Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20250130 Special

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Minutes for 2025-01-30

Meeting Location

Meeting was Called to Order At: 19:31

i3 Detroit 1481A Wordsworth St. Ferndale, MI 48220


Virtual at https://www.i3detroit.org/meeting


Removal of Melissa G From The Board of Directors

  • This meeting was called to discuss the removal of Melissa Gilchrist from the board. Mel has made many excellent contributions to the space, but her absence as a board member has affected the organization.
  • The board has not received a resignation letter from Mel

Remove Melissa Gilcrist from the Board of Directors
Mel has not been active for many months. She has not communicated with the board and attempts to communicate with her have been largely unsuccessful. This impacts the board's ability to conduct business of the organization
Moved by Tim C, Seconded by Frank A
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Aye votes: Frank A, Jan H, Tim C, Jeff B, Alex T

Abstentions: Melissa G (absent), Paul A (arrived after the vote)

Appointment of Replacement

  • Bylaws Article 5, Section 13 states "Unless otherwise prohibited by the articles of incorporation, these bylaws, or provisions of law, vacancies on the board may be filled by approval of the board of directors."
  • The board feels it's best to remove and appoint a board member in the same meeting
  • Frank A nominates Jeremy G as board member
    • Jeremy accepts the nomination

Appoint Jeremy Glogower to Board of Directors to serve the remainder of Melissa Gilchrist's term
Frank Aloia nominated Jeremy for being a great active member and having an excellent meeting attendance record
Moved by Frank A, Seconded by Alex T
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Aye votes: Frank A, Jan H, Tim C, Jeff B, Alex T, Paul A

Discussion of Standards for Board Members

  • Matt A asks if the board has discussed any additional bylaws changes related to standards for board members
    • Currently, you don't have to be a member to be on the board of directors. Additionally, there is nothing governing attendance requirements.
    • There could also be something about the need for a member to be in good standing
  • Such a change would require a vote from the membership anyways, but this is something the board can look into

Other Discussions

  • Lots of progress on cleaning up the list of active members. Many members listed as active have said that they are no longer active. Some have been inactive for months
  • Will continue synchronizing active members and inactive members and disabling key cards of inactive members


Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Appoint Jeremy Glogower to Board of Directors to serve the remainder of Melissa Gilchrist's termFrank AAlex T60PASS
Remove Melissa Gilcrist from the Board of DirectorsTim CFrank A50PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed:19:54
  • Funds appropriated:
  • Attendees: 9


  1. Chair: Jeremy G
  2. Secretary: Daniel V
  3. Jeff B
  4. Jan H
  5. Alex T
  6. Frank A
  7. Tim C
  8. Paul A (late)
  9. Matt A

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Board Meeting Minutes 20250121 Board Meeting Minutes 20250218