Drone CI

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Drone CI
Name Drone
Zone Infrastructure

Owner i3Detroit
Make Model
Part Number
Date Acquired 2021-10-30
Storage Location GitHub, Web VM, Viki
Authorization Required Yes
Status Running
Value 0

Hostname drone.i3detroit.org
Documentation https://docs.drone.io/quickstart/docker/
Other References https://docs.drone.io/


CI/CD system for use with IT stuff.

Coordinator runs on the Web VM (the one in the colo), and a runner runs on Viki.

Anyone with a GitHub account and are part of the i3detroit org can log in. Drone is only enabled for repositories in the org.



Maintenance Info



  • Use slack and slack blame into some channel for announcements of pipeline status
  • Better way to edit server-side configuration (instead of re-creating the containers)

Authorized Users and Trainers

Trainer Name Certified Date
Amelia Meyer 2021-10-30
Jamie Bliss 2021-10-30
User Name Authorized By Date of Most Recent Training

Drone CI Zone: Infrastructure https://www.i3detroit.org/wi/images/3/3f/Authorization_required.svg "/> https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/Drone_CI