Woodshop Epoxy Board 202 04 12 2025
Summary And Links
We're doing an Epoxy Board 202 Class!
Eventbrite Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/create-an-epoxy-river-serving-board-tickets-1277103724619?aff=oddtdtcreator
Saturday April 12, 10am-1pm Sunday April 13, 2pm-5pm
None. Tool authorization is not a pre-requisite as instructors will supervise all operations.
Note about Cost
Epoxy boards are more expensive than regular cutting boards. First, epoxy itself is quite expensive. There are also many expenses that go with epoxy such as Mica powder for pigments, measuring cups, ...etc. We had to purchase re-usable epoxy molds and mold release spray to ensure the epoxy boards will not adhere to the molds. We also bought a special fridge for warming the epoxy to cure that is being converted to a warmer. All these costs add up. As always, similar classes in the metro area are priced higher. The board you make will rival anything you see on social media. This will always be conducted as a small highly supervised class ro teach everything you need to know to work with epoxy safely if you wish to pursue additional epoxy projects in the future.