link to the Whenisgood form.
- (James O) I will be attending a Fundraiser for a newly forming Makerspace in Fife Lake, Northern Michigan, a bit south of Traverse City. I grew up a few miles from there. The founder is excited to talk to other spaces and help grow the maker community in Northern Michigan. I will get some pictures and meet new maker people. https://www.facebook.com/fifelakemakerspace2015/
- (Charlie) i3 is hosting a Make-and-Take soldering event at the Hazel Park library this Thursday (October 6)
- Hackernest social meetup was erroneously scheduled for October. It will actually be happening on November.
- The third Thursday meeting/social gatherign will be themed "Halloween Costume and Grilled Cheese"
- Bring interesting breads and cheeses to grill, and work on halloween costumes with your greasy hands.
- There will be gluten free/vegan options
- Jan has a growler of hard cider which she needs help drinking
- ATN Zone Coordinators - The Board will be appointing zone coordinators for the next year at the meeting next week (October 11). You should be getting a short questionaire soon. Anyone interested in being a zone coordinator should also speak up.
Zone updates
Bicycle Shop
- n/a
- Nickolas Andersen is our new Officer of Classes And Events. See him for scheduling things.
CNC Zone
- n/a
Commons Area
- n/a
Compute Zone
- n/a
Craft Room
- Singer Industrial is online. We will be taking requests for training to be added to approved users. However we still need thread for it.
- We have a new iron since the old one died. Please use this for sewing only. No grilled cheese! It has a page on the wiki. A search is on for a craft iron as it is best to keep these uses separate.
- A full size standing ironing board is on the way for sewing work. It is an extra wide board, so when ironing pant legs and large pieces, they don't have to be moved as much. It also has an iron rest.
- We have a 4 by 8ft cutting mat for fabric. It is pinnable and the surface is slightly sanded to prevent material slippage. Currently, it is still boxed awaiting the surface where it will live. It will be very useful for large projects like cloaks, etc. As it's an expensive professional mat, it will get the treatment of other valuable tools in the space.
- Jan is researching portable craft work mats for crafting, gluing, painting, cutting and work like leather, for use in the space as a protective work surface. Can get it in bulk as a roll for cheaper than individual mats.
Electronics Lab
- Need some help finishing up the repair and reassembly of the Tektronix rack that's sitting dismantled on the bench.
- In general, need help keeping crap off the benches. Please don't leave broken windows on the benches.
- Otherwise things are good, thanks everyone for making interesting things with the zone!
- If you've made something interesting that might do well in the display case, let's talk...
Fab Lab
- Dehumidifier in fab lab frequently needs to be empty. If the red light is on, please take a few seconds to dump it in the sink outside.
- n/a
- Classroom outlets have been repaired (several were found to not be working properly).
- Anyone wanting to upgrade the breaker labeling method on the outlet covers may do so, but the information of which breaker serves each lightswitch or outlet must be preserved.
Injection Molding
- Have tried to get away without drying engineering type resins like ABS, Nylon and Polyurethane with some success but there are cosmetic and physical issues that are compromised when molded without proper drying. Researching used and new dryers.
- The Henry Ford Innovation Teacher of the Year in Arkansas that gave me/us the 1st Place Maker Faire Merit Award has requested a couple action figures we are molding to build a curriculum around for a class on innovation, design and development. She has offered to supply the curriculum to us.
- The big molding machine is currently able to run with the manual "light switch" control box that Glen Moore helped me set up. Hopefully a more automated control will be developed soon. The small machine is running pretty good.
Jewelry Zone
- n/a
Kiln Zone
- Small Ceramic Kiln is UP.
- Large Ceramic Kiln is UP - using digital controls. For digital control training DM Terry W on SLACK
- Large Kiln Ceramic TODO List: Wall mount SSR box and digital controller, new SSR box.
Laser Zone
- Bumblebee is doing well.
- Wolverine still needs a new tube. Replacement tube arrived broken on Friday (9/30) & supplier has weeklong holiday right now.
Machine Shop
- Bandsaw blade keeps getting ruined fast
- Need to do start an authorized users list
Media Lab
- Needs a zone coordinator. Anyone interested?
Sky Zone
- n/a
Tool Crib
- The north bench has been cleaned
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- n/a
Welding Zone
- n/a
- 19 active users in the last 30 days
- Most active user: Jan Henry
- Kind of slow this month
- Is anyone interested in a Wiki (Wine) Workshop soon? Let Jamie Burdeski know
Wood Shop
- n/a
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
- Scott: mostly working on content to launch detroitsat.com
i3 MotorSports
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- Wednesday pattern workshop 12-4, $50 to guest instructor.
- In response to interest in sewing events but conflicting work schedules, I had an idea to have an all-night Saturday-Sunday costume creation party. We'd get pizza, and/or bring in food, and set up creation stations throughout the space... for lasering, for modeling, making masks, I'd set up the sewing workroom in the classroom... but time is short and all I can come up with is Oct 15-16 or Oct 22-23, which are both on top of Theatre Bizarre weekends and other parties... so I'm about to table the idea until the spring (before Penguicon) unless there's some opinion tonight that such a thing would work at this date. Otherwise I'd like to do this twice a year, before the big costume times... in April and early October and open it to community. To address the costume community and also those who can only do events late at night.
- n/a
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:14 PM
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 27
Action Items
No action items.
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
This is a 60 day interim procedure for refining a standard method for cleaning storage plot areas and to finish cleaning out the remaining plots before the end of the year. It is not a change to the standing rules. If this procedure or a variant proves to be useful to have permanently, changes will be made to the Standing Rules as per the normal methods (projected proposal date: December). For the Months of October and November, 2016. These procedures will be in place.
| Evan | Alec | 20 | 0 | PASS |