Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20150707
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[hide]- 1 Agenda for 07-07-2015
- 1.1 Broom Party
- 1.2 Introductions
- 1.3 Show and Tell
- 1.4 Old Business
- 1.5 New Business
- 1.6 Zone updates
- 1.6.1 Bike Zone
- 1.6.2 Classroom
- 1.6.3 CNC Zone
- 1.6.4 Compute Zone
- 1.6.5 Craft Room
- 1.6.6 E Lab
- 1.6.7 Fab Lab
- 1.6.8 Infrastructure
- 1.6.9 Injection Molding
- 1.6.10 Kiln Zone
- 1.6.11 Laser Zone
- 1.6.12 Metal Shop
- 1.6.13 Sky Zone
- 1.6.14 Tool Crib
- 1.6.15 Tree House
- 1.6.16 Vinyl Zone
- 1.6.17 Welding Zone
- 1.6.18 Wiki
- 1.6.19 Wood Shop
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 07-07-2015
Chair: Charlie Rysenga
Broom Party
- Drew-interested in furniture, has a righteous beard
- Victor- HVAC for work, interested in beaglebone stuff, has 4(!) kids
- Corey - has lots of terrible ideas, knows enough to be dangerous, is a snappy dresser
- Ana - always here, artsy (and a little bit fartsy)
Show and Tell
- 3D print ABS polishing-Greg- tin can, paper towel soaked in acetone, and a magne. Leave your print in there for a couple hours, then take the can off and let the print sit for like 30 min more
- Childrens Hospital Mural project- Greg has been working on this project with the hospital, it looks really pretty and will also be at Maker Faire- volunteers needed to man the table on Saturday!
Old Business
Tormach EDSFUND Grant
- Member pledges from 9 members total $1400
- Goal is $8600 by September
- Taking fund raising to Maker Faire
New Business
Call for photos
- Charlie is updating the tri-fold brochure
- Charlie would like to update front photos to be something that even approaches recent.
- Please send photos to Cpryseng@gmail.com
i3 Alley Cat Race
- It's a bicycle scavenger hunt for all
- Happening July 11th, 2015 1pm to 4pm
- $2 recommended donation
- Prizes!
Survey for Board Terms Proposal
- There is a survey on board terms that will be used to form proposals for Bylaws and Standing rules at the next regular board and member meetings.
- Find the survey on the member list and fill it out, just 2 easy questions!
Zone updates
Bike Zone
- Alley Cat! see above!
- Structural work out for quotes (Greg)
CNC Zone
- The 2nd round of CNC classes continues. Current batch of students are about 75% complete. Next class session will start in the fall (after my kids go back to school).
- Terry Wynn has put a lot of effort into making the CNC class more documented and rigorous. Terry has added a lot of information to the Wiki as well.
- Brian W. also provided a class session on G-Code programming specific to CNC machining.
- The CNC Zone has settled on Fusion 360 as the default CAD / CAM package. Fusion 360 has a free version for any student, hobbyists, or new business owner. The software includes a CAM package called HSM that generates 2.5D tool paths - which handles 90% of our needs. Therefore, folks who want to start in the fall class can start early by installing and learning Fusion 360.
- A new CAD / CAM work station has been donated by Siemens. The new system will be installed in the CNC area over the summer.
- For new photos of cool stuff, keep an eye on the follow page:
Compute Zone
- Got some new hardware
- Slack is really good for having quick discussions
- Ask Justin, Roger, Andrew, and Roger
Craft Room
no update
E Lab
- Nate is back from Dallas, where there were extra nerdy electronics stores
- E Lab was dirty when he came back and he was sad
Long diversion about how people are messy
Fab Lab
- Rostock MAX
- Down-ish:
- Minor issue with the hotend thermocouple
- Parts ordered, may be fixed by this reading
- Vivian Sanders has been making lots of things
- PETG apparently prints really well
- NinjaFlex pretty conclusively does not
- New filaments graciously donated by Vivian Sanders
- Down-ish:
- Protomat
- Still down
- PLEASE work with Brandon Biller on this
- It literally just needs a set of soldering hands
- It could be working tonight
- Like, for reals
- Please stop asking me about the PCB Mill, or sending me links to KickStarter PCB mills and printers, or making mopey faces at me about the broken PCB mill, unless you personally will volunteer to fix the one we have
- Classes
- No classes will be scheduled during July
- Classes are, as always, scheduled based on demand
- If you want a class, please email me or the listed trainers for a piece of equipment
- No emails means no demand means no classes
- air being plumbed in to lasers permanently, power to follow close behind
- also working on installing new breakers for the back corner
Injection Molding
no update
Kiln Zone
no update
Laser Zone
- Matt Gardeski made a set of laser cut metal lockpickss
- Shop air made cleaner cuts
- Spring steel is the only material tested so far
- Zone color is now YELLOW
- It used to be pink, which was too similar to the tool crib
- Rotary tools are here
- Mike can help setting up the rotary tools, since they are tricky
- interlock door is still inexplicably broken, needs help to trouble-shoot
Metal Shop
no updates
Sky Zone
- Things are being hung from the ceiling, but no one has come forward to take advantage of the rigging equipment budget. Remember, that is a thing!
- Projector screen is here! needs to be hung better though
Tool Crib
- Tool crib got a new power drop in the very center, over the workbenches
- It's a bit "wobbly"
- But probably still safe.
- ....for now
Tree House
no update
Vinyl Zone
no update
Welding Zone
- Not to beat on a dead horse, but.......
- 27 active users
- Wiki warden has been off the
- Jamie is going to start a #wiki channel on slack
- Anyone can join the channel and ask wiki questions to a panel of wiki experts
Wood Shop
- New Jet 1221 variable speed lathe, Demo after the meeting.
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:17pm
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 16
Action Items
no action items yet, Charlie.
no proposals yet, Charlie.