Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20160802
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[hide]- 1 Agenda for 08-02-2016
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bicycle Shop
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Commons Area
- 1.5.5 Compute Zone
- 1.5.6 Craft Room
- 1.5.7 Electronics Lab
- 1.5.8 Fab Lab
- 1.5.9 Graveyard
- 1.5.10 Infrastructure
- 1.5.11 Injection Molding
- 1.5.12 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.13 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.14 Laser Zone
- 1.5.15 Machine Shop
- 1.5.16 Media Lab
- 1.5.17 Sky Zone
- 1.5.18 Tool Crib
- 1.5.19 Tree House
- 1.5.20 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.21 Welding Zone
- 1.5.22 Wiki
- 1.5.23 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 08-02-2016
'Chair: Charlie Rysenga 7:33 pm'
Experienced Members
- Tony - Back from Hiatus.
New Members & Guests
- Audi - Likes sewing and listen to music.
Show and Tell
- Minecraft - Skinned characters - Thad
- Shopify website with 3d skin viewer imported from Minecraft with username.
- Uses a texture map to turn it into printing on lables and then cut with a Cameo.
- 16 ABS plastic parts with rubber grommet inserts.
- Arm cutouts for accessories.
- Some mold work done at i3 on the HAAS and some was outsourced.
- High demand at Maker Fair
- Website designed by Matt A.
- Project has been ongoing for about a year.
- Laser Cut cardboard buildings - Johnathan. Old Redford neighborhood festival. Inspired by but not replicas of Detroit buildings.
Old Business
Maker Faire Update
- It was totally awesome!
- 1st place ribbon for the "Most Innovative Booth" - Thad - Minecraft - Skinned characters - injection molded.
- Last minute tent layout changes made things "extra fun".
- Looking for feedback. Talk to Jamie whenever.
- Bring fans next year.
- Where are the garbage cans? I guess it's not the magic Kingdom.
- Rain protection for front of tent or walls on all sides.
- Where's the duct tape, we brought 5 rolls. Dedicated supplies box.
- Tent out back was great. Next year have the totally awesome crash zone.
- Pack the sump pump just in case, because it will rain.
- Standard shipping boxes with labels for all the small stuff.
- Art gallery was even better this year.
- The signs were excellent.
- The half baked and soggy money sucker didn't work. Donations were down as a result.
- The VR demo with Google cardboard. Many questions if they were for sale. Can get a pocket size folding plastic with logo for $5 and would sell for $10. Probably would halve sold 100 of them.
- Google cardboard mini tour of i3 at Maker Faire.
- Thanks to Greg and Steve for the display cases for the art gallery.
- Signup form for projects worked really well.
- Great planning.
New Business
- Board and Officer Nominations and Elections
- Straw poll - Do board and officer nominations at the same time or separately.
- 9 Concurrent.
- 5 Nominate officers after the board.
- Straw poll - Do board and officer nominations at the same time or separately.
- n/a
- Upcoming Classes
- Aluminum Welding and Fabrication
- August 7th, 9A - 12P
- [1] - Eventbrite Link
- Aluminum Welding and Fabrication
- TechShop Scrap-A-Thon: The TechShop has invited us to participate in their Scrap-A-Thon event, which will be held Friday, August 26 through Sunday, August 28. See the flyer and discussion in this thread: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/i3detroit/HKHun4aLzrw/prk_X5jdAwAJ
- Learn to solder class - date not set yes. Will be public. Open to those old enough to know not to lick the soldering iron.
- James - Blog needs some love. Stuff you're Maker Fair stuff in here.
- Small VR LAN Party - there will be a blog post and public.
Zone updates
Bicycle Shop
- n/a
- n/a
CNC Zone
- n/a
Commons Area
- n/a
Compute Zone
- n/a
Craft Room
- We have a mini vacuum with micro attachments for cleaning out the lint from your use of the sewing machines.
- As Roger noted, craft room window was left open. Just a reminder to Be Excellent in everything, close windows and assure security for equipment shared by everyone.
- The Husqvarna embroidery machine is rated as a home machine and therefore unsuitable for sewing things like plastic or plastic-like materials. If you see anyone using materials that may be unsuitable, please remind them.
Electronics Lab
- Nothin' doin', lab has generally been in good shape. Some new picks and scrapers.
- Need something? Email the zone coordinator!
Fab Lab
- Full Spectrum laser engraver
- Mike took the machine to Maker Faire to demo laser cutting
- Coolant flow sensor is working inconsistently (issue existed prior to going to Maker Faire), will be looked at later this week
- Filaboxes
on orderout of stock
- Protomat
- No decision yet; please talk to me after the meeting if you have opinions
- An Orlando hackerspace may be interested in it if we want to sell
- Resin printer
new vat is in the mail!tracking number recalled
- n/a
- Sink back up and running, thanks to Roger and anyone else that helped while I was on vacation.
- We have a water cooler, it's really short so it's propped up right now (feel free to build a better pedestal if you'd like)
Injection Molding
- Great weekend at Maker Faire....except the small molder didn't make it for demos. I needed the molder to be in the shop to mold parts each morning this weekend. Over the next year we will make the small molder into a nice little demo machine. Right now it is pretty old and cranky.
- On the plus side as most of you know our Minecraft character received the "Most Innovative Booth" award from Maker Faire. We will be getting some media material put together to promote i3!
- The big molding machine needs a new power supply and controls. Not too big a deal and we have a couple people offering to help! This machine really needs to be working as the small machine is something Fred Flintstone probably used. (but Fred has been getting us down the road so far!).
Jewelry Zone
- n/a
Kiln Zone
- The Kiln Glass 101 class (and glass kiln certification) is being offered again tomorrow night, Wednesday, from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. There is one space available, please contact Leora at kilnzone@i3detroit to reserve. The class will be re-offered next month.
- The kiln zone has been split into two zones: ceramics and glass. This three month experiment is intended to improve the functionality of both zones. Sam L and Jocelyn G are the Co-coordinators of the Ceramics zone. Please contact kilnzone@i3Detroit.org for more information.
Laser Zone
- Bumblebee needs a new laser tube. The new tube from April expired prematurely, and took out the high voltage power supply with it. Hopefully this will be replaced under warranty. New power supply is installed.
- Wolverine is up and has a new (more fully featured) high voltage power supply with a somewhat useful LCD screen. More details to come in an email to the list.
- Take pictures of new and interesting error messages and email to the coordinator or post to slack.
- If you see soft stops, then someone set a logical origin. Please do not set a logical origin on the machine.
Machine Shop
- Edlund drill press belt is broken (staples holding leather together pulled through the dried out leather). Need to buy or make a new belt...
- Recently replaced belt and disk abrasive on belt sander, holding up okay.
- Offers from TJ and Tony for useful tooling to have.
Media Lab
- n/a
Sky Zone
- n/a
Tool Crib
- Some more tools showing wear and tear. Please add any tools that you think we are lacking to the zone wiki page, an order for new (and good quality) tools will be going in shortly.
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- Currently experimenting new vinyl materials.
- Will hosting class in August or September.
Welding Zone
- Plasma cutter is back. Yey!
- 19 active users. It's obvious we just had Maker Faire.
Wood Shop
- n/a
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
- Great showing at Maker Fair - Many people stopped by.
- Meeting after the general member meeting.
i3 MotorSports
- Power Wheels Update
- Insane in all the best ways
- 37 cars
- Jeep Qualified 17, Finished 9th on Saturday. Unsure of final results. Power failure 90 seconds before the end of the endurance race.
- We managed to avoid the reapers.
- Punishments are quite entertaining for the crowd.
- Great fun.
- Working to store the car away.
- Dayton Hamvention will no longer be at Hara Arena. The new location is the Greene County Fair and Expo Center located in Xenia, Ohio.
- KB6NU will be hosting a one-day Technician class in Ann Arbor for anyone interested in getting their amateur radio license. There's no charge but you do need to register in advance.
My next one-day Technician Class amateur radio license class will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2016 at the Pittsfield Branch of the Ann Arbor District Library, 2359 Oak Valley Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. The class will start at 9:15 am and run until 3:30 pm, at which time the license exam will be given.
There is no charge for the class, but please register in advance. This is required because I like to limit the number of students to 20 or fewer, so that each student gets enough attention, and so that the volunteer examiners can administer the test expeditiously. To register for the Saturday, September 17 class, send an e-mail to cwgeek@kb6nu.com. When I get your registration, I will put you on another e-mail list and send you more details a week or two before the class.
After you register, download my study guide from http://www.kb6nu.com/study-guides/. The PDF version is free. Before the class, read through the study guide a few times, then take some online practice tests. If you don't pre-study, I can guarantee that you'll have a hard time passing the test.
Finally, just show up on Saturday, September 17. I'll be sending out more details, such as the exact room where the class will be held and where to park, a week before the class.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
btw, you're getting this e-mail because at one point or another you expressed some interest in taking this class. You may have already even registered for a previous class, but for whatever reason you were not able to make it. If you have already gotten your license or are no longer interested, please just reply to this message and ask that I take your name off this list. Thanks.
73! <--ham lingo for "best regards"
- n/a
- Sewing meetup tomorrow in the classroom! We have every other Wednesday starting tomorrow in the classroom, and Runway on Sunday afternoons. Watch the SIG group, emails, or main Facebook page for updates on specific topics or classes during those meet ups.
- Also, i3 sewing now has info postcards to share with interested people! Spread the word.
- In transition - If you're interested in helping out, get in touch with Charlie.
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:27 pm
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 23
Action Items
No action items.
No proposals.