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Welcome to Member Active Project Storage, aka MAPS. This is space the membership has set aside to help save each other time and hassle. Please use it fairly! The guidelines below are established to codify and clarify how we share this resource.

The actual rules governing storage are in the Standing Rules.

There are three different methods for member storage, Plots, Zone Storage, and Large Project Storage. Plots are the most common.

There is some zone storage in the designated the Long_Term_Storage areas.

A List of Plot ownership is on the CRM Storage tab.

Plot Guidelines


  • Each space is marked and numbered.
  • Each member may use up to one plot within MAPS. If you need more, see Large Project Storage.


  • This is active project storage.
  • Keep stuff here so you don't have to take it home at night and bring it back the following day.
  • Use a plot as long as you're working on projects in the space.
  • If you don't touch the stuff in your plot for several weeks at a stretch, please take it home.


  • Unlabeled items are the cause of most dysfunction in the other storage.
  • Label your container. Label the heck out of it. Label both ends.
  • Name, phone number, email address.
  • If you're keeping things in your plot outside the container, every single item must be labeled.
  • Label the plot, too. Name, phone number, email address.


  • Items in MAPS but not labeled are subject to ticketing procedure.
  • Please help your fellow members understand this and label their stuff.
  • If you really can't identify the owner of an unlabeled item, treat it as abandoned.
  • Please act in good faith. Enforce consistently. Be excellent.


  • The intent of MAPS is that members working on projects shouldn't have to take home the parts every night and bring them back the next day.
  • Members set aside this substantial chunk of the space to provide this resource, and it only upholds that vision if it's used well.
  • We do not have enough active project storage plots for every member to occupy one continuously.
  • Therefore, use active project storage only as active project storage.
  • Treating Active Project Storage as your personal "inactive-storage" prevents other members from doing active projects (when plots are in-demand).
  • Your fellow members sincerely appreciate your trouble in taking home the stuff you haven't touched in over a month.

To Obtain a Plot

  • Find a plot that does not have an owner in the CRM, and double check that the plot is actually empty.
  • If your select plot is not clear, clear the items to the Lost and Found using the correct protocols. Storage#Cleaning_Up_Plots
  • If you think a labeled plot is labeled incorrectly, you may fix it using these procedures: Storage#Cleaning_Up_Plots
  • Once you have selected a plot, claim the plot in the CRM, and then label it. Name, phone number, email address. Remember to label everything in it
  • When you are done with a plot, remove your stuff, remove label, and unclaim it in the CRM.
  • When you go on Hiatus you must vacate your plot and remove your name, and unclaim it in the CRM.

Cleaning Up Plots

The following are the procedures which have been approved by the General Membership for handling material in the MAPS Storage Plots.

Member Storage Handling Process Sign.png

Plots with No Label or Insufficient Name Label

General Member may empty the materials found in a plot with no label or a label without name sufficient to identify the member by immediately moving the materials to the Lost and Found, issuing the materials a parking ticket.

Plots with a Label with the Name of an ExMember

General Member may empty the materials found in a plot labeled with the name of an ExMember by immediately moving the materials to the Lost and Found, issuing the materials a parking ticket, and emailing a notice to the email listed for that ExMember in the CRM.

Plots with a Label with the Name of a HIATUS Member

General Member may empty the materials found in a plot labeled with the name of an member on HIATUS by emailing a notice to the member on Hiatus. 7 days after the email, any General Member may immediately move the materials to the Lost and Found, issuing the materials a parking ticket.

Multiple Plots with a Label with the Name of an ACTIVE Member

General Member may empty the materials found in a plot labeled with the name of an ACTIVE member by emailing a notice to the member. 7 days after the email, any General Member may immediately move the materials to the Lost and Found, issuing the materials a parking ticket.

Plots with Property That is Not Stored Safely or Does Not Fit in Plot

General Member may empty the property that is not stored safely or does not fit in an ACTIVE member’s plot by immediately moving the materials to the Lost and Found, issuing the materials a parking ticket.

Plot Locations

Plots are sections of shelf in a rack specially designated as a Member Storage structure. Members can have no more than one Plot. Stored items must fit totally within that plot, with no significant extension into an aisleway for safety.

  • Wood Shop Wall
    • There is a storage structure on the Wood Shop wall, it has plots 1-36
  • Wood Shop Pylon/Island
    • Second storage structure is the freestanding pylon in the Wood Shop, plots 37-92
  • Lockers
    • Set of small lockers to the NorthEast of the Laser Zone, plots 93-102
  • Vinyl Pallet Rack

Zone Storage

Some zones have member storage for materials applicable to that zone. Zone wardens set up rules for use.

Large Project Area

We have a special designated spot for Large Projects stored at i3 that have valid Parking Permits, the Large Project Area. It's between the commons and welding, the area is indicated by yellow lines on the floor.

You need to fill out a Parking Permit. Make sure it is printed on green paper. Blank ones are by the front door.

Rules governing storing projects at i3 using Parking Permits are in the Standing Rules. large project storage