Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20190912

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Agenda for 09-12-2019

Chair: Thomas Tusano

Meeting Location

i3 Detroit 1481A Wordsworth St. Ferndale, MI 48220

Meeting was Called to Order At: 19:39

Officer Reports

Treasurer & Budget


Bank balance $62,584.11
Emergency Fund ($30,000.00)
Already allocated ($15,369.52)
Net $17,214.59
  • Posted in the usual place, please check the link.
  • Please contact the treasurer if you have any questions or concerns
  • We need to discuss the solution of being close to consumables budget


  • Reminder that the list of officers is due to the state by October 1.


  • Vivian wrote a letter for the board and members to review for us to create an actionable list.

Senior Vice President

  • No Report

VP of Activities & Classes

  • At the end of the month we are turning the space into a TV studio for 72 hours
  • Brad from B. Nektar is on board for product placement
  • We are building a giant robot
  • This is for fundraising for the MEDC campaign

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • Since last meeting:
    • Started onboarding: 4
    • Onboarding to member: 6
    • Member to hiatus: 1
    • Member to non-member: 1
    • Scholarship expiration: 1

  • Discussion:
    • The presentation is being converted to a membership update method
    • And there is discussion happening about the key update and keeping the process limited to the VP and/or board members.

Member Advocate

  • Alec is interested in returning to being Member Advocate.

Committee Reports

Expansion Committee

  • Work on the building to satisfy fire code continues.
  • Following a couple leads with architects so we can draw up proper plans to move things along with the city.
  • We were told to expect an order 'soon' to install doors in the opening in the wall by the wood shop. This has not come yet, but if it does, online estimates put it at $2,000-$3,000. This is something we want to do anyway, but if an order comes, we'll have to start work on it ASAP.

Safety & Compliance Committee

  • I recently did a walkthrough. Only thing worth mentioning is I found a stove top stored within the cutout zone for the breaker panel near the pantry. I moved it to the expansion zone since I'm assuming it's going to become part of the kitchen zone. IF this is incorrect it should get a parking ticket/be moved to the graveyard.
  • The fire extinguishers I requested funds for last month have arrived. They're in place and tagged.

Fundraising Committee

  • Last meeting was mostly about planning the livestream event. Looking for volunteers. Happening the weekend of 28 September.
  • Ashley brought in a book on non-profit fundraising. Her summary is 'Ask'

Moderation Committee

  • Discussion: accidental private channel creation in Slack may be due to the search function

Code of Conduct

  • No report

Camera Review Review

  • No reviews

Old Business

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

  • Email vote held 9/7/2019 to move board meetings to Thursdays through December to avoid schedule conflicts:
The board resolves to hold its regular meetings on the second Thursday of the month for the remainder of 2019.
Moved by Mel, Seconded by Matt
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Adding a board meeting at the end of September to appoint officers, zone coordinators, etc.
  • Discussing the google form to put out to get volunteers for officers, zone coordinators, etc.

New Business

Internet Provider Speed/Price Increase

  • To allow for the live stream. Nate B has donated to compensate for the increase, this is $8/month increase. This will increase the speed to 5 times what we currently have for a year.
Agree to increase our internet to the $80/month plan.
Moved by Mel, Seconded by Paul
Y Ayes / N Nays
Result: PASS

Approve Past Meeting Minutes

  • Proposal: Approve the previous 2 month’s (July and August) board meeting minutes
  • Amendment: Table the approval of the previous 2 month’s meeting minutes until they are posted.
Table the approval of the previous 2 month’s meeting minutes
Moved by Matt, Seconded by David
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Member Advocate

Reappoint Alec Beardsley as Member Advocate
Moved by Paul, Seconded by Matt
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Special Board Meeting

  • Discussion:
    • Special meeting to appoint officers and zone coordinators
    • Point of order that this is also during the Beaglebone meetup and expansion meeting.
    • There is interest in having 3-5 member advocates and having at least one of them at all meetings.
Hold a special meeting of the board on Thursday, September 26, 2019 to appoint officers and zone coordinators
Moved by Matt, Seconded by Mike
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 20:20
  • Funds appropriated: $96
  • Attendees: 14

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Table the approval of the previous 2 month’s meeting minutesMattDavid70PASS
Hold a special meeting of the board on Thursday, September 26, 2019 to appoint officers and zone coordinatorsMattMike70PASS
The board resolves to hold its regular meetings on the second Thursday of the month for the remainder of 2019.MelMatt70PASS
Agree to increase our internet to the $80/month plan.MelPaulYNPASS
Reappoint Alec Beardsley as Member AdvocatePaulMatt70PASS


  1. Matt C
  2. Pete T
  3. Andrew L
  4. Jody R
  5. Mike F
  6. David H
  7. Jan H
  8. A'Lisa K
  9. Thomas T
  10. Alec B
  11. Ashley L
  12. Paul L
  13. Bradlee W
  14. Mel G

Previous Meeting Next Meeting
Board Meeting Minutes 20190813 Board Meeting Minutes 20190926