Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20240416

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Minutes for 2024-04-16


Meeting Location

Meeting was Called to Order At: 7:35P

i3 Detroit 1481A Wordsworth St. Ferndale, MI 48220



Virtual Meeting Etiquette

  • Be excellent.
  • Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
  • Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
  • If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
  • If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
  • Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.

Officer Reports

Treasurer & Budget

Treasurer's report: https://www.i3detroit.org/something

Bank balance $
Emergency Fund ($)
Allocated to Zones/SIGs/etc. ($)
Allocated to Expansion (MEDC) ($)
Net $

DaveH on Behalf of Treasurer: Enough money to cover several months. A long way from actual trouble.


Minutes are up to date.


Nothing to report at this time.

Senior Vice President

VP of Membership

14 people entered and completed Phase 1 during the past month moving forward to Phase 2. Phase 2 saw another 7 people transition to active members with six waiting to attend and complete the final memberfication process. Two former member that was were on Hiatus rejoined the space during this period. Sadly we also had a couple members move to hiatus during the last month as well but overall growth is positive.

VP of Activities & Classes

Important! B. Nectar tech tour is next Friday the 19th! Brad is all ready for us but wants a headcount. I have no idea; but how many of you are planning on coming? Please keep promoting! Also please come help give tours!

Past: Make your own cutting board - huge success! Photos on slideshow. First 4th Tuesday social went well! Spring cleaning! WAY cleaner in here. ELAB Construction planning meeting - check it out! Suprise Expansion Build Out! HUGE PROGRESS on craft. Biggest task left: Electrical along block wall and they will be in business! Python meeting - packed room! Coding dojo- going well! Introducing: Leather Lounge Fridays!

Future: Woodworking 101 - sold out! April 22nd is Earth day - we are playing Parks! Come play!

Parking ticket days- 1st of month

Potluck May 18th! Is this Elab build walls day?

May 23rd adobe illustrator for tool paths class

We need more stuff going on! Welcoming ideas. More build out events to come.

Bonus extras: Does anyone want to help with loading the chrome cast? Or little Canva graphics? Please send me next months events to events@i3detroit.org! ?????May 4th????? Does someone want to sit down with me and hash out a better events process? So I can free up some time with technology.

Member Advocate

Committee Reports

Fundraising Committee

Safety & Compliance Committee

No update.

Reports only expected in July.

Moderation Committee

Old Business

Camera Review Review

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

Outstanding action items

New Business

  • Proposed changes to Parking ticket policy in the standing rules

changes to the standing rules are initiated at the member meeting according to wiki: https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/HOWTO_Propose_rule/policy/procedure_changes

I would like to propose the following changes to the Parking Ticket policy to allow more effective cleanup of ticketed items.

- Remove "and disposed of accordingly" from item 1.5
- Add a an item 1.6 "Any member can relocate an item with an expired parking ticket("abandoned") to the Grave Yard but they must ensure the Parking Ticket remains on the item to allow the board to make the final decision on what to do with the item.

|Mover= Frank Aloia

  • Proposed changes to Grave Yard policy

I would like to propose the following changes to the Grave Yard policy to support the previous proposed change to the Parking Ticket policy

Change the policy on a member taking possession of an item relocated to the Grave Yard to exclude items with a Parking Ticket on them.  These items can only be handled by the Board. 

|Mover= Frank Aloia

Proposal to officially appoint Alicia as Treasurer
Moved by Dave Hurt, Seconded by FrankA
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Proposal to officially appoint Hans Chen to be Classroom Coordinator
Moved by Dave Hurt, Seconded by AlexT
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Proposal to replace the existing crm system with a commercial product. The idea is we can pay $60~100/month to have someone else manage and maintain a commercial system that we use instead of trying to maintain a number of separate products that currently fail at meeting all of our needs.

Proposal is to empower membership and finance to investigate and propose a replacement to the existing crm with a tool that will fit our needs for member management with the capabilities to extend to automating and managing other areas of membership such as door access, not to exceed $100/month in cost. Team would bring replacement proposal to the May board meeting.

Moved by Dave Hurt
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: '


Proposal to officially re-appoint Kevin Flory to be Vinyl Coordinator

|Mover= Jan Henry

Lauren is asking to buy pizza on the 19th for the tour night/after party at B. Nektar (up to $300, can be determined night of event based on traffic)
Moved by Dave Hurt
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS


Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Proposal to officially appoint Hans Chen to be Classroom CoordinatorDave HurtAlexT50PASS
Proposal to officially appoint Alicia as TreasurerDave HurtFrankA50PASS
Proposal to replace the existing crm system with a commercial product. The idea is we can pay $60~100/month to have someone else manage and maintain a commercial system that we use instead of trying to maintain a number of separate products that currently fail at meeting all of our needs. Proposal is to empower membership and finance to investigate and propose a replacement to the existing crm with a tool that will fit our needs for member management with the capabilities to extend to automating and managing other areas of membership such as door access, not to exceed $100/month in cost. Team would bring replacement proposal to the May board meeting.Dave Hurt50
Lauren is asking to buy pizza on the 19th for the tour night/after party at B. Nektar (up to $300, can be determined night of event based on traffic)Dave Hurt50PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 7:35+55m
  • Funds appropriated: $300 + $100/mo
  • Attendees: 7+


MattA # Chair

DaveS# Secretary

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Board Meeting Minutes 20240319 Board Meeting Minutes 20240521