HOWTO make a blog post
From i3Detroit
- If you are unwilling or unable to use Wordpress yourself, Ted, Nate B, Justin, and probably several others might make the post for you if you ask nicely. (Update this list!)
- To get a Wordpress account, mail the members list with your desired screen name and the subject "Blog Access Request"
- For event announcements, make sure the basic questions are answered: Who? (Explicitly state that guests are welcome!) What? When? Where? Why? How? What to bring? How much? Assume that the reader has never heard of the event before -- if this is a followup post, link back to the predecessor.
- For the love of all that is holy, please check your spelling before you hit SUBMIT FOR REVIEW.
- When adding pictures, please keep them to 500px maximum width. (Draft suggestion. Is 500 the guideline we've been using?)
- If using a photo, it is i3 policy (and the law) to not include photos unless you explicitly have the rights to do so.
- If you own the photo, you have the right to use it.
- If you got it off the internet AND the picture is labelled with the "CC" license (Creative Commons), then you can use it by linking to the original photographer's page with a sentence at the end of your post, along the lines of "CC-licensed grill photo by bob1234 on Flickr."
- If you got it off the internet and it has a copyright mark, then following i3 policy DO NOT use it.
- If you got it off the internet and it has no mark, then following i3 policy DO NOT use it.
- After SUBMIT FOR REVIEW, one of the Blog Coordinators will proof your copy and send you an email with corrections within a few days.
- Make those corrections and hit SUBMIT FOR REVIEW again.
- The editors will again proof your article. If there are no issues they will publish it within a few days.