Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20160816
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[hide]- 1 Agenda for 08-16-2016
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bicycle Shop
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Commons Area
- 1.5.5 Compute Zone
- 1.5.6 Craft Room
- 1.5.7 Electronics Lab
- 1.5.8 Fab Lab
- 1.5.9 Graveyard
- 1.5.10 Infrastructure
- 1.5.11 Injection Molding
- 1.5.12 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.13 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.14 Laser Zone
- 1.5.15 Machine Shop
- 1.5.16 Media Lab
- 1.5.17 Sky Zone
- 1.5.18 Tool Crib
- 1.5.19 Tree House
- 1.5.20 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.21 Welding Zone
- 1.5.22 Wiki
- 1.5.23 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 08-16-2016
'Chair: Charlie Rysenga 7:35pm'
Experienced Members
- Scott S. - Detroit Sat ~ 2 years. Found out about i3 at Penguicon.
- Marie is back. Heard about i3 on a date.
New Members & Guests
- Mike - Heard about Detroit Sat @ Maker Faire
- Molly - Farmer here with mike
- Thane - Matt O. - Restarting Detroit's awesome foundation. Give out $1000 / month for awesome projects. Lives on a sailboat on the Detroit River. Plans to turn the boat into a drone.
- Jim - returning again. Marketing background. Looking to build an make things.
- Ben - was here 3 or 4 years ago. In the defense industry. Likes to tinker and doesn't have garage space.
Show and Tell
- n/a
Old Business
Board and Officer Nominations and Elections
Accepted Nominees:
Board Members (7 Elected)
- Alec Beardsley
- Corey Milton
- Jamie Burdeski
- Jan Henry
- Leora Druckman
- Matt Arnold
- Matt Gardeski
- Matt Huber
- Charlie Rysenga
- Terry Wynn
Vice-President Member Advocates (2 Appointed)
- Alec Beardsley
Vice-President of Off-boarding
- Dana Nelson
Vice-President of On-boarding
- Matt Huber
- Nate Bezanson
- n/a
Senior Vice President
- n/a
Vice-President of Classes and Events
- n/a
Maker Faire After Party Money Report
New Business
- Community Day - One day a month to get together and build our community. Potluck? Free booze? Ideas?
- Have food at a meeting as a way to bring people in.
- Community meals to bring people together?
- Post schedule of these events to Facebook.
- Have the community event on the 5th Tuesday.
Upcoming Events
- TechShop Scrap-A-Thon: The TechShop has invited us to participate in their Scrap-A-Thon event, which will be held
Friday, August 26 through Sunday, August 28at a future date. See the flyer and discussion in this thread: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/i3detroit/HKHun4aLzrw/prk_X5jdAwAJ - VR Meetup Saturday (8/20) 2 HTC Vives at i3 Detroit. 5 pm - 11 pm. All are welcome to stop by and try it out. #virtual_reality on slack.
- Private Glass Etching Class in the Commons Area on September 10th from 6 until 8pm. No angle grinders at this time please!
- Ford catalyst group - Scott Scheraga will be signing them in. They will be arriving Tuesday before the meeting next week, party of five.
- i3Detroit has been invited to a forum on Making at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in Washington DC on the 24th of August. Charlie Rysenga will be attending on behalf of i3.
- I <Charlie> could use a history lesson before I go.
Outreach Day
Zone updates
Bicycle Shop
- n/a
- n/a
CNC Zone
- n/a
Commons Area
- n/a
Compute Zone
- The Eastern Michigan Python User Group (EMPUG) will provide an "Intro to Python" class on Saturday 9/10 @ i3 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. The class will introduce programming concepts in Python, by writing code to solve a maze.
Craft Room
- SEWING: Husqvarna training: Kevin and I are in the process of defining the training on the machine further. The plan is to offer the training in multiple modules, from basic use of the sewing functions of the machine including proper procedures, to basic embroidery using existing or purchased files, to more complicated processes like designing a file from scratch and using text features. We ask your patience as we define the training's and also as we carry them out. Your training's on the modules may not be necessarily done on the same day so plan ahead for that if you have a project in mind. We may not be able to certify you to use all functions of the machine in one sitting.
Electronics Lab
- n/a
Fab Lab
- n/a
- n/a
- There is now a slack bot that helpfully reminds the dwellers of the #Infrastructure slack channel that the camera system is working (and to go to bed) on a daily basis.
Injection Molding
- n/a
Jewelry Zone
- n/a
Kiln Zone
- n/a
Laser Zone
- New tube will be installed in Bumblebee soon, possibly tomorrow. It's currently in Michigan with DHL, who are being somewhat frustrating to coordinate delivery with.
- Wolverine may be acting up, possibly related to running long cut/engrave jobs (over 30 minutes). The specific error that appears on the new LCD is "PSU 1 Fault Output over voltage" and the laser stops firing but keeps moving. Please let the zone coordinator know if this happens, and what the circumstances were.
Machine Shop
- n/a
Media Lab
- n/a
Sky Zone
- n/a
Tool Crib
- Slow month, as always help would be appreciated in organizing and indexing the tool crib. The two coordinators will not have much time to dedicate to it until the middle of next month.
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- n/a
Welding Zone
- Classes happened. Aluminum got welded. People got learned.
- n/a
Wood Shop
- n/a
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
- Working on the website and how to guides.
- Work is slow on the reaction wheels.
i3 MotorSports
- #3 is back in storage and broken.
- n/a
- n/a
- This past Sunday, Project Runway used 3D printers to create designs on a mesh that could then be stitched onto their clothing design. Just putting that out there.... We should be thinking about 3D printing and how we can use them to create embellishments and even armor parts to put onto costumes, etc. And thinking about the different types of 3D printers. Maybe there are types that work better than others. They used the Cube by 3D Systems.
- Wednesday bi-monthly Sewcial is tomorrow in the classroom! 7-9pm.
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 7:58
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 20
Action Items
No action items.
No proposals.