Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20190813

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Agenda for 08-13-2019

Chair: John Coggeshall

Meeting Location

i3 Detroit 1481A Wordsworth St. Ferndale, MI 48220

Meeting was Called to Order At: 19:33

Officer Reports

Treasurer & Budget


Bank balance $62,260.95
Emergency Fund ($30,000.00)
Already allocated ($17,688.37)
Net $14,572.58
  • We are almost out of our consumables budget at $955. Of $1000 that was budgeted for the year
  • The numbers look a little different than normal because of how A-side and B-side are taken out of the account and when they are taken.


  • No report


  • Working on a final report to wrap up her term with suggestions for the future

Senior Vice President

  • No Report

VP of Activities & Classes

  • We have a new i3-let Nes has had the little one
  • Makerfaire went off with natural disasters mostly
  • $7k fundraised
  • Chamber of Commerce event next week

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • Onboard/New: 3 members onboarded
  • Exit: 3 members exit
  • Started: 10 started onboarding process
  • Scholarship Expirations: 3 expirations scholarships
  • Scholarship Start: 1 new start of scholarships
  • Scholarship Available: $100 of available scholarships
  • Questions: How many paying members do we have?
    • Been working with the Treasurer to verify, best estimate is taking paid dues and dividing by $49.

Member Advocate

  • Art is the only member advocate right now.
  • We are in search of member advocate as Aisha has stepped down.

Committee Reports

Expansion Committee

  • Per fire inspection, we need 2 sheets of drywall on A-side of the fire barrier opposite the drywall on B-side.
  • Question: Is it worth getting the cert, without the firewall without the activities finished? So that we can start using the space?
    • Check with Kathy at the building department?
    • Plans have been sent over to the interim head of the building department
    • We can do something if we wanted as a temporary work, for no auto work, and no open flame, but ultimately that would be the firemarshall’s call
  • Need additional supplies to fix these and for general maintenance:
Door closers $66.00 4 $264.00
Primer $93.00 1 $93.00
Lever nuts 2-wire (100ct) $25.00 1 $25.00
Lever nuts 3-wire (100ct) $35.00 1 $35.00
Lever nuts 5-wire (50ct) $30.00 1 $30.00
Drywall $11.00 34 $374.00
FB Foam $11.00 10 $110.00
Fire block caulk $6.00 12 $72.00
#6 2-in fine thread drywall screws 5lb $20.00 1 $20.00
Floor scrubber pads 5ct $40.00 2 $80.00
Total $1,103

Allocate $3,000 to expansion committee for construction and maintenance supplies with the primary goal of passing city inspections
Moved by Mike, Seconded by Jody
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Safety & Compliance Committee

  • Some quotes have been gotten, and have accepted the quote from Cintas.
  • Good deal because of their non-profit pricing
  • Slightly more expensive than doing it ourselves but they do it here

Moderation Committee


Meeting completed; update pending

Camera Review Review

Old Business

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

New Business

Proposal to purchase two new fire extinguishers

PoC: Sean Work

  • Based on a recommendation from the fire extinguisher inspector from Cintas, the safety coordinator would like $250 allocated to purchase and certify a 5 lb. carbon dioxide fire extinguisher ($102.99) to replace the halon extinguisher in the Fab Lab and a 13.2 lb. high flow ABC extinguisher ($99.99) to replace the halon extinguisher next to the flammables locker.
    • Prices are based on webstaurantstore.com, which had the lowest prices among the vendors selling both of the types of extinguishers needed.
Allocate $250 for two new fire extinguishers
Moved by Jody, Seconded by Matt
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Proposal to rearrange fire extinguisher placement

PoC: Sean Work

  • Based on a recommendation from the fire extinguisher inspector, the safety coordinator would like to remove the 10 lb. ABC fire extinguisher located in the machine shop and place it in the expansion zone, remove the 20 lb. CO2 fire extinguisher located across from the jewelry bench and place it in the machine shop, and place the 5 lb. extinguisher currently in the expansion in the jewelry zone.
    • Fires in the machine shop and the cnc zone are likely to be electrical, so it would be best to use CO2 on them to avoid adding corrosive damage to fire damage. In the expansion zone the fire code actually calls for a larger extinguisher than the one we have in place now.
  • Motion:
    • PULLED
    • Refer to Safety and Compliance Committee

Haas Update

  • POC: Thad
  • Update on Haas and request for financial help of $2,500. We are not able to send/receive files to the Haas control. It was a sporadic problem and now it is not possible to send any files over the serial connection. 3 circuit boards need to be sent out for inspection and rework. All other avenues to resolve the issue have been investigated and found to be working. i.e. Connectors, cables, serial chip. Heat was suspected but that proved to not be a reliable indicator of the problem. The issue started immediately after an i3 Detroit member made an unauthorized electrical modification to the control on June 6th of this year.
    • Discussion:
    • CNC Zone is funded by donation only
    • The member in question has not provided any compensation
    • There is a thought about spindle time charge for additional fundraising for the HAAS
Allocate funds not to excee $2,500 to repair the Haas boards
Moved by Jody, Seconded by David
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Proposal to allocate $200 for Facebook advertising

Contents of ads to be points of interest at i3 with mentions of the MEDC campaign, with the intention to call to action to donate.

  • Discussion:
    • Is this enough?
    • This is the recommendation from a professional about what to start to get interest involved

I propose we allocate $200 to run one or more ads on Facebook for the MEDC campaign.
Moved by Jan, Seconded by Jody
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Last Proposal of the Term

  • PoC: Paul Lee
  • Proposal: I propose we have some sort of shindig to celebrate a very busy and productive board term.
  • This is the last proposal of this board
  • Discussion:
    • Are you asking for money?
    • No, I’m trying to get us to actually discuss it.
    • Thank you all!
    • So long and thank you for all the fish!
    • Let’s go and have dinner!

I propose we have some sort of shindig to celebrate a very busy and productive board term.
Moved by Paul, Seconded by Jody
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 20:21
  • Funds appropriated: $5,950
  • Attendees: Some

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
I propose we have some sort of shindig to celebrate a very busy and productive board term.PaulJody60PASS
I propose we allocate $200 to run one or more ads on Facebook for the MEDC campaign.JanJody60PASS
Allocate funds not to excee $2,500 to repair the Haas boardsJodyDavid60PASS
Allocate $250 for two new fire extinguishersJodyMatt60PASS
Allocate $3,000 to expansion committee for construction and maintenance supplies with the primary goal of passing city inspectionsMikeJody60PASS


Sorry, attendance list got lost

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Board Meeting Minutes 20190709 Board Meeting Minutes 20190912